150, change with fc

—i have a childlike heart
tw! mentions of death and cancer in background

full name: 구재원
WONNI jaewon is a boyish name, something that's been pointed out to her many times throughout her life and now she insists on being called something more feminine. 
WON the only person exempt from calling jaewon wonni is jaehyun, who simply calls her won. the only person to call her 'jaewon' is maeum.
TOFU jaewon is very squishy. 10/10 would pinch her cheeks.
EMCEE GOO the members of cherry bomb and jaewon herself refer to her as this. one of her talents is imitating emcess.
birthdate: 1998.05.30
birthplace: nam district, daegu, sk
ethnicity: korean
nationality: korean
안녕하세요 jaewon's native language is korean and her native dialect is that of daegu. often times wonni doesn't distinctly speak satoori or standard korean, instead combining them both in her everyday use. wonni can hardly go more than five sentences without saying "like" or "y'know" or "heol" or other popular teen slang. she speaks rather quickly, often times stumbling over her own words, and she goes off on pointless tangents only to end her sentence with "i forgot where i was going with this but yeah". jaewon has a lisp, making her tongue heavy and thick when it comes to pronouncing things with an 's' or multiple 's's. when she speaks her words are usually paired up with constant gesticulations.
HELLO-HASEYO her advanced english skills come from both schooling and self-study. she isn't exactly completely self taught but she also didn't learn as much as she did from studying out of a book. wonni speaks english in a korean way, saying things like "hand phone" for cell phone, "notebook" for laptop, and saying things like "did you eat well?" or "did you play well?". she also has a habit of slipping korean slang into her english sentences like "mo, mo, mo" instead of "blah, blah, blah" and "heol" like every five seconds. sometimes it seems like she simply speaks to hear her own voice and if she want to say something in english she will even if it may come out as extremely butchered.
faceclaim & backup: twice's dahyun & gfriend's sinb
height & weight: 158 cm & 48 kg
with the face of a bull-terrier, jaewon embodies beagle charms. she has long limbs, high cheekbones, a symmetrical face, and sparkly eyes. her skin is pale and her cheeks are squishy, causing some people to call her their tofu. her frame is small, with narrow shoulders that never take up much room and and slim legs.

personal style:
jaewon is the type of person who loves keeping up with trends. be it trendy internet memes, aesthetics, makeup, slang, or fashion, wonni loves it all. she picks up fashion magazines every chance she gets and hoardes them to be quite honest. although she likes whatever's hot, her favorite trend ever are shorts and sweaters because her upper body can stay warm while she shows off her legs. how great is that?

because she dyes her hair so much, jaewon has to wear black wigs to school. she wears her uniform rather stylishly, or so other students say. instead of wearing the standard bow, she wears the thin string bow. jaewon likes to wear oversized sweaters and cardigans over her uniform blouse. xx

vivacious, sincere, intrepid, resilient, magnetic
beagle-like, competitive, trendy, zany, shameless
callous, oversensitive, impetuous, melodramatic, juvenile.


A COMPREHENSIVE DISQUISITION ON GOO JAEWON jaewon is like a hot and moist spring, pink and refreshing. she is a neon sign in a metropolitan district. she is childhood, rough and sincere and always finding excitement in the mundane. she is all colors of the sky, the hues of pink and aqua. she is gold, and she is brighter shades of yellow. though she is almost an adult, she has the heart of a child with an ego that's easily damaged and prone to tantrums. only one peg short of a hedonist, goo jaewon is instead an arbitrary person with no real reason for the things she does. never being one to back down from a challenge, danbi is willing to take on anything and anyone. she throws caution to the wind like wedding-goers throwing rice.

bursting with ardor and constantly running on full tilt, goo jaewon is the type of person to do what she wants. filled with innovative, if not far-fetched, ideas jaewon is eternally determined to make things happen. fearless, she tackles even the most daunting missions with gusto even if the outcome may not be in her favor. investing herself wholly to her goals, jaewon puts two thousand percent into everything. she's able to make someone feel like the only person in the world with only a glance. she commands the room effortlessly, drawing people to her and having them hang to her every word. the words "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is metaphorically tattooed on her forehead, being able to bounce back like a rubber band after acting like her entire world is ending.

if you've ever crossed paths with goo jaewon, you've probably been her rival at some point or another. even wearing the same top as her results in a "who wore it better?" with jaewon determined to be the winner. goo jaewon won't stop until she's either won or is dead, games of mario kart and monopoly getting pretty deadly if you play with her. with interests that change with the trends, jaewon is very capricious and has little rhyme or reason for the things she does. she's overimaginative and unrealistic, a very strange person who strongly believes in spritual eyes, yet her oddities add to her charm. shame isn't something that is in her dictionary, she'll talk up literally the worst product in the world, when caught making mistakes on weekly idol she'll insist that there was nothing wrong with ther performance. she is rather immature, laughing at fart jokes and completely overflowing with hyperness like a beagle. jaewon is loud and loves having as much fun as she can and bothering her friends. keeping up with the trends is incredibly important to jaewon, be it fashion, makeup, slang, or memes. she keeps close tabs on things and if the tides begin to change, she'll be the first to notice.

goo jaewon is cold, despite what people may expect. she doesn't openly and freely express her feelings and emotions, and would much rather go without than ask for help. during a first encounter with her, she is impersonal and does not speak unless spoken to. she has a difficult time empathizing with others because she doesn't get it, except she does. truthfully, jaewon has a lot of emotions, too many in fact. she's an angsty teenager, after all. she's highly sensitive to the people around her and tries her best to avoid those who are critical and highly opinionated. she's terrified of disappointing others. she can't simply open up to others. she can't express herself and her emotions because she's been taught by her all-too detatched mother that emotions were synonymous with weakness and being weak was the worst thing she could be. so instead of telling people that she's sad, she bottles it up and lets it fester, dealing with her emotional issue by herself until she bursts. she turns mountains into molehills on a daily basis. to say her life ends every day would be an understatment because, in actualilty, it ends ever 30 seconds. there are many points throughout the day where she just screams and throws herself to the floor, even the smallest thing like dropping a snack can send jaewon into a mood. it may be annoying to hear her screech as if the world is about to end, but she only acts so dramatic with superficial things, things that are actually insignificant because acting as if slipping and falling on ice is the worst thing that's ever happen to her distracts her from the actual worst thing that ever happened to her. it's definitely clear she's still a child when she refuses to listen to what someone says or shoves her fingers into her ears and shouts "la la la!". 

eleven years, two months, and fifteen days after jaehyun's birth, goo jaewon is born. jaehyun finds awkward to interacting with newborn jaewon, especially since he wasn't as charming as he is now. not soon after jaewon is born, dad disappears—that's what mother and jaehyun tell her for the first fourteen or so years of her life. in actuality he was a raging alcholic who got so drunk he passed out on a sidewalk and choked on his own vomit
in an attempt to compensate for jaewon's lack of a father, she ended up a very indulged child, something which always irked jaehyun, and jaewon just so happened to be an ambitious child with ever-changing interests. she wanted to be a ballerina at age three after watching an episode of angelina ballerina, and so mother enrolled her in ballet. she wanted to model, so mother paid to get head shots done. almost every week she wanted to try something new and almost every week she would lose interest in something she swore was her life. the one thing she never once lost interest in? dance. sure, she may have bounced around from genre to genre, but dance truly was her life. in almost every aspect of her life, jaewon competed. academic, athletic, artistic, jaewon recieved many awards and trophies for her accomplishments.

jaehyun was a bit envious of her. all she has to do is ask, while he hardly gets any allowance, but that's younger him. older him feels sorry for her, because their mother substituted affection with material things. older him regrets not being kinder to her because he was essentially the only family she had. young him made sure to keep a path clear of her. with jaewon's busy schedule of school, then tennis and dance, there wasn't much room for interaction with him. older him wishes he knew just how much dad's death affected mom, and how mom affected jaewon. mother was detached, present but absent. she was there to work and provide for them and make sure they had food, but she wasn't there to hold them or kiss them or comfort them when they cried. one day, jaewon was crying over something one of her peers did, and mother said, "if you show emotions so openly, you show others that you are weak. and when you are weak, people will take advantage of and hurt you. now stop crying, you only have yourself to blame." jaehyun balked as he overheard his mother's words, as he heard jaewon sniveling and trying to stop her tears.

jaehyun moved out when jaewon was 9, heading off to college and venturing out into the adult world. jaewon continued doing what she did. a few years later, when jaewon was 12, their mother was diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer. it was tough for the whole family. jaehyun was doing everything he could to support his mother and sister while jaewon was doing everything to push the thought of her mother dying out of her head.  jaewon threw herself into her extra-curriculars and friends and seemed to avoid jaehyun and their mother like the plague. before their mother died, she asked jaehyun to take custody of jaewon.

jaewon was 13 when their mother died, and jaehyun did as their mother asked and gained custody of jaewon. things were still awkward, even moreso with the addition of his girlfriend jo hyunah, who moved in with him after two years of dating. he was terrified jaewon wouldn't like her, or that hyunah wouldn't like jaewon. there was definitely occasional tension between them, mostly when hyunah would try and sympathize or console jaewon, or try to "mom" her. she and jaewon actually got into a big fight about that, one that involved screaming and insults and a very frightened jaehyun unable to take sides. jaewon and hyunah really began to grow close once hyunah attended a dance recital that jaehyun couldn't make it to, a recital where jaewon had dedicated a dance to her mother. slowly, but surely, jaewon began opening up to hyunah. and eventually, they became their own, odd little family.

for a long while after their mother's death, jaewon felt numb. she didn't quit tennis or dance, quite the opposite really. she threw herself into her hobbies completely, become a wildly busy person. but, she didn't enjoy it like she used to. she only continued to dance because it would be a waste for her to stop. she only continued tennis because her coach asked her to. goo jaewon's world was gray and dull, she couldn't feel things like she used to. and the cherry bomb was formed, and the world suddenly became bright and sharp again.

goo jaewon goes to bed late and wakes up early. a night owl, she often stays up until two or three in the morning, doing everything she didn't have time to do in her busy day. homework, studying, shopping, baking, playing games, showering, she does pretty much everythng after 10 pm. in the morning, she stumbles out of bed and feels pepped up for the long day ahead of her. the first thing she does in the morning is have a cold glass of iced green tea to make her feel good about herself and de-puff any bloating. she goes over her notes and homework as she eats breakfast that she makes herself. she quickly dresses and grooms herself for school, before rushing out the door to catch the bus in time.

after school, she has dance and tennis practice, which sometimes conflict with each other, but she always manages to make it work. as jaewon dedicates more time to cherry bomb, she because a sort of "honorary" girls' tennis team member, where she doesn't need to show up to every practice, but shows up whenever she can to help the younger girls improve.

jaewon is very passionate about cherry bomb, very very passionate, and tries to spend her free time doing things to help the group. she spreads news about cherry bomb on social media, to the point where her wall is almost completely cherry bomb updates. she also tries to get gigs for the group, be them radio shows or actual venue gigs. jaewon takes the group very seriously. so seriously that she sometimes need to chill. jaewon is like that one kid in gym class who takes everything too seriously. she shows all the cherry bomb choreo to her dance instructor, looking for feedback and ways to improve. even after dance class ends and the other girls have turned in for the night, jaewon will stay after and practice and practice until every movement is like muscle memory.

after graduating from high school, she works part time at the dance studio, mainly working with younger kids. she takes online classes for fashion and design.

GOO JAEWON'S WORLD OF WONDER likes anything trendy, anything where she can compete, online shopping, meat and pastries, iced beverages, patbingsu, well manicured-nails, fake plants, lame jokes, stars.
GOO JAEWON'S FREAKSHOW dislikes being told she's "overdramatic", people trying to "mom" her, hot beverages, floral prints, dirty nails, people who ualize teenage girls, mascots, birds, flies, her name.
GOO JAEWON'S HABITS turning everything into a competition, buying fake plants for her room, buying things because it's popular, always wanting to scratch everyone's backs, brushing teeth three times per day, cleaning under her nails, throwing fists at flies.
GOO JAEWON'S HOBBIES dancing, stargazing, baking, reading fashion magazines, gaming, tennis, adventuring, surfing the web and observing new trends.
GOO JAEWON'S NIGHTMARE INDUCERS fears her teeth rotting out of if she doesn't brush them three times per day, anything being near her eye, birds pooping on her, getting malaria or other serious disease from flies. on a more serious note, her actual fears are people seeing through her exterior and realizing she's not as good as people thought, second-guessing herself and making the wrong decision, and fear of losing the people around her.
VARIETY TALENTS ugly dancing, selling anything like she's on the home shopping network, idol group dances, three verse poems.
HANDS can tell every cherry bomb member apart by their hands.
HUGS her hugs are short and sweet. they somehow make you melt in her arms, though they only last a few seconds.
DANCE is trained in hip-hop, tap, jazz, contemporary, and ballet. her least favorite dance genres are tap and ballet, while her most favorite are hip-hop and contemporary. jaewon is the star pupil of her instructor's class, has been in countless dance competitions, and has a large amount of trophies and ribbons from competitions.
MOM members of cherry bomb know what happened to her mom, but they don't know. they know she died, and they know she had cancer but they know nothing else. jaewon doesn't talk about it with them. hell, jaewon doesn't talk about it with damn near anyone, not even jaehyun. the most she's spoken about it was with hyunah but even then it was only brief before she changed the subject.
STARS has a fondness of stars. they're quiet and present and omniscent, in jaewon's mind. after all, they've existed longer than the rest of the world, so they must know everything. she also believes that, rather than going to heaven or hell, people become stars. she finds it rather embarrassing and juvenile, but she feels that her mom is one of those stars, and constantly wonders if her mom is watching her. 
SPOT her most favorite spot is this hill overlooking the town. from there, jaewon can see her house, her school, her dance studio, and not to mention a bunch of stars in the sky at night. it's a place she goes when she needs to think, or needs to be alone, or needs to pray. it reminds her that her life is beautiful. the view is especially pretty at dusk and dawn. jaewon will often stay there until well past curfew.
PERSONAL TAROT SPREAD OF GOO JAEWON a linear spread of eight of cards lies before jaewon on a table. they lay face down, and yet she knows they hold the struggles of her past and possibly her future in their decorated faces. the first card is the MAGICIAN upright, his right hand raised up to the sky. the upright TOWER collapses, lightning striking. next follows DEATH upright, riding in on his white horse. the reversed HERMIT stands alone on a mountain top after death. in his wake comes the reversed CHARIOT. however, the upright LOVERS, blessed and protected by the angel in the clouds above them, fixes the damages the chariot caused. the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, upright and grand, introduces her to new possibilities. and the upright STAR washes everything away with cool water, leaving goo jaewon feeling refreshed.
AESTHETICS OF GOO JAEWON choking laughter at 2 am, sneaking in and out, christmas lights, scented candles, costume jewelry, the smell of burnt matches, watching scary movies late at night with friends, smudged eyeliner, summer camp t-shirts, clean skin, messy hair, a favorite backpack.

goo jaehyun / 1987.03.15 / game programmer / charismatic, anxious, enfp, pisces / 

jaehyun always makes jaewon do her chores, always, and he really knows how to get under her skin. to jaehyun, jaewon serves as a bright, witty focal point that connects the anxious jaehyun to the present. jaehyun offers jaewon unconditional love and support, half because he wants to make up for their lack of connection in childhood and half because they're the only family they have left. jaewon sometimes feels like he's too clingy, and she isn't the most careful in how she vocalizes that feeling. normally jaehyun would be hurt, but he knows jaewon pretty well and he usually finds it in him to forgive jaewon because he knows she has good intentions. they often spend time swapping stories about their days, often exaggerating the tiniest detail to make the other laugh. because he's so anxious and jaewon is a fearless and adventurous child, he tends to try and keep her on a tight leash because he's worried she'll get hurt and she's the only family he has left. jaewon shrugs off his concers and does said mildly dangerous thing anyway.

jo hyunah / 1986.04.10 / game programmer / patient, aggressive, estj, aries / 

at first, their relationship was rocky what with the petulant and moody jaewon and the aggressive hyunah. hyunah would, quite persistantly and forcibly try to dote on jaewon and get her to talk about things, which came across as clingy and overbearing and "mothering". jaewon wasn't used to having so much concern thrown at her all at once, and so she felt like hyunah was crossing an odd sort of boundary, getting so involved in the goo family's issues when she was only her brother's girlfriend. it wasn't until hyunah expressed her concern and support for jaewon in a more subtle way that they really, really clicked. they both have a lot of energy, but they channel it differently. the two of them are always on the hunt for fun. together, they're playful in a way that surprises jaehyun, with hyunah occasionally joining in on the jokes jaewon likes to play. hyunah generally gives jaewon more freedom than jaehyun does, because she trusts that jaewon can handle herself. hyunah gives jaewon optimism and attention, those jokes jaewon loves to tell? hyunah loves them. not to mention hyunah is very supportive of what jaewon does.


kwon gayeon ( fc; kahi ) / 1986.09.14 / dance instructor / reliable, perfectionist, istj, virgo / relationship elaboration

jaewon always has gayeon look over choreography she's made and asks for feedback. she allows the girls to use the dance studio when she can, and cherry bomb practices their dances for her in order to find ways to improve. she's a tough critic but can tell when they've been trying their hardest.
stage name: WONNI 원니 )
cherry color: yellow cherry
talent twins: blackpink's lisa dan1 dan2 & heize voc1
how do you feel about being in cherry bomb?
"cherry bomb is... my world." the word rolls off her tongue slowly, as if she's trying to find something big enough to explain how she feels. "i can do what i love with the people i love. it's something very valuable to me. it's something that gave my life meaning again. it's my dream in physical form. it's—" she realizes she's rambling and cuts herself off. "it's my world."
150, change with li fc

bittersweet, undeafeated creature—
tw! mentions of child abuse and miscarriage in trivia titled 'background' 

full name: 황마음
TSUNDERE jaewon and the rest of cherry bomb call him this because he totally is one.
birthdate: 1998.01.10
hometown: ilsan, gyeonggi, sk
ethnicity & nationality: korean
occupation: dancer & part time pizza delivery-boy
faceclaim & backup: fc : woozi

dependable, savvy, droll, cool, humble
inhibited, callous, snarky, pedant, cynical


AN ABSTRACT TREATISE ON HWANG MAEUM maeum is a cool and dry autumn dusk. he is the sky changing from pink to purple to a darker, more saturated purple. he is the changing of purple to navy blue, and navy blue to black. he is the the dead leaves falling from the trees and flittering in the wind, crunching crisply beneath feet. like middle-aged adulthood, he is the contemplating conscience that makes the rough choices in life. only a few pegs short of a misanthrope, he protects his dead leaf heart with barbs and walls. 

to the outside world, hwang maeum is a modern day heartthrob with sense, dependibility, wit, and humility. he is someone to go to when the chips are down. growing up in an environment where the lives of him and his siblings depended on his ability to care for them, he's highly accountable for his actions and obligations. maeum doesn't make promises he can't keep, he looks out for the people closest to him, he picks up the slack when others drop the ball. it's cool and charming, in a way, how he's so responsible and takes the lead whenever he can. when things don't always work out, maeum always feels such intense guilt and remorse and self-loathing when he lets someone down. he tears his hair out at the tiniest inconvenience, he doesn't know how to reach out and ask for help when he needs it. maeum posseses a lot of sense, he's well-spoken and realistic, pausing to think before he acts. he's often the voice of reason when more emotional people flare up, and he has a tendency to try and stop people from acting impulsively. on a lighter note, maeum is witty and sharp as a tack. he has a keen perception of people, especially their faults and ironies, and he somehow always manages to have the last word, often shooting in quick and unexpected quips with a deadpan expression. one big thing about hwang maeum is that, no matter how great he may be, no matter how cool he is, no matter how many people tell him he's amazing, he stays humble. actually, he's rather uncomfortable with being complimented by people, mainly because he feels as if he doesn't deserve praise yet. he doesn't brag and does his work well and without complaint. to most people, hwang maeum is perfect, and that's exactly how he wants to be viewed.

to hwang maeum, being perfect in the eyes of others means being untouchable. it means being able to be alone. girls may try to hit on him, and guys may try to fraternize with him, but they go away after a few impersonal conversation bits. he's cold, but in a way that it burns. he's unfriendly and shuts down nearly every attempt at making meaningful conversation with him. he views suffering as an essential part of the human experience, but he tries to suppress any emotions he has. because others are depending on him to suffer for them, and those people are his very own siblings. he resents them, he resents being obligated to them as the second oldest. he knows it's terrible, but they're just so needy and weak, something that pisses him off to no end. maeum pushes people away to avoid complex emotions that he would rather not experience. he hides his emotions so no one can take advantage of him. maeum thinks this whole world is a disgusting place filled with awful people, and so he trusts hardly anyone. he refuses to be taken advantage of, not again. he's pessimistic and is both legitimately surprised when things work out well and disappointed because he can't say "i told you so". he doesn't enjoy spontaenity or trying new things, and he often doesn't commit unless he knows all the details.

yes, he may hate everyone, but he hates himself too. his standards for the world and people around him are impossibly high, so high that he is constantly let down. but the thing is, he holds himself to his own impossibly high standards, and nothing he says or does is ever good enough for him. he's so humble because he can only focus on his weaknesses and not his strengths, he gets pissed when people compliment him because he doesn't deserve it. he absolutely has to do everything himself, otherwise it won't even come close to his standards. and boy, does it make him hate himself. he's constantly trying to force a state of emotional numbness so he doesn't have to feel his self-loathing and disgust for himself. he's unable to show people that he's vulnerable. he gets frustrated and fed up but he can't show it, and he can't cry, even when he wants to. he pulls away from people because he can't be intimate with them. he's far from perfect, but people view him as that. any time his perfect facade begins to slip, he responds with sharp sarcasm to protect himself and scare away any curious people who want to know how hwang maeum works. he's a martyr of his own invention, drowning in himself.

BACKGROUND maeum is born the second of five children to not the best parents. they were impartial at best and neglectful at worst, leaving maeum and his older sister to care for their three other siblings. his older sister got knocked up, and that's really when things took a turn for the worst. their father tried to beat the pregnancy out of her, but maeum physically stood between them. instead, their father beat maeum instead. his sister was in tears afterwards, holding maeum close to her, pressing his bruised and swollen and bleeding face against her shoulder. she whispered in his ear, "i'm gonna get a job and move out. i'm gonna get us all out of her maeum, i want you to come with me." and because he loved his sister, and because she needed him, he agreed.

the hwang children moved out of their parents' house and into a rather large ocktabbang where the windows were a bit drafty but they were safe otherwise. his older sister had three jobs, two that she worked during the week, night and day, and the other she worked on the weekends. as a result of all her hard labor and stress, she ended up miscarrying the baby. maeum, as the second oldest, had to constantly watch out for his younger siblings. he had to get them ready for school and make sure they were home on time. his sister got him a cellphone so he could contact her if something ever happened. things weren't ideal, but suffering is part of the human existence. after a few years of living in that ocktabbang, his sister told them they were moving to daegu because she got a great job offer, with decent housing. maeum would've been excited, but the only person who gave a damn about him was in ilsan.

HWANG SIBLINGS the hwang siblings from oldest to youngest are : hwang mari, hwang maeum, hwang minho, hwang mijoo, and hwang moonwon.
HWANG MAEUM VS GOO JAEWON whereas jaewon is miss 'i can fix everything', maeum is mr 'i can't fix anything and neither can you". 
LIKES maeum likes music, soup, soft hair, fantasy and sci-fi books, meat, people who eat well, nice sweaters and skinny jeans, things going smoothly, bewhy, cool guys, his older sister.
DISLIKES dislikes needy and clingy people, whining, always having to be dependable, being touched, coffee, people actively trying to get to know him, flirting, his name.
HOBBIES though he doesn't have a lot of time for hobbies he enjoys recommending cool music to people, knitting, reading, dancing, playing the guitar and piano, walking around, puzzles, gaming.
HABITS instead of smiling full on maeum smirks and lets out a breathy chuckle when he's amused, smirks a lot at jaewon because she's amusing but he'd rather be dead than let her know that, even though he hates it he's always drinking coffee, rubs his thighs when tense or nervous, taking naps in random places, being impersonal with everyone, doing everything alone, not asking for help, bottling things up.
MUSIC plays the guitar and piano and does a bit of composing and songwriting.
SONG JOURNAL his song journal is the most valuable and intimiate thing maeum owns. it contains all of his heart, the feelings and emotions that he doesn't share. if he sees anyone with it, he will flip out.
HUGS his hugs are strong, yet sweet. he isn't one to show affection, but he hugs people he cares about. you can really feel how much he cares when you're wrapped up in his arms.
AESTHETICS OF HWANG MAEUM ripped skinny jeans, a favorite beanie, bruised up knees, a pennyboard, driving with all the windows down, leaving too late and leaving too early, driving through the sketchy part of town, dreaming of bigger places, charisma that makes you wanna puke, winter formals, rainbow shines of oil on asphalt, room temperature diet coke, running on the beach with sparklers, wind burned cheeks, warm days in winter.
love history

it's late when jaewon gets a text message. 

i'm moving to daegu


mari got a job in daegu, so we're moving. 


real funny. i'm just... tired of it all.

tired of what?

you know what. tired of having to take care of them all. you know mijoo, minho, and moonwon are needy as hell and... well, if we move to daegu i won't be able to see you anymore.

what makes you think that?

because i'll have to spend all my time taking care of them! and i'm gonna have to get a job. so i'll no time to even go up and visit you. i wish none of this happened.

what do you mean?

leaving my parents. moving with my siblings. i'm basically their parent. i can't sleep because moonwon keeps causing trouble in school, mijoo's being bullied, and ing minho tried stealing from a convenience store.

um, this probably isn't who you think it is, but i'm sorry to hear all of that!

who is this?

i'm goo jaewon, an 18 year old from daegu. she pauses as she contemplates telling them more about herself, they were both living with their siblings after all. i live with my sibling too. they gained custody of me after my mom died.

what about your dad?

he died not long after i was born. kinda dramatic-sounding, huh? like those dramas?

then i guess both our lives are dramatic. i'm hwang maeum, an 18 year old from ilsan.

jaewon bites down on her tongue, she wanted to comfort maeum, console them, speak with them more. it's 3 am, should she dare? she does.

jaewon presses the dial button on her phone and holds it to her ear, waiting for a response with bated breath. 

"hello? maeum?"

"why are you calling me?"

"oh! you're a... guy."

"and you're a girl."

"sorry i just... i wanted to talk with you more. texting is so impersonal, isn't it?"

"... yeah, it is."

"so... you're life is as dramatic as mine, huh?"

"i suppose."

"do you... wanna talk about it?"

he freezes at her question, chewing on his lower lip. he should. he needs somebody. creeping from his bed, he slowly opens the door of his ocktabbang and steps outside.

"my sister, mari, she got... pregnant." his words come out heavy, unsure if its okay for her to hear this. "and my dad tried to beat it out of her. i got in the way and mari swore up and down she'd get us all outta there."

"were your parents not kind before that?"

"they forgot we existed on a good day. we got an ocktabbang and mari worked day and night, and i had to take care of my other siblings. mari worked so much and was so stressed that... the baby didn't make it." silence lingered on the other end as jaewon listened. "what about you?"

"apparently my dad died after i was born, he choked on his own vomit while he was black-out drunk. and my mom—well, my brother—didn't tell me until i was like 14. my mom... she always encouraged me to follow my dreams. she let me dance since i was young—"

"you dance? so do i."

"really? what genre?"

"mostly contemporary and hip hop. but, please, carry on."

"and i dunno... we never really showed a lot of emotion or shared a lot of feelings so now that she's dead—she died of cancer, by the way—i just feel... odd."

"'odd' is a good way to describe things like that."

"i mean, it's just... when she was dying i did everything i could to avoid it and her. i don't really have many memories of her and every day things get blurrier. does that make me awful?"

"if that makes you awful, then i must be despicable. ...whenever my siblings depend on me, or ask me for something i just... i actually get upset. they're so needy that it makes me mad."

they talk about their lives and the universe and everything they can think of for hours, until seven am to be exact.

"hey maeum?"

"yeah, jaewon?

"when you get to daegu, let's meet up! i'll be the welcoming committee! and i'll show you my favorite spot in the world, okay? so save my number!"

goo jaewon had opened up about her feelings, about her mother, to a complete stranger turned confidant, and she never felt etter because hwang maeum, whoever he was, got her. hwang maeum opened his heart to someone who sat there and listened to him and didn't judge him. she validated his feelings and wanted to meet up with him, and maeum had never felt more nervous.

the hwangs make the move to daegu and mari tells the kids to go out and get aquainted with the town. maeum makes plans to meet up with jaewon, and of course, mijoo and moonwon insist on tagging along.

"you guys do know you're old enough to do things by yourself, right?"

with two annoying little siblings at his side, he heads towards their meet-up spot. as he approaches, he sees her. orange hair, fair skin, slim legs. she sends him a selfie that's actually kinda cute, 'is that you i see~~??' he smiles to himself, something that doesn't go unnoticed by mijoo.

jaewon meets them halfway, bowing at a ninety degree angle, ing a container of brownies at his face while he also bows at a ninety degree angle.

"hi maeum welcome to daegu also i made these for you!"

"i'm sorry i had to bring my siblings along, they can't let me live, jaewon!"

they pause, realizing they shouted their greetings at the same time before laughing.

"these are your siblings?" she asks, giving polite bows to them, "thank god i brought all the brownies i made!" she pulls out two more containers. "i was up all night because i was nervous and so i baked an unhealthy amount of brownies."

"that's okay," mijoo says, "maeum oppa spent hours last night trying to plan his outfit for today, we were wondering what he was so nervous about."

"he didn't tell us he had a date with a cute girl!" 


maeum smacks moonwon's arm, just knowing this is gonna be a long day. 

jaewon shows them around, to her favorite places to go to. the pc-bang, which moonwon really liked, the roadshops, which mijoo really liked. the whole day entirely consisted of his siblings stealing attention away from his only friend who pretty much knew everything about him. and in all honesty, that scared him.

goo jaewon was too close to his heart and so, like he's done before, he pushes her away. after their day together, he stops responding to her calls and texts, essentially ignoring her completly until the calls and texts and offers to hang out stopped. they don't see each other again for months, until he gets a job as a pizza delivery boy and makes a delivery to an apartment.

of course it's the goo apartment. and of course jaewon's the one to answer the door. cherry bomb is sitting in the living room, screaming over some drama on tv. he sees her, her bright smile and spitfire orange hair. her smiles falls when she sees him. he wants to speak to her, about life, about everything, about why he stopped talking to her, but he can't. his words get caught in his throat, and the thought of her freezes his mind. she hands him the tip and takes the pizza and is just about to close the door when he stops her. he stares at her, and she stares at him.


"i—you shouldn't leave your friends waiting."

"i know."


he lets go fo the door and allows it to close shut.

their next encounter is when maeum enrolls in dance classes for extra time away from his siblings. and, of course, it just so happens to be jaewon's dance class. she sees him, and accuses him of stalking her to which he retors with some choice words of his own. for two weeks straight, they do nothing but argue and disrupt the class, even moreso when they're both chosen to instruct a free dance workshop for kids. and sensing disaster on the horizon, gayeon demands they be handcuffed together for an entire sunday, from 9 am to 9 pm.

both jaewon and maeum hate the idea, but they're forced to go through with it when instructor gayeon goes to both of their houses and forces them to do it. not even ten minutes after being handcuffed and they want to hurl each other down a flight of stairs.

"i have to go back and make breakfast for my siblings."






she's forced to help him make breakfast, and when she sees how diligent he is at caring for his family, even if he doesn't like, she realizes that maybe he's a little bit handsome.

unfortunately for jaewon, there's a cherry bomb rehersal while she's stuck to this tsundere son-of-a-. maeum's first formal introduction to the rest of cherry bomb is as he's cuffed to jaewon's wrists. awkward, to say the least. practice goes off with jaewon making sure choreography work is going well and that members have most of it memorized. practice lasts hours, in fact most of the duration of time they had to spend cuffed together.

they walk back to the dance studio so instructor gayeon can free them.

 "why are you so invested in that stupid group? you think you can actually be idols?"

"ha, why do you care? you think it's stupid, you think it's a waste of our time."

"because it is."

"you wouldn't understand."

"so because you can't defend it, or justify your reasons for doing it, i just 'won't understand'."

"you won't understand because doing this is my dream! my livelihood! this is everything i've been good at all my life! it's my passion, my joy, the thing i want to do for the rest of my life! cherry bomb saved me from becoming... a hallow shell of bitterness and cynicism just like you! and because of that i'm thankful! and i'm so dedicated because i want us to be successful, i want us to be together forever, doing what we love! don't you have a dream you love and want to protect?"

"i... don't. at least, not anymore."


she freezes at his admission. they walk the rest of the way in silence, get uncuffed in silence and are about to head their separate ways.


maeum stops and turns to her.

"i'll see you at the dance workshop."

"yeah... you too."


they become slightly more understanding of each other, more aware of each other, more accepting of each other. she finds his song journal and his guitar and demands that he writes songs for cherry bomb. and the barters. and then begs because he's "really good".

slowly, they open their hearts to each other.

"life is unfair, but it's tolerable with you."


"yeah maeum?"

"can you help me find my dream?"

"jaewon, jaewon, breathe."

"it's so hard maeum! it's not fair! why did she have to—"

"i'm right here jaewon, you're with me, and you're safe, alright?"

"i'm sick and tired of playing parent to them! whenever they need someone, they come to me whining, but who am supposed to depend on when i need it?"

"me. you're supposed to rely on me, hwang maeum."


"you're awfully noisy today, what is it?"

"cherry bomb, we're—we're gonna go to seoul! we gonna be on music programs!"

"proud of you, jaewon. actually, i'm proud of everyone. but..."


"it's nothing. know all the hwangs'll be cheering you on!"


"i put up with your annoying habits but now you're gone and i'm sad"



"i think i've found my dream. it's to walk by your side. f-forever."

"did you just stutter?"

"shut up, this kind of thing is hard, y'know!"

"that's... that's super cute!"

"shut up, stop laughing! you know what, i take of all it back."



"i hate you!"
"i hate you a slightly larger amount!"

a composer combines a soulful 1970s classic ( maeum ) with funky electronic beats ( jaewon ) and creates a mashup that's either a hot mess or a chart topping hit.

are they actually friends or do they ing hate each other? it's honestly a mystery to most people looking in on their dynamic. every time they speak, nay every time they even breathe in each other's direction the air is filled with "i hate you"s and "you're disgusting"s and "never speak to me again"s. they're always flaming each other and teasing one another, calling each other ugly and losers. it's how they build each other up. their conversations are 60% bickering 35% bad jokes and 5% actual sentimental things. they fight over the dumbest things too like who's gonna eat the last fry or the pronunciation of cannon.

jaewon loves to tease maeum because she thinks he's really cute when he's ready to murder her. she makes a bunch of memes of him because of how dead he always looks inside just so he can scold her, she prank calls him like all the time and he always falls for them which is the real surprising part. she's constantly showing him the fun things in life ( though he calls them reckless and barely legal ). her explosive energy can wear him out, especially when he tries to control it instead of letting jaewon burn out by herself. maeum is often the rock that keeps jaewon grounded. even if she doesn't like it, and even if she may throw a fit over what he has to say, he gives her much needed reality checks. he secretly enjoys her pestering but would rather die than give her the satisfaction of knowing that. maeum is her knight in sour armor because he may whine and scold her, but he'll always be there for her and help her out when she needs it. maeum can be a bit of a tsundere when it comes to jaewon. he'll blush and call her a dummy and say things like "not like i care or anything". and whenever she gets too forward or too energetic, he chops her head or slaps her arm.

and despite it all, they rely on each other immensely. no other people know them as well as they do, and even if they fight and even if they say they hate each other, they'll push that aside for a moment if one of them needs comfort.

relationship trivia
ONE describes him in the weirdest way possible. "he's like my protege whom i've never actually taught" "sweet golden croissant" "beautiful small-eyed nugget" "this goddamn situation".

TWO her favorite thing in the world is maeum playing the guitar. his favorite thing in the world is jaewon dancing.

THREE the goo home feels more like a home than his own.

FOUR he thinks jaehyun is the coolest guy ever.

FIVE she likes to take him shopping so she can watch him try on stylish clothes.

SIX anything sentimental they say is usually followed by an insult. "hey, how are you? ... good, just wanted to make sure your ugly self didn't run away to join the circus."

SEVEN she makes him more flustered than he makes her. and she teases him about it all the time.

EIGHT his siblings love her!!
150, change with fc

and i entrust it to you.

nickname: ivy ( im so silly omg )
activity: five out of five
comments / suggestions: this is a long app i'm sorry!! also its kinda very angsty too. maeum is p much a developed character in and of himself how did this even happen. even tho this app is angsty i hope u can see the silver linings of reslilent hope and the powers of having someone to confide in!
artist suggestions : lovelyz, oh my girl, laboum, crayon pop
scene requests:
a lot of jaehyun-won-hyunah family bonding pls
a lot of cheesy, fluffy scenes with the girls pls

TO MY MOTHER IK IK another applicant chose this song to represent their love story BUT i feel like heize's star is an amazing song for jaewon?? like the lyrics just completely encompass her feelings for her mother. like...... "and i can't see you when you're covered with clouds / i know you're always there / but when i can't see you i get worried" and "is there any which shines like you? / you can't hear my song because it's too far away / is that you who i'm looking at right now? / i wonder if you saw me as i prayed" AND BASICALLY i feel like if she were to have this song as a solo with maeum perhaps helping in the instrumental some kind of way, it would be really cute and fulfilling and an excellent way for jaewon to cope and recover.
password: yellow cherry


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especia #1
thank you for applying, lambhorns!!
everything's fine and don't worry about the length or the angst, i loved reading it.
+ angst is actually what i excel in lol so the story's going to be unexpectedly (expectedly?) sad anyway