Teen Top's Mission: 14A Project [APPLICATION]


Application Form

Aff Acount: QieYue19

Aff Acc. Link: Here

About Your Character


Name : Shin HeeMi

Nickname : Mee, Warrior

Age : 18 years old.

D.O.B : April 19th

Blood Type : O-

Born In : Daegu, Korea

Hometown : Daegu, Korea

Ethnicity : Korean

Personality : Heemi has a really strong personality that not everybody like. She's a really expressive and outgoing girl. When she starts something she's absolutly certain that he can do it and will be obsess with her upcoming success, making people call her arrogant. It can be bad, since she'll take her friends or teammate with her and nearly bore them to death to win. But this certainity that she can win everything can also help her to not be afraid to take risks or bets. But thanks to this personality trait  she discovered an hidden talent of her.

Heemi has a very strong presence. When she enters in the room you know it immediatly. She has this powerful and strong headed aura that make you look back and feel her presence. She has such a strong physical presence that even if you think or ant to say that you can be better than her, you won't dare.

Heemi is a very athletic girl. She signed up for her High School's Sport club in which she signed up for athletiscm, gymnastic, handball and swimming. Being the sub-captain of the sport team, she's spending most of her time training at the Sport club.

But despite of all this assurance and arrogance, she still has a really soft spot for her four years old little brother, YunJoon. The both of them are really close and spend as much time with each other as they can. He's one of the main reason he wants to succeed in everything she does. She wants him to be proud of her, hear him say 'Woah...this is my sister' and cheer for her.

Likes :

- Orange Juice

- Horror Movies

- R'NB

- Maths

- Dogs

- Black

- Eating

Dislikes :

- Candies

- Chocolate

- Every Romantic things

- Lazy people

- Being Bored

- Warm weather

- Noisy people

Hobbies :

- Sports ( athletism, gymnastic, swimming, handball )

- Computer & Internet

- Photography

- Playing the Bass

- Eating ( whenever she's not doing sport )

Habits :

-  Joggging and stretching every morning.

- Hanging in the playground with her brother every day.

- Bits her bottom lips when she focuses on something.

- Blowing on her bang when she's annoyed

- Ruffles her hair when she's happy or proud of herself.

Trivia :

- Loves her brother and care for him more than anything.

- She doesn't wear bright colours

- She doesn't like when people think they are better than her.

- She can eat everything she wants without gaining weight since she's always doing sport.

- She has a collection of headphones

- She loves taking photos of her brother and bestfriend.

- She often waits for every member of the Sport club to leave. So she has thegym all to herself to pratice. But most of the time she end up dancing until late in the afternoon.


Her Appearance


Ulzzang or Model :

- Picture 0

- Picture 1

- Picture 2

- Picture 3

- Picture 4

Ulzzang or Model name : Hwang Yi Lin

Back-up Ulzzang Name : Min Hyo Seon

Style :

- Casual/Home

- Street

- Party/Formal

- Practice


Her History and Family


History / Background: Heemi was born in Daegu and lived their till then. She never went anywere else. When she was 8 months, her mother signed her up for the 'swimming baby' and she never stoped swimming since then. Being a really active girl, she signed up for the Sport club of her school for 4 activities. Being really determined of being the best, she worked really hard and became one of the top member of the club. In there, she met her bestfriend, Son YungHwan. Having two completely different personality, they however immediatly grew close to each other.

One day, while she was browsing the internet, she saw this video about a dancing contest in Daegu. She looked through a few applications and scoffed when she heard the applicants speeches. There was thing like 'Though I know that I'm really good I decided to participate' or 'I'm sorry for the other applicants but you don't have a chance against me'. Just then this thing cicked inside her head and she got this will to 'shut those people up' ( sorry ><' ). So she grabbed her Ipod and looked for a good beat before putting her headphone on. She placed the camera on her desk before walking back to the middle of her room. She closed her eyes and played the music. She started bobbing her head to the beat, feeling it, and a few seconds later, she let herself and her body go. Letting her arms and legs move to the rythm. Turning, sliding and waving swiftly before following the sudden acceleration in the beat and popping her arms and whole body as her feet were sliding swiftly on the floor. Ending with the music, using the flexibility she gained thanks to the gymnastic. She stoped her Ipod and walked to the camera, turning it off before looking at it. 

After watching her performance and comparing it to the videos of the other applicants, a smirk made its way to her lips. She was without a doubt WAY better than all of them. So she wanted to apply but when she saw the date of the contest she frowned because it was the same date as her brother's birthday. So she just shrugged and erased her video, forgetting about the contest, but keeping on dancing from now on.

Your Family Members :

- Shin Sukchun ( 44 years old ), Maths Teacher in High School.

- Shin Eunmin ( 43 years old ), Owner of a hairdressing salon.

- Shin Yunjoon ( 4 years old ).

Any Cousin? : None


You and Them


Friends :

- Seo JinHee, 19 years old ( Bestfriend's girlfriend )

- Choi EunChan, 18 years old ( Classmate )

- Im Jisung, 17 years old ( One of her junior in the High School's Sport club )

Best Friends :

- Son YungHwan, 19 years old ( Captain of the High School's Sport club )

Crush :


- ChunJi

How He Acts : He seems to just really like defying her. Everytime they talk he thinks of something and tells her that she wouldn't be able to do it, knowing perfectly how she will react. It's as if he was looking for something she couldn't do or if he was trying to prove that she wasn't perfect in everything. When other people are here he's really friendly and smiling, making Heemi wonder if he has somthing against her, while he infact is just really amused by her personality and how she acts. He finds her pretty funny and at the same time he really respect her for always doing her best.

How You Act Around Him : Seeing how he's always defying her and teasing her, Heemi tries to make him talk and learn more about him. She's really curious of why he's like that. But she feels kind of threatened by him, she doesn't know why. As if she was feeling that he could be better than her in something. So she's really carefull about her pride when she's with him, since she never felt that way with anyone else.

How Did You Meet? : I don't really know...I'll let you decide (^-^)

Rivals: /

Why Rival? : /




Stage Name: HeeMi or Shee 

Suggestion / Comment / Question? : Nothing ^^ Just FIGHTING! ^^

Position :

- Main Dancer + Sub Rapper

- Lead Rapper + 2nd Sub Vocalist ( since there's only the first one has something to do with my talent I didn't really know what to choe in second choice =/ )

The Group Club Name? : AT's ( for A Teen. Means that they are the best Teens)

The Colour? : Silver

Do You Like Christmas? : Yes~

How About Valentine? : Yes~


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