Keiichi Oda
plotline name
full name  Keiichi Oda (圭一小田) (케이이치 오다 )
Kei | his korean friend call him like that because it's easier to pronouce
birthdate 07 11, 1995 (age 21)
birthplace Komamoto, Japan
hometown Komamoto,japan
nationality japanese
Japanese| fluent | native language
korean | semi-fluent | with a couple classes and with time 
height & weight 189 cm & 73 kg
face claim Ro Woon (SF9)
bu face claim Zu HO (SF9)
he does have muscles and quite the body  , he have black/brown hair , deep brown eyes . He have the most cute and beautiful smile ever .
fashion style 
He pay a lot of attention to his fashion style even if he look like he doesn't care , he do take good care of his body and appearance , he spend a lot of money on clothes , shoes , skin care and more . he like to wear trendy clothes. .
- outfit collection
meet your future king
personality traits 
positive:  dorky , confident , kind , easygoing , fearless , caring
negative: stubborn , erted , bossy , little bit selfish , naggy , loud
» manga
» anime
» fish ( if he could eat it for ever )
» sport 
» kdrama ( never finish them )
» Rain
» Khip Hop
» cigarette smoke
» being told no ( quite the spoiled child )
» being bored 
» horror movie ( "not that i get scared i just don't like them )
» long car ride 
» being the only one awake 
» getting sick
» basketball
» fishing 
» reading 
» he love cracking his joints when he get bored , he love that sound and that feeling .
» he tend to sing to himself while working on something serious .
» making imaginary story everyday before falling asleep .
» drinking water first in the morning 
»  he basically add hot sauce in everything , for him if it's not spicy it doesn't have a special taste .
» he love dogs so much that she even adopted two , one by the name of Natsu like her favorite anime character and one by the name of harry because everyone that have the name of harry is hot .
» he can't sleep without hugging something anything or anyone
» he is a big fan of Kim woo bin
» Back home he have a wall dedicated to Kpop 
» he still beg his uncle to tell him the end of the story 
» he is an abs lover and work hard to keep his
» he make a show with her underwear on in front of the mirror before putting on clothes
» at the age of 18 he got a credit card from his uncle just so he can use it for anything he want , he get a call each week from his uncle telling him that he spend too much again
» he love dirty jokes 
» he can be walking quiet then stop let out a scream then continue
» he tend to day word out of context when talking with someone 
» favorite fruit is banana
» he is a big Dean fan too 
» he is on instagram and tumblr under the name @Keiikeiichiro
» he knows how to play guitar
the birth of a king

Born and raised in Kumamoto , Japan . To two parents busy and all the time travelling who left her to an uncle as busy but who always stayed in his room drawing . Kei was the quiet baby type he would barely cry and just one funny face from his uncle would bring a smile to his face . he was the kind who developed early as he was able to talk and walk before he hit the one year , it was all thank to his uncle in a way , he always stick to him from a really young age and was really passionate with what he does , his uncle was a mangaka , so Keiichiro grow to be a kind of otaku , in school he was not that good at studying but was really good at sport , he was a really acrobat from such a young age . Kei was also the kind who would get bored easily , each year when the teacher would ask them what they want to do later in life his answer would always change , he never sticked to one thing . On his first year of primary school he wanted to be an archaeologist so he took interest into encyclopedias  he once tried to read them but got bored at the half of the first book , the next year was a fish man so he tried to learn all the fish names , the third year was a rockstar so he learned how to play guitar the day of his spectacle at school he smashed the guitar at the end and held up a rocker sign shouting " rock and roll baby " , the fourth year was mangaka like his uncle , he begged him to teach him how to draw , he tried for two months but he just wasn't talented at it , so he spend the rest of the year reading mangas , which lead him to beg his uncle to tell him the end of the manga , as he didn't want to , he bought him a laptop , his first one he was around 9 years old , that same year his uncle got married , so he finally had a girl at house , he was excited to get an aunt . That same year he wanted to become a basketball player after watching one match of the NBA , so he begged his aunt to sign him to basketball practice , so he did , he start playing basketball for one year and even got to a championship with his team which they won , things became too serious for him , so he stopped playing . At the age 10 he decided to become a model like his aunt who used to be one , so he got his aunt to take him to model classes , he hated it but he made some photo shoot and one or two advertisement . 2006 he saw a video that changed his life , a video that made him stick to one dream until now , it was Rain ( Bi ) MV for it's raining , which made him  want to be singer . 
He knew he was pretty good at singing so he looked for another alternative and looked for dance video it got him shook , a 11 years old little boy fell in love with Dance and Hip Hop that day ,  he started learning the korean language as he wanted to be able to talk to Rain when he met him . But it wasn't until the age of 13 that he became semi fluent and writing song and singing them  became easier for him , even in dancing he was really good . His Uncle and Aunt were quiet surprised that he stick to one dream for such a long time , as his uncle was worried that he would never find a job later because of it , they supported him really well . His uncle manga was doing good at that time so he got to go to one of Rain concert when he came to Japan , he went to Tokyo with his mom and dad who had came back for a week or two , they were also surprised that he took something so seriously so they didn't disprove or anything . in 2010 , at the age of 14 he send a video of him dancing  to a couple of korean agency , one of them  got interested and asked him to come over for an audition , being him he jumped on the occasion and only his aunt went with him to Korea as his uncle had a deadline at that time for his manga . He was so nervous but after two deep breath he took a serious face and got in when it was his turn , the judge were surprised at how good his korean was , after dancing  a choreography he created him self and singing  . Soon after he was in as a trainee at Hummingbird entertainment. 
trainee life 
Trainee life was quite hard , like normal , and he once even was going to give up , being that he never really wanted to be an idol , but it all changed after seeing one performance , the fans , the screams , the spotlight . He wanted that he wanted to make people feel something , so he went back to working hard and training , he made friends and learnt a lot of stuffs .
life style Keiichi spend the hiatus half training half going out , as his best friend had moved to korea , so he spend most of his time with her , showing her around , teaching her some korean word , when he learnt about them becoming Daking , he focused even more on training , and kept himself in a good level even after all this years .
eiichiro oda | uncle | he love his uncle like he really does , he still text him a lot even if he know he is bothering him and he must be working , they have a father son relationship .
Chiaki Inaba | aunt | She is like a second mom to him , she support him a lot and always ask him about girl problem and such , they text and talk a lot .
Nakamato Nami | best friend | Nami and Keiichiro had been friend since kindergarten , kei used to protect Nami from bullies and stick to her cause her name was like one of the character in his uncle anime so at that age he used to think that she will have the same personality but was totally wrong , Nami used to like him a lot thinking that he protected him because he loved him so she always stick to him and to now they still are in contact
persona Lead Vocal and Lead Dancer of Dakings Kei
plotline renjun
position  Lead VOCAL LEAD DANCER
trainee duration 2 years
talent twins 
vocals Baekhyun exo 
rap none
dance hoya infinite

other half

love interests 
main option Park jimin
group: bts
birthdate:10 13 1995 (21)
2nd option YUTA
group: NCT
birthdate: 10 26 1995 (21)
3rd option ten
group: nct
birthdate: 02 27 1996 (20)
yesterday they met at the hairstyler , turn out they go to the same salon , it was during the hiatus , like a hoobae jimin came and greated his sunbae , who greted him back with a big smile , they sat beside each other while having their hair done and kept talking for like one hour without really feeling the time flow , when jimin was about to leave Kei asked for his number.
today they became really close in a short êriod of time , kei love to spoil him and is quite the jealous and protective kind around him , is emotion kind of show a lot , and they are pretty touchy with each other .
tomorrow as a couple but like not in public , but their close friend and group member know about it .
god save the queens
message hope you like him !
suggestions for future song maybe bts 21 century girl , i love the dance . I would love to see them on running man or happy together .
scene requests just embarassing in funny moment that's basically what i'm looking forward to /
password comeback is real


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