Sunny Days | Doyoon | Prince


Seo Doyoon

sweetch3rry• cherry• 9.5/10


the basics.

name » Seo Doyoon

nickname(s) »

Mr.Bluff- he always says he can something, but the truth is he can't

The Lost Child-  he loses and drops things,  sometimes he even gets lost, people usually worry when they have him do something on his own

birthplace & birthday » Jeju-do and April 29, 1995

hometown » Jeju-do

ethnicity » Korean

language » Korean - fluent - full korean

Mandarin - fluent - his grandfather who lived in China for a while taught him it since he was young

Japanese- conversational- learned it as a trainee in starship

face claim » C-clown Ray

backup face claim » Nuest Minhyun


appearance » He has milky white skin and round-ish face shape. When he smiles his eyes turns into crescents. He has a hansome and flower boy like face with gentle and shy smiles. He stands at 178cm and weighs 60kg. He isn't really the buffy type,  but he is quite fit and has some abs.

style » He doesn't really do anything special his hair. He normally just combs his hair downward. On special occaision he puts on some gel or hair spray. For his clothes, he doesn't exactly have a  preference and wears whatever thats comfortable like hoodies and sweaters.

" No no give me a second. I'm telling you, I know what I am doing. "

" umm... guys? Have you seen my phone? "


the GUy next door.

plotline » Prince

Fandom Name: I can't think of anything,  so you can make it up.

Stage Name: Doyoon

personality » (+) fearless, hardworking, considerate, helpful

(-)emotional, stubborn, clumsly, easily distracted


Doyoon is the really fearless type. He likes the thrill rides and sports his dream is to try extreme sports like sky dive and bungee jumping ever since he came to Seoul. He enjoys trying new things and challenges. Maybe it is because he has too much ambition in doing eveything that he can be a bit of a bluff. It is because he is too stubborn to admit that he can't do something when they ask him if he could. Doyoon just really doesn't like to say that he gives up. His motto always has been that as long as you continue to try, you will succeed in the end. This also leads to to him being very hardworking when it comes to practicing. He'll practicing until he was satisfied with the results. 


Doyoon always tries to be helpful and considerate. He does chores such as washing the dishes and organizing things. He helps the older members gather all the members together for a meeting or practice. Doyoon tries to do whatever the members need. He tends to consider and worry about other people's  feelings before he does something.  He doesn't like things affecting other badly, putting others above herself. He is also gets really emotional at times. He openly does things like crying in public without feeling embarrassed and says that "Just because I'm a man doesn't mean I can't cry." Doyoon gets emotional easily for example; someone does something touching or while watching a sad movie.


Not only is he risky enough with all the sports he thrill that he loves. He is also clumsly, forgetful, and get distracted easily.  If you send him on an errand to the store, chances are he ends up in a conversation with someone or goes into another store first and forgets what he was doing there in the first place. Doyoon is also easily forgetful, leaving his phone or wallet somewhere and then he starts doing something else and when remembers it he doesn't know where it it is. Also, don't give him an expensive item that is made of glass and expect him to keep it intact. He'll just drop in just five mintues of it in his hands.

trivias »


◆ rollercoasters

◆ sports 

◆ seafood

◆ Japanese stuff-sushi and anime

◆ dancing

◆ music

◆ spicy seafood soup

◆ the ocean- since Jeju-do is an island

◆ fishing

◆ cooking



◆ being alone

◆ being inside all the time- he feels stuffy

◆ smoking and cursing

◆ fights and arguments

◆ having nothing to do



◆ touching the lucky bracelet on his left wrist given by his mother

◆ biting his lip when he's nervous

◆ tapping his foot when he's bored



◆ dancing

◆ fishing

◆ cooking

◆ skateboarding



◆ a huge fan of Infinite

◆ wants to try extreme sports like sky diving and bungee jumping

◆ doesn't get scared easily

◆ eats spicy food well

◆ wants to get his driver's license soon - his close family and friends are worried for that day to come

◆ enjoys cooking for s

◆ when he feels homesick, he looks at his old pictures- he hasn't has been able to meet his parents since he left for Seoul 4 years ago

◆ he loses his phone, wallet and anything else in his possesion very often

◆ went to high school at SOPA (School of Performing Arts)

◆ his bestfriend is BTOB's Sungjae

◆ likes Japanese anime and mangas

◆ wants to visit China and Japan someday

◆ ideal type- erza from anime Fairytail

◆ wakes up the earliest becasue he is kind of used to waking up an hour or thirty minutes early than the rest, eat breakfast before going out for a run if he dosen't have a scheldule.

◆ listens to music while out for a run in the morning

◆ enjoys nature and the fresh air, dislike to be stuck inside

◆ can't read a map and has no sense of direction


home is where your heart is.

background » Seo Doyoon was born in Jeju-do,  South Korea. He is the only child of Seo Donghyun and Song Jihye who are seafood restaurant owners. Since he was just a little kid, he would copy the dances he saw on tv.  He grew up in a very loving and caring family,  but he was also to do things for himself. On the weekends, Doyoon would help out as a waiter in the restaurant. He learned how finish and cook too. During highschool,  he worked hard in academics, he was an average B student. On his free time,  he spent his playing sports with friends and practicing dancing. He participated in some of his school talent shows and festivals with dance skills. His passion for dancing never really died down like some thought it would. One of his favorite boy group is Infinite,  so he covered their dances often with his classmates.


One day, he found out on the internet about an audition at Starship Entertainment. He actually didn't know much about Starship, but finding out that they created idol groups, he thought this was his chance. Finally,  he feels like this is his dream something he had to do or he might regret it if he lets this chance slip away. Although, his parents feel sad that only son leaves home to new place alone at age 17. They full support his decision and dream. A family friend from Seoul picked him up at the airport and drove him to Starship. He auditioned with a dance cover of -well as expected Infinite and he passed. Since then he has been a trainee for 4 years.


family » 

Parents/ Seo Donghyun & Song Jihye/ 50&49

His parents did spoil him a bit since he is there only child. However,  they also taught to do things for himself and not take things for granted. They gave him lors of love and have always supposed him.


friends/rivals »


Bestfriend/ Btob Yook Sungjae/21

Doyoon's playful and childish bestfriend who he has known since his enrollment at SOPA. At the time Sungjae was preparing for his debut with BTOB. The two talk seriously about their dream of the stage and music when they aren't joking around. Since, Doyoon came to Seoul alone he didn't know friends,  but Sungjae has always been around to make sure he isn't lonely. Even when Sungjae debuted and made other idol friends, he still invited Doyoon to join his 95 liner group of idol friends,  which included Vixx Hyuk, Boyfriend's twins Kwangmin and Youngmin, and Teen top Ricky.


Close Friend/ WJSN Xuan Yi / 21

 Doyoon trained with the WJSN members, but among them he is closest to one of their Chinese member Xuan Yi. It is because they tend to speak Mandarin with each other and they're the same age, so it easy to communicate. She can be random and weird at times, but he never minds it.They get along really well and is seen together often that their managers tell them to be careful when they're in public to avoid any scandal. 



the one and only.

love interest »

backup love interest » Lorem ipsum


personality » Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


love story » Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.


last words.

comments/suggestions » I checked your example app after I already finished the app and I noticed that they have the forgetful triat in common. I hope that won't be a problem. Since I already wrote everything and its a big part of his personaity I can't change anything right now.

Oh and I did think about using Xuan Yi or Exy as his love interest, but I'm bad at personality stuff

scene requests »

-vacation or trip somewhere with the members

- Doyoon gets lost somewhere

- friendship moments with BTOB Sungjae and WJSN Xuan YI

password » view


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