Big Hit hates me

I'm completly sure that Big Hit hates me, I don't have any other explenations..

So, I live in ing Seoul, South Korea.... And my all time favorite group is going to have a concert here!
I Wings might be my favorite album from them to date so I really want to go to their concert.


However, the dates... the TWO dates they are having concerts in Seoul is when I go home to Norway.... My plan is to spend a month at home before the spring semester begins... But then they said the concerts in Seoul will be at the 18th and 19th of Febuary.... so Yes... I totally cut my vacation 5 days shorter just to be able to go to their Wings concert... Worth it? Yes xD

My only concern now is to get tickets....
I don't know where they'll be sold and everything will probably be in Korean :(
And more importantly, the korean army's who's part of their offical fanclub will be able to get tickets on the presale period... 
And when they finally are released, I feel like they'll be sold out in 3min....
Arghh, I am so worried... I really want to go <3


Please, someone help remind me if you see the site for the release is announced <3

Bilderesultat for bts daesang award 2016



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