Appreciation post ^^

Annyeong, lovely reader~

Isn't he adorable? XD Happy birthday, Min. weloveyou.


(So, uhh, this is gonna be quite long. And cheesy. I apologize in advance. I just missed aff and you guys TT)

It's been so long since I wrote a blog and spilled some thoughts here on this wonderful website. And even though I logged in everyday, it felt as though I was some lifeless netizen wandering-- not really reading, not really appreciating (damn, that sounded cheesy). It's just that I haven't felt well recently (read: my previous blog... then again, don't read it), and I couldn't enjoy what I was doing because of what I was going through. So, now while I am feeling positive, I am trying to write this blog and get things done before things spiral down again (though I'm hoping it won't come back anytime soon, or ever, if possible).




First thing's first, how are all you lovely people of AFF??? 

hearts for all of you, courtesy of our dear maknae~ ♥ ♥ ♥


Ahh, I really missed talking with my friends here and interacting with fellow Shawols and Kpop fans. I think I've mentioned this many times in the past, but I think I won't ever get tired of saying this: AFF really is my safe haven. Not only because this site is home to amazing fanfictions, but also because of the lovely people that make this place alive and happy. And thus, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people who comforted me through their comments in my previous blog. I know I haven't gotten 'round to reply to you (because I was feeling really depressed), but rest assured that your lovely words have reached my heart and have calmed the storm in my heart some. I don't know how I could ever repay, but I guess replying to each of your comments is a start. (I'll get to that later...)





In my opinion, I'd rate the song 9.5 out of 10, while the music video's 7 out of 10. I just really connected with the song more than the video. I felt that the MV could have gone well without particular scenes, and while I truly believed that they were trying to tell a heart-wrenching story (mixing both love between lovers and love between friends, and the dominating theme of guilt), it just didn't deliver that well for me. Still a good MV, though. (And I'm having a great time reading fan's theories, especially the 2min ones XD. Please watch the MV as many times as you can/ want /bows)

Ever since I listened to the song properly for the first time, it has been playing on repeat on my phone, and I haven't grown tired of it yet. As I said, the song tugged at my heartstrings despite the fact that this was an upbeat song and not a ballad. And I don't even know why. I don't even speak Korean. And when I read the lyrics' translation and listened to the song at the same time, tears just flowed. Seriously, this song is a masterpiece. The message of this song is so heartbreaking, I can't even. And the beat is my jam, too, lol XD Also, the performances, as always, are flawless. Which is why it saddens me that they didn't win any trophy for this song. I mean, TMWTD is such a beautiful song that I'm having a hard time describing how good it is, and I know many people agree with me; but they're up against groups with songs that are happy and more dance-y, and I guess that's what appealed most to the viewers. I just hope that they don't feel that bad with the loss and realize that wins don't matter because they are talented and have pure souls and produce high quality music. As a Shawol, I still feel immensely proud of them. :)



Last, but definitely not the least, there are only 16 (or 17, depends on where you live) days till Christmas!


Are you ready for that special time of the year again? I know I am~ :D

Yet I'm also aware that people don't or won't celebrate Christmas, either because they have different views or they aren't emotionally capable of observing the holiday. Nevertheless, isn't this season all about spreading joy and happiness to those around you? Despite the things I am going through, I still pray that no matter the obstacle, no matter how tough and unfair life gets, and no matter how everything seems bleak that there appears to be no way out, all of us will stay strong and stand triumphant after everything has passed. I remember reading somewhere, that if it's not good, then it's not yet the end. So please, to those who are struggling, hold on. We can make it. Fighting! ^~^


Thank you for reading this blog until the end. Have a Meaningful Christmas and Prosperous New Year. GOD bless you and your loved ones~




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I stumbled upon this post while searching through the Shinee tag~
Tell Me What To Do was amazing. The whole concept, including the MV, dancing, and clothes, was so mature and beautifully done.
I enjoyed the MV slightly more than the song, though. It was nice to see Shinee outside and involved in realistic situations. The song took a couple of listens to grow on me.
I don't celebrate Christmas, but I hope you have a great Christmas. ^^ I said it in my reply earlier, but I mean it. It really is great that you're feeling better. :)
have a great christmas!!
May you have a great Christmas and New Year ahead too ^^