
I am so sick...and tired. Emotionally , Physically , and most of all Mentally. Everyday I have to pretend that I'm okay beause I have to live up to these stupid standards and I'm sick of it. My mother is suddenly being bi-polar and i just don't know how to feel. I think she's having a mid-life crisis or something because wow she's been moody. I need to rant y'know; I have so much that i've been holding in and its quite overwhelming. I don't know how much longer I can hide. My mother is slowly starting to hate and I know its true. saying things like "I only smoke when you stress me out" like thanks mom add on to the pain i'm going through. I'm struggling to keep my gpa up- its not low or anything but i'm being pressured into graduating with highest honors but no one knows how stressful it is to try and keep your grades up when you dread going to school everyday because you hate being around the people there; it feels like everywhere i go someone is saying something or looking at me like i'm a waste of space. Most of my teachers are bearable but I swear i will snap my French teacher's neck if she says another thing to me. I hate her and I'm not one to saying things like this but i hope she dies a very painful death as soons as possible.  My chemistry teacher isn't so bad but sometimes he just ask for too much and t's hard to focus in his class  because it's at the end of the day and i'm just ready to go home. I honestly don't think I'll pass his exams. I hate singing and i have no idea why i did this to myself but I hate going to chorus class because all we do is sing, i was going to switch out but i liked the teacher but y'know teachers change after the first two weeks of school. The only thing thats really keeping me sane is dancing. I love dancing so much and i'll do anything to dance. So i joined the dance team at my school and yeah i love it so much, it actually makes me show school spirit even though i hate that place. Now remeber that french teacher i was telling you about? well she got me introuble and i ended up getting in school suspension for a day. why? because along with her


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