To aff friends I became close with

Hello, friends! So thingsbgot crazy and U decided to deactivate this accouN. Some od my friends here sre nice. I don't know about tge thers sine we didn'5 talk. So if you think ww're close (I think we are. I get too attached very easily so you decide if you're attached with me as well. You knkw, assumptions hurt. A lot.) you can pm me for my other snsn so we coyld stull keep in touch. Somw od you already mnow my other accounts so I've got less peoblem :D anw that/s all mI wabted to say. I made lots of fruenss here so I'm sad about this. Btw, do you know how to give karma points to others? Thanksss


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sammatha #1
May I know ur snsn ? so we can keep in touch .