sun yi yue




"Luna Sun Yi Yue"
Luna is her english name that her parents gave her. People rarely use this name since they refer to her as Yue instead. Yue uses her english name usually as her social media 


"Yueyue is such an overrated nickname"
Yueyue is her nickname since little. It's mostly used by close family and childhood friends only. she feels uncomfortable when other people than her family members uses it. In order to avoid people from calling her that she claims that the nickname is too overrated and boring.

"Pink Emergency's new maknae is an aegyo sifu"
This is what the k-netz refer to her as soon as her first comeback with PKBS aired. Like seriously, the amounts of cute faces and aegyo she makes during stages aigogogoooo unnie wants to bite you.Hence, resulting the nickname aegyo sifu due to her award winning charms that drives both oppas and unnies crazy

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ 20 January 1998
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ Taipei, Taiwan
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Taipei, Taiwan

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ Taiwanese
⟪ NATIONALITY ⟫ Taiwanese


"Squirtle is water type, but you are 我的 type"
Since Yue was born and raised in Taiwan, she is obligated to know her native language which is mandarin chinese.


⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ Twice's Nayeon
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Twice's Dahyun
⟪ PLOTLINE NAME ⟫ Ambitious
⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 172cm and 53kg

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ Fusce scelerisque sagittis arcu, eget pellentesque tortor pharetra eget.

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ Mauris tempor, mi vitae sollicitudin imperdiet, diam lacus venenatis libero, at fringilla risus nunc non elit.



12748331_226811700994538_1757119419_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE4Mzc2ODA5MjgyNDMxNTE5MA%3D%3D.2 images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQTJXDOKToTz-1O9jdqS_WjdBc9RTNhU2zeyqww3I9Xy-YTUtHX 13706854_1678255079164392_708867990_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMwMjEzMDQ1NDk0MTYxOTAyMg%3D%3D.2.c


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum in eros ut lacus luctus ornare non ac ex. Etiam congue dui eget sagittis semper. Vestibulum a nisi nisi. Praesent at arcu porttitor, dictum nibh a, aliquam turpis. Phasellus porta nunc a ex posuere ultricies. In rutrum sagittis nulla eget condimentum. Integer et tincidunt ante, et placerat lectus. Nulla placerat magna vitae fringilla bibendum. Mauris a augue commodo, dignissim elit fringilla, rhoncus massa. Ut semper consequat dolor, vel varius nulla egestas laoreet. Vestibulum maximus purus ipsum, sit amet facilisis neque rhoncus at. Praesent ac lectus varius, dapibus lectus et, malesuada enim. Maecenas aliquet est risus, ac ultrices metus dapibus vitae. Aenean id viverra lorem, vel vestibulum enim. Cras felis lectus, tristique a nisl et, consectetur euismod eros.


Praesent luctus, dui eu viverra sollicitudin, est leo blandit eros, non finibus velit ante vitae lacus. Vestibulum finibus egestas mi, at egestas dolor congue ac. Phasellus sed dapibus felis. Nunc vestibulum consectetur massa quis condimentum. Nam felis leo, fringilla eget ligula a, porttitor elementum elit. Quisque vel scelerisque ex, id ullamcorper nisl. In nec mi a augue fringilla convallis at ut ligula. Duis quis quam facilisis, congue nibh non, tempus nibh. Praesent ut enim at felis convallis rutrum. Donec ac arcu egestas, mattis elit ac, vulputate augue. Sed lectus augue, laoreet sit amet tristique ut, mollis ac urna.


→ include likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies and trivia
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Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ a short paragraph of the relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ a short paragraph of the relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ a short paragraph of the relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ a short paragraph of the relationship with your character


Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ a short paragraph of the relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ a short paragraph of the relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ a short paragraph of the relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ a short paragraph of the relationship with your character


Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ a short paragraph of the relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ a short paragraph of the relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ a short paragraph of the relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ a short paragraph of the relationship with your character


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ9fkfcrFN4OiX5PpY0faKjURVGrb48FqMMCIm1FCrgZpNwdq5J  13266888_243006389400153_1633321365_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI1OTAyOTYxNTgyNzk2MDkyOQ%3D%3D.2.csuperthumb.png


⟪ STAGE NAME ⟫ write here
⟪ FANDOM NAME ⟫ write here
⟪ CHARM ⟫ write here

⟪ VOCAL TWIN ⟫ write here
⟪ RAP TWIN ⟫ write here
⟪ DANCE TWIN ⟫ write here
⟪ SPECIAL TALENT TWIN ⟫ name : talent

⟪ TRAINING YEARS ⟫ write here


Include everything your character do when they were a trainee somewhere else and after they enter YG Entertainment.


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kim seokjin 

⟪ OCCUPATION ⟫ write here ⟪ AGE ⟫ write here
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ write here ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ write here


⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum in eros ut lacus luctus ornare non ac ex. Etiam congue dui eget sagittis semper. Vestibulum a nisi nisi. Praesent at arcu porttitor, dictum nibh a, aliquam turpis. Phasellus porta nunc a ex posuere ultricies. In rutrum sagittis nulla eget condimentum. Integer et tincidunt ante, et placerat lectus. Nulla placerat magna vitae fringilla bibendum. Mauris a augue commodo, dignissim elit fringilla, rhoncus massa. Ut semper consequat dolor, vel varius nulla egestas laoreet. Vestibulum maximus purus ipsum, sit amet facilisis neque rhoncus at. Praesent ac lectus varius, dapibus lectus et, malesuada enim. Maecenas aliquet est risus, ac ultrices metus dapibus vitae. Aenean id viverra lorem, vel vestibulum enim. Cras felis lectus, tristique a nisl et, consectetur euismod eros.

⟪ ANY LAST COMMENT ⟫ Fusce scelerisque sagittis arcu, eget pellentesque tortor pharetra eget.

⟪ SCENE REQUESTS ⟫ Mauris tempor, mi vitae sollicitudin imperdiet, diam lacus venenatis libero, at fringilla risus nunc non elit.

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ if any



Praesent luctus, dui eu viverra sollicitudin, est leo blandit eros, non finibus velit ante vitae lacus. Vestibulum finibus egestas mi, at egestas dolor congue ac. Phasellus sed dapibus felis. Nunc vestibulum consectetur massa quis condimentum. Nam felis leo, fringilla eget ligula a, porttitor elementum elit. Quisque vel scelerisque ex, id ullamcorper nisl. In nec mi a augue fringilla convallis at ut ligula. Duis quis quam facilisis, congue nibh non, tempus nibh. Praesent ut enim at felis convallis rutrum. Donec ac arcu egestas, mattis elit ac, vulputate augue. Sed lectus augue, laoreet sit amet tristique ut, mollis ac urna.


How they met. Duis vitae est rhoncus lorem posuere eleifend. Vivamus risus mi, iaculis sagittis cursus eget, varius et dolor. Integer lectus ex, varius ac ligula a, pulvinar rhoncus lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur finibus leo a magna sodales accumsan. Vivamus venenatis tortor sit amet diam tincidunt mollis et sit amet elit. Cras lacinia ut mi et pellentesque. Ut id ex neque. Suspendisse nec semper lectus, efficitur ullamcorper magna. Suspendisse consequat ante fermentum leo finibus, in interdum justo commodo. Donec in nulla vitae eros fringilla lacinia.

⟪ STATUS ⟫ Here



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