I finally wrote it. Predator.

So, a little while ago I wrote a blog post concerning a certain life experience of mine. I was asking if I should really write something as personal as my childhood. I recieved a lot of encouragement from you all, which I truly thank you for. So now I can somewhat nervously present to you the foreword of my story... my true story.

Predator. -> http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1197717

I put a trigger warning on it because, well, while I do want people to read it and become more aware of some things which go through a victim's mind when they go through something like I did, I also thought of people who maybe experienced something similar and aren't ready to read about it yet.

Please support me... It's actually kinda scary opening up like this, even to myself. It's taken a long time to get any words out at all and I'm hoping doing this can help me put a little more behind me.


Here's the description;

This story isn’t your usual ‘once upon a time’. In fact, it’s not fiction at all. Honestly, I really wish it was.

This is a story which really happened. And it’s not a happy story.

No, my entire life is not absolute doom and gloom. I’m lucky in many ways. But I also have a ghost I’d really like to help move on. You see, it has a grievance, and it’s still haunting me yet.

In fact, the more I write, the higher bile rises in my throat, and the less I can breathe. But I feel like… writing this down may help me move past it. I want to let it go.


Yeah, I know this isn’t fanfiction. So why am I posting it on AFF? Well, while writing this is supposed to be cathartic in some senses… I also want to share my story. I know I’m not the only one who’s been through something like this and survived. And there are others who do not survive.

I want to get this out. All of it. In brutal honesty… the hardest honesty, one which is the worst truth for me to face in my life.

This is a memoir of sorts. Look, I’ve already been stalling to tell you what it’s all about. But you need to know before you read this story. There’s a trigger warning for a reason.

I fell victim to a child predator.

And I’m going to tell you all about it.


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Thank you. Why am I thanking you? For being strong. For setting an example for those who cannot out. For being able to open up. I'm truly sorry that you've had to go through such an experience but by sharing it, you've lessened the burden on yourself but also opened people's eyes to reality. So thank you.