applying as jeon jungkook's GIRLFRIEND    BTS RUN!


appearanceTELL ME ABOUT YOUR look, Style and habit(s)

Fae has doll like features from her straight ebony black hair that reaches past her mid-back, black doe like eyes, button nose, kissable rosy pink lips, and pale complection with blemish free skin.  She has a faded scar in the middle of her chest from a heart transplant she received at 9 years old; the scar starts 2 inches below her clavicle and reaches a length of about 6 inches.  Her teeth are perfectly straight due to her wearing braces since she was 12 years old.  Ample curves in just the right areas, long limbs and a slender body standing at a height of 168 cm and weighing at about 49 kg, Fae is slightly underweight due to her fast metabolism and her modeling workout.  

When she's not on the runway or in a photo shoot Fae is usually found with her hair up and out of her face in a messy bun or messy ponytail.  Usually in simple and easy to move around clothes because she's more comfortable and it's more practical; her wardrobe mostly consist of t-shirts, sweaters, off-one-shoulder tops, jumpers, shorts and pants, with a few skirts and dresses.  For foot wear she mostly has ankle boots, Vans, Converse and flats; usually opting for heels in formal events and for modeling.  Not a fan of bright colours her wardrobe consist mostly of pastel and neutral colours.  She likes to keep things simple with her accessories usually with a hat or sunglasses or a bracelet/watch or a ring(s) but never altogether.  For make-up she usually keeps it simple with mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss/lip stain.  She prefers backpack purses versus the regular purses because she has a smaller chance of losing it or leaving it behind somewhere.  To Fae simple with a slight edge is best because her modeling is glamorous enough.

Fae has a tendecy to lose things easily especially if it's not attached to her; once she puts something down and walks away from it to do something else its lost to her (ie. pens, drinks, hats, sunglasses, spoon/fork, purse and etc.)  It's not so bad she finds almost all the things she's lost but some she never knew what happened to them.  She has a habit of drumming her fingers when she is impatiently waiting for something, the faster and more pronounced the sound the more impatient she is.  She has weird tendency to doodle on anything she can get her hands on when she's bored for example a napkin, a paper/foam plate, a paper/foam cup, table tops, walls, other furniture and even doodling on herself.  If she doesn't have a pen she makes due with tracing patterns with her fingers.


Games/Video Games - Her love for video games originate from her uncle who is a video game developer who introduced bedridden Fae to the world of games.  Born with a weak heart Fae spent most of her childhood inside a hospital with nothing to do but watch the world go by through her window.  If it weren't for her uncle she would have probably died of boredom; games became her escape from the hospital.  It's an interactive experience of a vitrual world that she could only imagine from books.

Books - Her first love turned second after video games, books were another form of escape for her; books showed her the world that she only knew through the window.  Books provided her the adventure and freedom she sought after.

Travelling - Fae's affinity to travel maybe influenced by her parents' professions, her father a photographer and her mother an archaeologist.  Books could only tell her so much and her imagination was limited to what the books say so seeing and experiencing things on her own is the best feeling in the world.  It may also have to do with her desire to just see the world she had always been curious of other parts of the world.

Lies/Broken Promises - Fae hates lies especially lies people think is for the best because the person being lied to will almost always get hurt anyway.  It stems from nurses telling her everything will be okay when clearly its not or when her parents would promise her something only to break that promise because they were too busy or something important has come up.  Personally Fae would rather people tell her the cold hard truth rather than a fluffy lie.  She unsterstands the need to lie she just dislikes the concept of why they are needed.

Hospitals - Her dislike stems from her childhood.  She feels trapped, alone and vulnerable in hospitals because most of her childhood all she could really do was wait until someone came to visit her.  She was too sickly to be outside much less get out of bed.  She was confined in her hospital room until her uncle or aunt or parents would visit her.  Fae just feels constricted and entrapped when she's in the hospital so she tries to avoid it as much as possible. 

Playing Video Games - It has become a hobby for her to play these game whenever she has free time or whenever she needs to unwind and relax.  She mostly plays games with one player only but doesn't mind playing multi-player games.  She's actually made quite a name for herself in the gaming community.

Watching Clouds - It's perculiar hobby but she does enjoy watching clouds, it just makes everything seem so mundane.  Watching clouds for her is a nice break from her fast paced modeling career and sort of slows everything down for reminiding her to take a breath.

Hevn - This is her birthname and the stage name she uses when she models.  Her profile as a model is very vague and contains little personal information about her.  Most off all her full name is not pucblic knowledge as of yet.

Second Date - Jungkook's and Fae's official second date is the episode that is shot for BTS RUN!  They have both been very busy and they haven't really officially started dating until March 3, 2016.  They kept their relationship from public knowledge while they informed their family and agency.

backgroundTHE STORY OF YOUR Family and relationship(S)

Growing up Fae's parents were always busy with their jobs travelling all over the world while she was stuck in a hospital bed.  It wasn't so bad whenever her parents would come home they would tell her stories of their adventures and bring home souvenirs from their trips.  Her father would decorate her hospital room with pictures he took from all over the world while her mother brought her little trinkets from her archaeological digs.  They would promise that once she was better they would take her all over the world until she didn't want to travel anymore.  They would promise her small family outings with the permission of the doctor when they had a long break from work.  They never really kept their promises sure they would visit her in the hospital but that was it, no family outings and no travelling the world once she was better.  Fae stopped hoping her parents' would keep their promises and she also missed being in the hospital only because that was the only time her parents really took the time to be with her.  Once she was released from the hospital she hardly saw her parents, especially her mother who would be gone for months on end.  She spends more time in the care of her uncle and aunt to the point that the doctors and nurses at the hospital thought they were her parents and that her parents were relatives visiting her.  

Being born with a weak heart she spent a good decade of her life in and out of the hospital because she would often get attacks that left her bedridden for days.  She was 7 years old when the attacks became more frequent and harsher that she needed to be admitted into the hospital indefinitely.  Her days in the hospital wasn't spent miserably in fact it was filled with lots of laughter and joy but only during visiting hours.  Her uncle and aunt would spend most of their days with her telling her stories of far off lands and playing games with her.  She was relatively carefree despite her situation and always showed a strong front but she would always feel lonely at nights when her visitors would be gone along with the laughter they brought.  At 9 years old Fae received an emergency heart transplant because her heart had given out and she was dead for a few minutes before she was brought back with a new heart in her chest.  She was kept in the hospital for another 6 months for observations just to see how her body was reacting to the new heart.  Fae was around 10 years old when she was given the all clear and discharged from the hospital with great news saying she would live out the rest of her life normally although doctors cautioned to watch her stress levels.  

Fae was born in Italy but grew up in China in the care of her Chinese aunt and Korean uncle.  Her aunt owns her own fashion line known as "Wings" that has gained international popularity for it's trendy, edgy and innovative designs.  Her uncle is an up-and-coming video game developer who is more like a child than an adult.  They were the ones who showered her with affection, nurtured her, taught her to be herself and never be ashamed of it, taught her to voice her opinions out and best of all taught her to live life day by day.  Her aunt and uncle let her make her mistakes, let her stumble and fall but they were always there to help her back up on her feet so she could start running again.  Her uncle and aunt had always been patient with her and treated her like their own child since they didn't have any of their own.  Her uncle had taught her Korean because one day he would take her to the place he grew up and met the love of his life, her aunt; they moved to South Korea when she was 16.  She's very close with them knowing she can talk to them about her problems and concerns without worry because they always pushed everything to the background when it concerned her.  She lived a rather carefree and beloved life with her aunt and uncle with their encouraging ways and free-spirited parenting.  On the other hand, since the move to South Korea Fae has kept minimal contact with her parents via email and video calls updating them on her life.  At best her relationsip with her parents could be described as estranged.

Fae was 15 years old when she started modeling for her aunt's brand, it started out as being a replacement model which evolved into being a full-time model for the brand because of the great feedback from the public and other executives in the company.  Her aunt let her made the choice whether she would like to continue to model or not which Fae agreed to because she found modeling to be enjoyable.  She was 16 when she started getting other modeling job offers from different brands such as Versace, Chanel, Prada, Converse, Guess and Armani.  She also began getting job offers from magazines such as Elle, Vogue China, Vogue Italia, Rayli (a Chinese fashion magazine) and more.  Her modeling career has really taken off with a bang and she's become one the most sought out models.  Her modeling career is managed by her aunt and her modeling priority is her aunt's fashion line, she freelances to other brands when she's not busy with her aunt's fashion line and school.  However since she is in her senior year of high school her aunt wants her to focus on finishing school and her college applictions therefore halting her freelance modeling for a 1 year until she is successfully accepted into college and well adjusted to college life.

Her school life is relatively normal and uneventful, with only a handful of close friends she hangs out with when she's not busy with her modeling gig or video games.  She didn't join any clubs because modeling took most of her time plus her school work and she somehow needs to fit video games in the equation.  Most people in Korea don't recognize her as a model although she had been scouted a couple of times to be one, so she led a rather quiet and uneventful life in South Korea.  If she wasn't travelling out of the country for modeling, she would be out with friends watching movies, eating out, going to karaoke and just generally hang out with her handful of close friends.  Since she is on break from freelance modeling Fae's aunt has her modeling for the South Korean branch of Wings which has begun it's rise in popularity in teens and young adults in South Korea.


With her love of video games it directed her to her first interaction with Jungkook through a video game chatroom when she was 13 years old.  She had been the first to ask him about questions on how he finished a certain level and since then they have been exchanging game info, tips and tricks with each other especially if the were playing the same game.  They were each other's go to person when it came to games but with their increasing work schedules it became harder to get in contact with each other so Jungkook was the one to propose they exchange Kakao talk IDs.  They had been talking for about 2 years through game chat so Fae was at ease with sharing her Kakao talk info with him and vice versa.  With the exchange of contact information their chats had become more frequent and less about games.  It started out normally with game info exchange but since both had been playing less games they didn't really have much info to exchange, which became an off topic chat of why they weren't playing.  They found common ground in being working students and their chats just really took off from there.  They could talk to each other about everything and anything without the worry of the other judging them.  They kept their virtual relationship for another year and a half getting to really know each other; both had been anxious to meet each other but were to afraid to voice it out until it was unavoidable.  

It was by pure coinicidence that they met face to face, they attend the same school but never really interacted with each other before.  It was in the school that they met, it was lunch time and she had been chatting with him when she literally walked into the door he was opening sending her on her bottom with her phone dropping out of her hands.  She had apologised to him stating she could be quite absentminded at times while he was taken aback since it should be him apologising.  With the apologies out of the way Fae made to walk away when she realised she was no longer holding her phone.  Turning around she yelled for everyone to freeze which to her surprise people followed and proceeded to locate her phone.  Jungkook on the other hand was still in the vicinity and had been texting her when he kept hearing a beeping noise below him.  He spotting the phone on the floor he picked it up only to see that his message was on the banner of the phone.  Was the person he's been chatting with really in his school just then he heard a soft "you found it!" and the next thing he knows the same girl he had accidentaly hit with a door was in front of him.  Jungkook was at a lost for words a second time and when he finally found his voice all he could say was a weak "your.." to which Fae responded to with a confused "me?" Jungkook tried speaking again but all that came out was another befuddled "your.." which was followed by Fae's confused "me?" which was followed by Jungkook with a firm "your..!" at this point Fae let out a startled and confused "me?!?!?"  Finally getting his wits about him Jungkook blurted out Fae's gaming ID which surprised Fae into responding with "how'd you know? are you stalking me?" wide eyed and looking at Jungkook suspiciously.  Jungkook shook his head no stating his gaming ID as a way to introduce himself and take any suspicions she had of him away.  His introduction was followed by a surprised "really!?!" and Fae typing a message on her phone to him, which he received with a 'ding' which she eyed finally believing it was him.  He really couldn't have imagined her reacting differently so he just laughed at her antics.

After the eventful way of their meeting and realizing that they were starting to have a crowd gather around them Jungkook decided they needed to relocate to somewhere they could talk.  They went up to the school rooftop and formally introduced each other both not recognizing who the other is until much later.  Fae and Jungkook began talking about random things like they usually do when they were texting each other but now it was like a breath of fresh air.  They could see each others reactions up close, how the other would smile, the ring of laughter and the candid expressions they would exchange.  Jungkook and Fae felt as if the other has always been meant to be by their side; they were at ease with each other's presence, there's no pretense between them they are just themselves.  Since then they would always be found hanging out together in school as that was the safest place they could really be together away from cameras.

It was maybe a month after they met face to face that Fae realized he was Jeon Jungkook of BTS, she has recently began getting into kpop when she came across BTS.  She searched their songs and felt so much meaning behind their lyrics she needed to research more about the group and its members.  She searched the web for the BTS group profile and what she found sort of shocked her but at the same time she was kind of expecting something like it; on the profile in big bold letters was Jungkook's name and his picture.  The first thing she does was text him asking if he was in fact a member of BTS and once he responded yes, she sort of just ignored the following messages from him.  Jungkook on the other hand was freaking out because she was ignoring his messages so he decided to call her, after a few rings she finally picked up and he proceeded to bombard her with worried questions.  The words she spoke to him that day would forever be stuck in his memory as the most refreshing reaction he ever got, it goes as following: "I'm just.... I'm just...... I'm just shell shocked" she said in a dumbfounded tone "I mean I sort of expected it but.... not really?? It's like when you think something is going to happen and it doesn't but it does or it's like when you know something but think something else... do you know what I'm talking about?" she was confused, surprised and befuddled all at the same time and continued to say "I mean it's great you've achieved so much and I know how much you enjoy your job its just surprising and at the same time not so surprising that you're a kpop idol.  Oh by the way I'm a model... wait... that wasn't how I wanted to tell you now I'm just rambling, Jungkook? Jungkook are you there?"  Jungkook could only imagine the faces she was making when she was trying to explain her surprise and he smiled in musement.  Lost in his thoughts he almost forgot he was still on the phone with her, if it weren't for her concerned "Jungkook's?" he probbaly still would be.  They proceeded to talk about there respective jobs and continued to talk until they eventually fell asleep talking to each other.  

name: hevn Song faelyn

birthday: august 18, 1998

birtHPLACE: turin, italy

ethnicity: Chinese-Korean

OCCUPATION: student & model

FACECLAIM: huang nerou (x)

BACK UP FACECLAIM: cheng xiao (x)

- Italian - conversational
- Korean - semi-fluent 

LOVE INTEREST: jeon jungkook

others: Their virtual relationship lasted for at least 4 years before they met.  they didn't decide to meet it sort of just happened. 

A/nPlease do not mess up the layout. Do not change the pictures. Use ctrl + shift to enter new line.



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