This was basically my day;

fyi; i've got this week everyday at least one or two very important tests, i've had one of geography today and tomorrow from French, and I really in French.
The highest grade I got for French was a 5.6 and the lowest a 2.3.. 

Anyway, I had school 'till 3 PM today, so when it ended, I went to the living room, had a little chat with my parents and my sisters. I was dead tired from school, so I just wanted a few minutes break.
and went then to my room. I was already like 45 home (10/15 minutes walking to my house and then chatting :))  so I went for 15 minutes to check my tumblr and went on AFF. Me and my sister had to go to the supermarket together at like 4 PM, but she was kinda slow, so we left at 5 PM, in that time, my other sister was on my laptop in my room, so when we came back home it was already 7PM. I had to wait for her 'till she finished Heartstrings, I was like 'okay, but don't take too long, cuz I really need to study'.   I waited next to her and when it finished, we had to go eat for dinner and that was already like 8PM. I already told you that I was dead tired from school, and then I had to move so much more, so I went to lie down on the couch (We eat in the living room :O Our table is in the living room) 
and fell asleep, my sister made me awake after an hour by screaming if I wanted Ice Cream LMAO  but I didn't want it, nor did I move I just yelled back; NO.
so I fell once again asleep and my mother woke me up at half past eleven, and she was like; Amy, go sleep upstairs.
and then she was like; Oh didn't you say you had to study for something? Go study that first.
And I was giving her a judging face, cuz it was almost midnight and she wanted me to study.. :/ 

Ugh my english still , blame my age, nationality and school. 


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Studying? .... at midnight? rofl, that sounds like meeee~ ^^