` show me the love 一 和枝花絵



  {lady RED}  

-cheminks / raven

History | Discography | Audition | Youtube


FULL NAME  和枝花絵  /  kazue, hanae ( pronounced hah-nah-e )

LADY RED OR RED / there really isn't a deep meaning behind her name. she was(and still is) always seen in red whenever she got on stage so fans(and other undergrounds) started calling her red. it wasn't long before hanae went with it and made it her stage name. adding lady in front of the red.

AGE  25
BIRTHDAY 4th, october 1991
BIRTHPLACE  nerima, tokyo, japan
ETHNICITY   japanese
HOME TOWN nerima, tokyo, japan

JAPANESE, FLUENT / born and raised in japan.
KOREAN, SEMI-FLUENT /  cram school offered languages, hanae said 'why not' and chose korean at random. english was too hard and french was already too full. when she did go to cram school, she only went to her langauge class.she got better after interacting with some korea producers annd moving to korea.
ENGLISH, CONVERSATIONAL / she begin learning it after coming to korea. she self taught herself so she could incorporate english into her songs without sounding like a fool.

hanae first got into underground scene back in japan when she was 16. she hung around the wrong crowd at the time and would constantly meet up with those friends of hers at clubs. one day, after getting wasted, she got on stage and started rapping. despite being drunk off her , she was actually alright. a friend of a friend asked about her and they brought her to a small company(much like aomg) the next day. erika tried it out because you only live once, right? right. but what was supposed to be meant as fun turned into a passion. after rapping underground in japan for 3 years she moved to the korea rap scene when a friend of hers at the studio introduced her to dok2, who was in the process of opening his own company(next year january). hanae became the second rapper under illornare in august of 2011 but later moved to aomg in 2014.

hanae has been in the underground scene for 8-9 years.


FACE CLAIM kiko mizuhara
BACK UP FACE CLAIM ayami nakajo

HEIGHT  168cm

APPEARANCE Hanae still has the same, never died, dark brown hair, light brown colored eyes, model like figure and fair skin as kiko(her faceclaim) does. there are no tattoos on her body or scars either.

hanae's style is bold. she loves mix-matching and it seems to work well for her. you'll never catch her in something plain or ordanary, even if she's going to store. a lot of her clothing is something others wouldn't be caught dead in. which, believe it or not, get's her compliments from designers and stylist. her on stage style isn't any different. except for the fact that she wears a lot of red and clothing that more comfotable to move around in. 






hanae, for simplier term, a troublemaker. she lacks tact
 and will say just about anything that comes to mind without regarding the other party's feelings. of course she doesn't do this on purpose( most of the time) she just can't seem to filter what she says.  in most cases if she doesn't want to spill the beans, she just keeps shut. which is a lot harder than you think because hanae is definitely a chatter box who doesn't know how to shut up sometimes. her actions is just like her . implusive. for better undestand: hanae's action lack thinking and she usually goes with the flow without thinking it through. this causes her to get into a lot of troubling situations that(most often than not)calls for her good friend and producer simon d to get her out of. 

her being a huge flirt  honestly only makes things a bit worse. flirting with any cute face (regardless of gender) get's her into more trouble than you think.  like this one time she was flirting with a guy she knew had a girlfriend but she just wanted to see how mad the girl could get then she turned around in flirted with the girl without any guilt afterwards. it's safe to say she also seriously shameless. but what's even sadder is that the other party always seem to follow along. but their not to blame them, hanae is quite the charmer and speaks so well it's hard not to be pulled in by her. 

but hanae isn't all bad. just a little messy. once you get to know her fully you'll notice she isn't a blunt but charming, occasionally homewrecking, girl. she does have a great sense of humor and will have you laughing all through the day and then some. her jokes can and will always bring up a bad mood and tense situations. and if she isn't making a mess somewhere, she's making someone laugh.

charming, funny, pretty and she can cook( at a pretty decent level) hanae must have a lot of confidence because of this right? hell yes she does, but even if she didn't she'd still be a confident girl because that's just the way she is. she knows what she's good at and how pretty she is, and no one can put her down even if she wasn't. her confidence especially comes out when she rapping on stage.

and while she is a flirty mess, hanae is actually very loyal. once befriended and or in a relationship she becomes a unpresuming girl, believe it or not. she will show an constant support and love to only that person.

IS YOUR CHARACTER OKAY WITH PARTYING?  hanae's a partier so hell yes; you can find her dancing next to the dj or in the middle of the dance floor.

DRINKING OR SMOKING HABITS? hanae definitely isn't a smoker and she only drinks socially. 

LIKES sweets anything, cooking shows, indie music, children, manga, anime, the color red

DISLIKES milk, sports, doing any physical activity, bananas, spicy food, cute music

HOBBIES (things your character likes doing in her free time, include as many that are important)
· taking pictures of people or random places and things is something hanae likes to do in her spare time besides writing
· writing is definitely something she loves to do. if she isn't writing lyrics then she'ss writing some poems
· cooking is another thing. she likes trying out new recipes and watches a lot of cooking shows.
· practicing her singing

· after eating anything with a wrapper, hanae immediately folds the paper(or plastic) up.
· hums the beat of the song when she's listening to music
· clearing before she starts rapping
· moves around in her sleep

· after working on her debut song, hanae began singing.
· if she's on a show, she will always(sometimes unintentionally) flirt and compliment the most handsome on the show
· her guilty pleasure is reading manga
· she usually cooks for her friends and boyfriend since most of them can't cook if their life depended on it. (she learned after coming to korea. since she had no family to do it for her)
· makes food videos on instagram
· her intagram is @luv.red
· wants to start acting
· was in a scandal with jay park in 2015 that they were dating after see was seen linked up with him coming out of a secluded coffee place.
· sleeps practically (no bra with just an oversized t-shirt or sweater with or just bra and )
· is a skinship hoe and everyone knows it.



THE BEGINNING /looking at hanae's background there is definitely a reason why she acts the way she does. she was born tokyo, japan too a normal family with a middle class status. she was a good kid for the most part, smart and worked hard in school. her family was always understanding people, along with her two older brothers, so whatever hanae got into, they supported her. just as long as it wasn't criminal activity and drugs, though. her behavior didn't really change until she entered high school, where she started to hang around the wrong crowd. her family didn't notice much change, only that she was a lot more outgoing than before, and just brushed the rest off. hanae kept her grades up, to keep her parents from suspecting anything, and joined cram classes so she could have an excuse for coming home extra late. really during those extra late cram classes, erika was turning up at the club with a few friends from school and a couple friends she made at the clubs.
GETTING INTO THE RAP SCENE /actually, hanae, around this time of just starting high school, got into rapping. after getting wasted and doing a  drunk rap, hanae was invited to audition for a small company by a friend of a friend. she agreed because it was for fun plus she wasn't really good at anything else except for studying. they gave her a sample rap, she rapped it, they liked her and got asked her join.it would be a difficult task because her parents may let her do things but they definitely wouldn't let her do something like this. and of course, like she had thought, her parents disagreed. her parents didn't agree until she got them to show up at the studio and watch her rap. she was pretty good for a beginner. and after training for about a year, rapping slowly became a real passion of hanae's.  
MOVING TO SOUTH KOREA AND ILLIONAIRE RECORDS /after another year passed and she was 19, hanae was still rapping underground with a few songs she had wrote herself and 2 mixtapes. she didn't join the k-rap scene until she graduated and met rapper dok2, a friend of a producer at her label where, he offered her to come to korea work under his label. It would be a while before hanae really debuts, mv and all, so she agreed. with the little money she earned from battles she won, the money from her mixtapes, and help from her parents, who many times tried to  get her to stay, moved to south korea.
DEBUT AND MOVING TO AOMG RECORDS / it was difficult for her a minute but she slowly got back on her feet and became stable. and in 2012, she released her debut song 'follow me' featuring dok2. surprisingly it received some positive feedback. few years later in 2014 hanae left illionaire, on good terms though, and moved under jay park's, simon d's and gray's label aomg. 



hanae isn't really affectionate with her parents because their not to the types to shows much of their emotions but hanae has never once felt unloved by them. even though they praise mikota a lot for his success, hanae is their baby and favorite by default. she isn't treated like some princess but you can tell by their actions how cherished she is. her mother, nana(55), is a worrier so she calls more often than her father takashihae(58).


misaki(26) is a lot closer to hanae than their eldest, mikota(29). since they're close in age and have similar personalities it's easy for them to talk and get along while with her older brother mikota it's a bit awkward seeing as he's a serious guy who seriously dislike fun(both misaki and hanae thinks). nonetheless, mikota still makes the effort to check in on his little sister despite the stale conversations they have.



the two met at party where hanae and beezino were going to preform. hana was brought and introduced to hanae before they went on stage. and out of all the girls she met in the underground scene, hana is the first person she actually really wanted to befriend. with their personalities being practially the same they hit off really good. it was practically friendship at first sight. before and after her and beenzino's preformance you could see them just talking away with each other, smiles gracing their lips. they practacally became couple as time went on. they flirt with each other, hanae is frequently cooking for hanae, and skinship is a huge factor in their relationship. heck, they even have pet nicknames.


hanae and simon are quite a close pair, ask anyone in aomg. and when i mean close, i mean in a father daughter kind of way. simon looks over hanae as if he had her himself. hanae doesn't mind at all, in fact, she loves it. it helps her deal with being so far away from her actual parents. any trouble she makes her clears it himself(nothing big at all) and if she's struggle with something he lends a hand.


even though hanae left dok2 label they're still on good terms. he's much like an older brother to hanae and like papa simon, he helps her deal with things. 


believe it or not, jay park and hanae use to mess around. it started off as a friendship/mentorship when she arrived but quickly turned into something more after a few late night "pep" talks and coffee meetups. it was kept a secret because they both didn't want a relationship(they were fwb). however, their relationship ended after they almost got caught. their friends now. though, they (unconsiously)flirt just a bit when they meet up.


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LOVE INTEREST hong  'giriboy' siyoung 

AGE: 25

siyoung is a very carefree guy. he loves to have fun and is pretty much up for anything. siyoung is also quite goofy, and it's fun to be around him because of that; with his funny jokes and crazy stories. though his carefree attitude can lead people into thinking he's not serious about anything but  in truth he really is. when it comes to work or a goal, you'll see siyoung focused and serious. he doesn't take music or his beliefs and goals lightly. and you won't know this about siyoung because he hides behind his yolo attitude and goofiness but he's actually pretty insecure. when it comes to his work he questions himself only a bit but when it comes to his out appearance he questions himself a lot. why do I look like this? i could be more muscular. are some of his thoughts.

it was pretty common how siyoung and hanae met. It was early 2014 and like anyone in the k-rap scene, these two met at a club, where they were holding a performance.  giriboy was invited by zico who was attending with jay park and simon d. hanae was preforming with zion.t when they entered. upon walking in, giriboy's attention immediately fell on hanae. he wouldn't say it was love at first sight but he definitely felt something when he looked at her. sure giriboy had heard of her but he never got around to watching one of her performances or videos. when the performance ended and hanae was done, she met up with jay park and simon where she met giriboy for the first time. she thought he stood out just a bit with his thick glasses and cute face. deciding to sit right next to him instead of in all the other free seats had been the best decision she made. they talked, made a few jokes, and overall clicked. hanae hadn't felt that smiley or girlish in a while, so she exchanged numbers with siyoung.

AGRUING / to be honest these two don't argue that much. since they're quite similar and have the same interest they don't really bump heads when deciding something. sure siyoung can be annoying and hanae can be just a bit pushy but not to the extent it starts an argument. however, when these two do get into an argument, it's usually huge and the two end up saying thing they don't mean. siyoung is very verbal and says more things that will hurt hanae mentally while hanae is usually violent and will throw things sometimes hit siyoung. siyoung doesn't hit her back just takes it though if it gets to be too much he'll just hold her until she stops or calms down.
MAKING UP / after a fight the two usually make up with smexy time. okay not just but  who ever started the argument or mans/women's up, will apologize give kisses or hugs almost always presents first, then it's smexy time.
FRIENDS / around their friends they aren't really that lovey dovey. they do small things like holding hands though siyoung likes to hide it by putting them in his pocket, whispering things into each others ear, leaning on each other and . the two always sit extremely close two each other but never has hanae sat on siyoung's lap. though, it's not like they're trying to spare their friends or any body else the sight of a lovey dovey and overly touchy couple because most of them are like and these two could careless what others thought. it's just that they don't like being too touchy in public.
ALONE / alone these two touch each other as much as they want. from slaps and s to kisses and feeding each other, they do it all. hanae will sit on siyoung's lap or let him lay his head on her lap while they're sitting on the couch. if either one of them are cooking, the other would back hug them until the one cooking gets annoyed and shoo them out the kitchen or tell the most corniest jokes ever till they leave.
JEALOUSY / in terms of jealousy and who gets the jealous the most, it would definitely be siyoung. siyoung goes into pouty mode when hanae is talking to another guy and won't stop until she does and pays attention to him. hanae finds it adorable when he does that but doesn't when he gets into manly 'that's my girl' mode. his manly 'mine' mode comes about when hanae is being too friendly(in his mind) or too happy with her other male friends or co-stars on tv. he'll do annoying stuff like sending  her 100 of messages at a time asking her what she thought she was doing or do she what to be with that guy now. even though she has told him many times, while kissing all over his face, that she loves him the most and there will never be any one else but siyoung can't help it. hanae, on the other hand, isn't like him when it comes to jealousy. she's a bit more mature when it comes to it though. when siyoung is so clearly getting hit on, despite his weird self, she'll but in and start talking to the girl like she actually likes her or she'll get a bit pouty then remember she's cuter than whoever that was and siyoung's hers before stopping.
OVERALL / these two are quite a fun couple. they joke around and make funny faces at each other. when the other is in need of something they don't hesitate to help or do something. sometimes they like to have bets and competitions with each other where the loser almost always has to do something embarrassing. sure siyoung gets a bit touchy when they're alone but hanae doesn't complain. and maybe hanae likes to hog the remote when she spends nights at siyoung's house but he finds it cute how she clings to the remote because she thinks he's going to take it from her. they have their jealous moments and arguing but they always makes up with kisses and other things. 

· siyoung likes to play with hanae's hair if she's laying her head on his lap
· during summer they like to have water balloon fights.
· if they both aren't too busy they'll go see a movie together
· being the goofy person he is, when is in the studio he will send her funny selcas of himself to her.
· if hanae sees a hoodie that siyoung might like she'll buy it for him
· siyoung owns a lot of hoodies and hats
· siyoung isn't a big fan of spicy food.
· enjoys hanae's cooking when she doesn't make it spicy.
· can't cook even if his life depended on it.
· they send goodmorning and goodnight texts to each other
· siyoung likes to watch hello counselor and running-man
· they will occasionally call out the other couples to have a picnic date.


STAGE NAME lady red

SINGING CLAIM heize (she sings as well)


erika released a few mixtapes in when she lived in japan in 2010.
DEBUT SONG just follow ft dok2 - 2012 - (originally by hyuna, 4minute ft dok2) - a
mix tape followed right after words. 
2014, FIRST MINI ABULM my number - 2014 - (orignally by cheetah )
blacklist ft jessi - (originally by hyuna , 4minute ft le, exid)
after i've wondered a bit ft jay park - (orignally by heize ft crucial star )
my number instrumental - (originally by cheetah) 
2015,SECOND MINI ALBUM run & run - 2015 - (originally by hyuna, 4minute)
pume  sweet pume ft jay park - (orinally by heize ft monokim) 
even the little club - (orignally by hieze)
get out of my house  ft zion.t  - (originally by hyuna ft 10cm)
2016, THIRD MINI ALBUM shut up and grove ft dean ( originaly by heize ft dean )
and july ft dean, dj friz ( origiannly by heize ft dean, dj friz)
underwater (orignally by heize)
no way (orignally by heize )
don't come back ft beast junhyung (orignally by heize ft beast junhyung)

thinking about you - loco ft jay park -  2014
my last - jay park ft loco and gray - 2015
me like yah - jay park - 2016

hug me by hyobin ft red lady - 2014 - (origanlly by hyobin ft heize) 
i feel love by beenzino ft red lady - 2015 - (orignally by young lion ft heize)
solo - jay park ft lady red lady - 2015 - (originally by jay park ft hoody)


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· it's one of the girl's birthday and pretty much everyone she knows (and their friends) have been invited. her love(ex,flirting,fwb, or hubby) is seen flirting with a girl and the girl starts to get touchy. let's just say drama unfolds and hanae is holding someone back.
· the girl's hanging out at a cafe or someone's house. they prank call people, run up the street singing, all that good stuff
· jealous giriboy scenes(i need it okai) and it being  because of jay park and hanae's chemistry on stage.

QUESTIONS/ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW i didn't completely change her. she was formally known as black japan but i changed her to lady red. her personality is a bit different, along with her interests and style. but her love interest and background is still the same. i added more detail to the friend and family list as well. 

PASSWORD heize (she's so adorable okai)


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