My recent absence

First off, I just want to thank everyone for staying subbed to my stories and not giving up on me. There are several reasons why I haven't updated in a while. The first one being my computer decided to crash on me a while ago, so I had to get a new one. It took a while for the new one to come in the mail because it's a custom computer. Then my little brother had a health scare and had to go to the hospital. I was planning on writting again after he got out, but then my best friend's father, who is like a second father to me, had a heart attack and was in the hospital for a few days. While that was still going on, my best friend, who was 40 weeks pregnant, went into labor and had to stay in the hospital for two days after her dad got out. So I've basically spent most of November inside hospitals visiting loved ones. To add to that, the same day my newest godson was born, my youngest cousin had his birthday and wound up having to go to the hospital for his tacycardia. After my best friend brought the baby home, I've had to help her take care of him almost every day because she is a single mom of a two-year-old and a newborn. Then, last but not least, today was obviously Thanksgiving here in the US. Thanksgiving is always a very stressful time for my family because my grandfather died on Thanksgiving day not too long ago. So, long story short, a lot has been happening. I've managed to write half a chapter of each of my stories in the little bit of downtime I've had in the last month. I am still working on updating both of my stories, and now that Thanksgiving is over, I'm hoping things will calm down until Christmas. I ask that you please be patient with me and try to understand why I can't upload daily like I planned. Thank you all for your support, and I hope you all had a lovely day.



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