Exo's Debut

Am I the only one who wasn't impressed with Exo???



 It kinda reminded me of TVXQ'a Before you go :/

AND AND...There were too many teasers leading up to their debut.

I wasn't very impressed.

Don't get me wrong, they're great dancers! But I was expecting more :/






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I am disappointed as well. Actually, I didn't expect much. when i saw that SM keeps releasing teasers it became boring. Their song reminds me A LOT about Before You Go by Homin. I mean, I can even sing it while EXO's song is played.
However, BAP managed to impress me A LOT more with their fierce debut. This is once again a proof that company doesn't matter as much as the group itself does.
And for the different things with EXO K and M, for now, just comparing them, I think that M did better.
I was pretty much disappointed...the only song I'm waiting for is ''Two moons '' because It's feat Key...I thing B.A.P. did a lot better Debut that Exo... but that's just my opinion :PP