full name. james seo
other name/s. 
 SEO JAEIN  korean name and recognised alias. isn't quite used all that much. 
 JAMIE  her nickname and preferred name of address when spoken to. her parents had named her james simply because they thought she would have been a he (they forewent learning her gender). despite that, they had stuck with the name james and just went on with it, siting the fact that 'jamie' is a perfectly acceptable nickname derived from james. that doesn't mean declaring her name doesn't cause a few frowns of confusion and eyebrow raises.
  SCHOLAR SEO  jamie's a hardworker, she's also never behind on her schoolwork (especially during their first two years as ngsy). the others tend to call her this because of how studious and diligent she can be.
  MAGNET  jamie wishes this meant what you might think it means. while it is true in that sense, it's more applicable to her in relation to actual cats. she's just... always attracted cats. but her friends and band members are jackasses so they call her a magnet for the irony.
date of birth. may 23, 1993 + 23
birthplace. washington, d.c.
hometown. washington, d.c. ✈ seoul, south korea
ethnicity. korean
nationality. korean-american
 NATIVE ENGLISH  extremely fluent, her intelligence shows through when she speaks english as she's much more comfortable with this language. she has a wide range of vocabulary and has little difficulty expressing herself.
  FLUENT KOREAN  truth be told, she never really had much use for korean aside from conversing with her parents and relatives until she decided she would take her pre-law in ewha women's university as it was her mother's alma mater. so during her junior and senior years in highschool she had a korean tutor. with her knack for learning and picking things up, she quickly advanced through her levels. during the summer before she moved she also took a class specifically directed for more business related terms and other such things to prepare for university.
  ADVANCED FRENCH  took it during highschool and as an elective in college. her accent is rather convincing and having spent about a month in france for a exchange student program in highschool did give her some needed immersion.
  BASIC LATIN  as a law student, she's encountered many terms in latin. she's not at a level where she can speak or conjugate anything, however she knows some vocabulary as well as the numerous terms she's had to commit to heart.
ORIENTATION. panual & panromantic (huge inclination for girls)
PRONOUNS. she/her
stage name. james
for a while jamie considered the use of jamie, but after remembering the presence of another jamie in the industry, she decided to just go ahead and use her name, james. plus, it would be fun to see people wonder why a girl was behind the name of a typically male name. 
position. keyboardist, songwriter, composer
backup pos. synthesizer, drummer.
# experience. 
 KEYBOARD&PIANO  · 17 years, ages 6 - 23 ('99 - now)
· formal learning for 12 years (6 - 18)

· currently practicing and making covers in her spare time (before joining ngsy)
  SYNTHESIZER  · 6 years, ages 17 - 23 ('10 - now)
· started experimenting during highschool but has more seriously tried to use it (especially in her compositions) when she was in college 

  DRUMS  · 9 years, ages 8 - 17 ('01 - '10)
· took it up because she found the instrument interesting and was very annoyed by the number of guys telling her it wasn't an instrument for girls
· surprised her teacher because most girls her age were too short to reach the pedals
· rather good, and despite not being professionally taught anymore has retained her skill due to practice.

  SONGWRITING  · 10 years, ages 13 - 23 ('06 - now)
  COMPOSING  · 6 years, ages 17 - 23 ('06 - now)
 RECITALS  · 12 years, spread over from ages 6 - 18
  BAND  · 2 years,  ages 16 - 18; 1 years, ages 18 - 19
JW: what made you decide to join ngsy? 
her foot is tapping excitement buzzing through her veins, the idea of being interviewed even if it was just junwi was rather fun. jamie always had a lot to say and share.

"music. performing. junwi, i already threw all my passion and desire to join to you in the beginning didn't i?"

"well for the sake of the interview–"

"yes yes i know, okay well. i've always loved music, should i be cheesy and say 'music is love, music is life'." junwi snorts, "well it is!" she pouts before punching junwi's shoulder lightly, "y'know how much music means to me assbutt." she shakes her head, "anyway, i was without a band when i saw the poster for auditions so i took it. my parents were a bit... confused? when i told them i was accepted into a band, especially one on the scale of ngsy, but i told them i wanted to and i could handle uni on my own."

she sighs, eyes closed as she falls back dramatically onto the cushions, "how much of my youth have i lost for you and ngsy?" she chuckles before opening one eye to peek at the elder, "but really, the appeal was all in the music and idea of sharing it to others."
jw: hm, what do you think of your skills? what makes you better than the rest? what can you offer ngsy?
she scrunches her nose, "am i allowed to be narcissistic? i'm assuming this is permission to be narcissistic." junwi can only shake his head at this point, knowing full well that there was no stopping jamie once she got started. "well, not to brag– well actually yes, to brag, i've been studying to play the piano and loving the instrument far longer than anything else in my life. and it's not only the keys i'm good with, you already know that i'm pretty good with synths, drums, and i've been composing and lyric writing before i was part of ngsy. to put it simply, i'm very very musically inclined. i was and well am a good addition to the team. i have a lot to offer, and i guess you realised it since... well, we're here right now aren't we?"
jw: (sighs) as you know, we debuted three years ago. how has the journey been? what has happened so far? do you see it as a good or bad experience? 
"well... like i said, how much of my youth has been lost to you and ngsy?" she laughs, "kidding, it's all my doing. but if i have to think about it, it's been a good experience. sure, on a personal level i struggled with balancing my studies– becoming a lawyer is hard junwi– and music was tough. extremely so in the beginning since we were all still trying to get a feel of each other and the band as a whole. and well... you know how i had that existential crisis when i suddenly didn't know if i could handle everything like i always said i would. if i wanted music or law. although i do have you guys and my parents to thank for holding my hand and helping me through that time. in the end, i'm thankful for being part of the group. it's taught me a lot and i'm enjoying myself."
jw: alright, (frowns) well i didn't plan this question... but if today i gave you the choice to leave ngsy, would you take it? 
"no." she says without a thought. "maybe three years ago i would have considered it for a second because i still thought law was end game for me, but now i know it's music." she stares at junwi firmly, "don't tell me you're thinking of asking me to leave..."

he rolls his eyes, "it's too much hassle to look for a new keyboardist."

she smiles, pleased. "that's what i thought."
jw: what do you wish for in the next year?
"tons of things honestly. i'd love to release a full album, and of course i'll make sure you let me help with producing it. having a fansign sounds cool too, or is that too... 'idol-y'? i just want more ways to meet the fans and to share our music with them. maybe a world tour?" she pauses, "at a personal level, i'd like to visit my parents for a short time, or have them come over. ever since i changed my plans i've been wanting to talk to them face to face. i mean, you already know they're not... distraught by my plans or anything but... still. i hope i can see them sometime this year."
jw: interesting. last question, are you close to any of the members?
she snorts, loudly and it causes junwi's eyes to widen for a second. "what? anyway– that's a hilarious question junwi wouldn't you know that by now?" she shakes her head. "well, by this time i'm pretty sure i've gotten under everyone's nerves at least once. pretty sure i've hugged everyone at least 30 times, and basically i'm saying yes i am close to some of the members, i am close to everyone okay there is no leaving anyone out."

then she realises something, "of course, i'm closest to noelle for reasons everyone knows thanks to me being... y'know."


"rude omg, i can sue you for slander. kidding, but well, yeah. noelle. mhm..." she coughs into her hand, slightly embarrassed because... she can be a bit... obsessive. "i have you guys to thank. for being ngsy, for supporting me through all the we've had to go through, because without you guys i don't think i'd be as happy as i am now."
optimistic resolute outgoing inquisitive dexterous
melodramatic idealistic impulsive self-reliant
sensitive altruistic responsible driven honest juvenile


the real angels gave up their halos for us  | m.a.w
you see a sunflower growing tall, reaching for the sun / you hear a voice, steady and loud – confident / you feel her desire, ambition – it's inspiring perhaps only a little bit intimidating / her only limit is herself.
first, she is born on the 23rd of may in the year 1993. her parents, both lawyers, take time off to enjoy the greatest gift given to them.

second, she grows. she's learning, in school she's an overachiever and an inquisitive on at that. her parents enroll her in all sorts of extra-curriculars but her favourite is the piano. her parents are proud of her, they've always believed that positive reinforcement goes a long way. it did.

third, she's maturing. highschool years seem more like the preliminary round to her debut as a proper adult. she's got her together better than most other teens her age. she's got a plan, and a ing top-notch resume.

fourth, she's graduating. as the valedictorian she delivers a speech and it's all so nostalgic how they were once just tiny toddlers and now adults getting ready for another phase in their lives.

fifth, she's heading for south korea. it was a plan she and her parents had discussed. pre-law in her mother's alma mater, ewha women's university, take the lsat before applying to harvard (father's alma mater) to get her degree in law. of course, her parents were fine if she ended up in standford, berkley or columbia instead, but she promised she would get to where she really wanted.

sixth, she's majoring pol-sci and minoring in philosophy. somehow she's juggling her intense course while performing with a band she had joined a little over six months of living in korea. she couldn't help it, music was a part of her.

seventh, her group disbands because the others were starting to struggle with their classes. it's saddening, but she understands. for a year there seems to be a dry spell as the only music fix she has is at home in the mini studio she'd made. (quietly she thanks her parents for working so hard that she has the comforts of a spacious apartment.)

eigth, she sees a poster with details about an audition for a band. a flash. she leaves with a new photo in her phone. later that day she's practicing and thinking of what song to perform for the audition.
faceclaim. moonbyul (mamamoo)
backup fc. junghwa (exid)
height. 179 cm
weight. 57 kg
appearance.  silvery locks tied in a tight ponytail. a bright smile, blinding. eyes that look like they're just full of life. a gaze that never wavers, always concentrated. long fingers and nails cut short, no nail polish. a tall figure, towering over even a few guys. a lean build, rather androgynous. she exudes femininity yet at times she can be rather masculine if she chooses to be.
 a little bold, a little soft. sometimes short, long, flowy, tight, there's never a limit. skirts and dresses do not make the girl. but the way she holds herself.
KEYWORDS. inspiration from driagaru's app
#denim #boots #croptops #longshirts #sweaters #sweatshirts #shorts #jeans #graphictees #snapbacks #darktones #pastels #plaid #jerseys #polos #boyish #feminine #androgynous #comfort #sporty #jumpers #pastel #pale #monochrome #vintage #
kim seonok & seo jaehyuk, biggest fans
all her life, jamie's biggest supporters have always been her parents. despite being busy lawyers they've both given their all to show their daughter how much they love her. this constant support, reassurance and guidance have pretty much helped mold jamie to be the person that she is today. perhaps they were a bit skeptical when she said she'd be joining ngsy since it was definitely not going to be like the typical college and highschool bands she had taken part of before. but rather than forcing her to continue law and ignore her dreams, they gave her the ability to make her own choice, and whichever it may be they'll support her wholeheartedly. besides, jamie keeps promising that she'll revolutionize things, become a pianist who can defend people in court or a piano-playing lawyer. so they trust her, she's always been good at working towards her goals and they've never for a second doubted her success.
creative director, ???, grateful
above all, jamie is most grateful towards ko junwi. had he not given her the chance to audition, had he not even considered her for a second, she'd probably never have been able to realise her dreams of becoming a musician. of professionally playing an instrument, and making tons of people happy with her music. it's exactly because of this gratitude and indebtedness she feels towards junwi that she feels the need to be co-operative and helpful. although due to her passion and numerous amounts of ideas and suggestions, junwi might see her as a bit of a nuisance instead, what with her constant visits to his studio. (she and noelle don't exactly make the most quietest idea providers.) when it comes down to it, the two get along, with junwi occasionally looking ready to kill jamie for being so damn loud and excited about things. but she just smiles and says a quick yet sincere apology and junwi can't help but just sigh and let it go. although it tends to go unspoken of, junwi can't help but feel a bit uneasy at times, remembering the fact that jamie still is studying law throughout all this. that fact has him wondering at times how long she'll last with them.
band member, fellow enthusiast, love-rival but not
hwang isang and james seo in one room will result in two things. noise and the bandwidth dropping because they're either watching game shows together or talking about drum performances that have them shook. isang tends to get drawn along by jamies excitement, kind of infecting him to speak out a little louder and shake his fist at how close their favourite contestant was to winning.

but when they're not having fun together jamie can't help but feel a little... intimidated by him. sure, the two are pretty much pals in jamie's standards, but she can't help feeling threatened by his presence when added with noelle's. double the fact that everyone keeps 'shipping' them together (jamie quietly screams 'she's ing gay everyone!!!'), she can't help but panic at isang even considering noelle in a way that goes past friendship levels.

but it's not that big of a deal once things finally settle with noelle. after that, things are fine and dandy and she's back to drum talk and game shows with isang. (if she's real honest though, sometimes game shows are way too frustrating for her. 'isn't the answer obvious?!?')

just don't ask her to work with isang in the studio, she won't really appreciate his indecisiveness and it'll definitely just make her frustrated when she's in 'the zone'.
band member, heart eyes, by driagaru
there's a rumour out there that jamie set noelle's contact name as 'love of my life'. what no one knows is that she changed it literally five seconds after because she was too embarrassed. plus, what if she sees. instant mortification.

needless to say, jamie is ing whipped for noelle. it's in part because of how beautiful she is, in part because of her passion for music, and in part because of her free personality that drew jamie in. really, she was drawn in by everything.

except before jamie can even consider a relationship with (the fortunately gay) noelle, she's already walled off that possibility with her 'no dating rule'. jamie deflates. that is, until she remembers that she's a seo and no respectable seo gives up on what they want.

so maybe she tries getting into noelle's interests. maybe she tries interacting with her more. maybe she even starts sharing ideas for songs with each other and even making covers together too. and maybe it's all with the intent of trying to appeal to noelle more.

but maybe it all fails because noelle just thinks she's being friendly. (jamie deflates again.)

so really, it's a bit of a ego buster and even more when noelle calls every girl her girlfriend and jamie dies a little inside when the title is directed towards her. (both because noelle's being affectionate and because she actually wants to be noelle's girlfriend.)

it continues like this for a while. a seemingly push and pull that noelle doesn't quite notice and jamie is so close to screaming out. but jamie, despite all the trouble it might seem, doesn't quite regretting putting so much effort into pursuing the guitarist.

(and maybe she finally bursts and declares her love and desire to be in a relationship with noelle, but that's a story for another time.)

ha ahahna a ha tentative details. feel free to change it up or ask dria or me about stuff? ??  i d k


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guess who came back and remembered that they loved a certain james jamie jaein seo
it me
also quality. what the hell.
@ max are you trying to kill me or
james is sweet. she reminds me of 80's girls night movies and fizzy drinks on the beach haha (but that poli-sci major thoooo)
ㅤㅤ¿ㅤㅤMAX'S COMMENTARY, view replies for notes
"i'm strongly against isang x noelle" rgkljdfgfkhgf
"you know she's gay right? like hella gay" - jamie, probably, 2k17
[eye emoji] is this still a t hing i'm still k e e n
goodness gracious max you're killing me
all these applications .. all these good characters ..
rip me :')