ETHNICITY full korean 
FACECLAIM esteem model 정호연
BACK UP esteem model 김진경
AGE 23 years old


SANGIE ✧ a generic derivation from her given name, sang. whilst not detesting her name in any way, shape or form, others seem to find a lack of... affection within the name. to combat this, friends have often tagged the suffix -ie at the end of her name. just to add a little more love. often times when this name is spouted, you'll see sang's face twitch into a grimace, eyebrows stitched and a rather impressive (read: terrifying) burn in the pupils of her eyes. additionally, a slight extension to this name rears its ugly head into view when sang is found sipping on a glass of iced, sparkling wine (of course, with the gratuitious slices of blood orange and strawberries) — flipping and morphing 'sangie' into 'sangria.' it's lame, and uncalled for, but with the amount of times sang might be caught with a glass of wine in her hand? it's fitting.
RED WITCH / BLOOD WITCH ✧ and people aren't exactly sure if sang is completely playing into the nickname with her fiery red-dyed hair, but it sure adds to complete the image people have illustrated for her. with her abilities with blood manipulation, her auburn hair and her godforsaken love for sparkling wine, it all comes together to form the alias of the red witch. and it's not like she knows any magic or anything, but she may as well be casting a spell as she handles others like a puppeteer. 


KOREAN ✧ native korean speaker, however, due to her travels, sang has been speaking korean far less than usual, which is evident in her speech patterns. there are moments in which she requires a second or two to articulate herself, searching the depths of her brain for the correct word. 

ENGLISHfluent. it's rather a given that someone in this day and age would be able to speak english, and sang is no exception. conversation can be  held without an issue. 

RUSSIAN ✧ fluent. living in russia for a significant amount of years grants her with this fluency. it may be the language she finds herself speaking the most these days, the words rolling off the tip of her tongue with ease — never a skip in articulation or pronunciation.

RESIDENCE moscow, russia

after world war iii, russia and the united states had descended, once again, into a cold war. whilst there was currently no huge world events to be spoken of, the tension was clear. south korea and north korea are ruled under one nation and are both under the control of russia. 


HAIR ✧ auburn red hair (bordering on orange when the dye begins to fade), soft layers to frame her face. tips are fried to a dry crisp from the constant bleaching and re-dying. her hair is left unstyled most of the time, with a natural soft wave to it all. some occasions call for a messy bun, others, a ponytail — nothing really extravagant. sang also is a fan of beanies when the winter weather begs for it. 

FACE ✧ impartial to makeup, will wear any when she feels like it, but most of the time, doesn't mind rocking a bear face. naturally tinted red lips, a perpetual resting face that borders on but teeters a little more toward bored.

SPECS ✧ 172cm tall, 58kg. impressive stamina and agility, well toned muscles, but nothing too impressive. a rather lanky build, lacking curves. strength is rather low. 

WEAR ✧ sang really, really plays into the 'witch' vibe. it really suits her, and she quite likes it, too. mainly wears blacks, neutrals and any spectrum of grey. long, floor length pleated skirts, knee-high socks and mary-janes. oxfords and monks are nice, too. platforms. sheer black stockings. collared shirts or ribbed cropped t-shirts. black jeans. dances on the line of preppy and street fashion, anchoring herself within a region that seems a little grunge and dark. if she's not out and about, an old hoodie and a pair of compression tights will do the trick. a staple look would be a regular white blouse, tucked into a pair of slim black slacks, a skinny belt and oxfords. another staple outfit might be black jeans and an over-sized white tee, with a black coat. it varies, but she really prefers to stay within the realm of basics. no patterns, nothing too extravagant. chokers are an absolute favourite for sang. (see, fernanda ly or yuka mannami on instagram.) 

MISC ✧ wears wired-rimmed round specs when reading — she doesn't need them in any other setting. enjoys the occasional pair of sneakers. doesn't wear them a whole lot (unless she's working out) but has a pretty commendable collection. (her current favourites are nike air max  97 and 95, and nike vapormax)





 independent, candid, operative, provocative, passionate 
 insolent, inattentive, selfish, dubious, unsystematic


sang believes in destiny. and fate. and all that sort of bull. she believes that your final destination has already been carved for you, it's set in stone. it's your karma that dictates whether or not the journey will be smooth.
but with that in mind, sang doesn't let these thoughts of adversity cloud her decisions. instead, she casts them aside and lets life drag her along in the waves — wherever that may take her. she was going to end up at her destination in the end anyway (that destination being the cold embrace of death, but, well, she likes to think it's bora bora on a jetski). she's unsystematic. she plans as she goes. she drifts with the current.
from a rather young age, sang's been a bit of a lone wolf. she does what she wants, says absolutely anything that comes to mind. candid, bordering rude, there is no brain to mouth filter in this girl. at times, it's advantageous — sang won't scare at having to break the tough news to anyone; sang's also pretty good at cracking some on-the-spot banter — but most of the time, it's a little bothersome. cracking uncalled for insults or blurting things that shouldn't really be said. however, sang isn't an idiot, she won't let things slip that might lead to her detriment. friendly isn't really something that would come to mind with sang, she's in it for her own gain, and she often strays, skipping from one interest to another within a split second.
despite being rather untrustworthy — not in her talents or abilities, but in her moral compass and her own heart desires — sang gets what she wants. she's operative, if there's something within her horizons (usually short term goals), there's no stopping her. and she's definitely not afraid to step on someone to get it. following rules isn't really something in her repertoire, but she isn't rogue. well, not yet, anyway. 
a -starter. provocative. loves a fight. provocative in a flirtatious sense, too, she's never modest or coy when it comes to expressing her interest in someone. 
sang's explosive. she's a wild card — you might have her one second, and she's gone the next. but her presence, for sure, is always electric.if she's liking something, she'll stick around. if she doesn't? you're left in her dust.   



as one being is brought to life, another flatlines. when sang was born, her mother died. it was expected, though. they discovered poison in her blood; the concentration rose month by month, and by the time she reached the due date her pallor was grey. she was killing her mother from the inside out. they discovered that with the unnatural liquid movements in her stomach, as well as her deteriorating health, her daughter possessed an extraordinary abnormality that allowed her the ability to manipulate blood. additionally, the blood that ran her veins were poison. her mother's organs were decaying. there wasn't much time left. it was only a miracle that sang was able to be born healthy. only at the cost of her mother's life. 

sang lived with her father. or, well, followed him around as he travelled different continents for his work within the military. for as long as possible, her father was to keep the information about her powers, a secret. it really didn't last long, unfortunately, as things like this... is really inevitable. 

sang led a complicated life. and it wasn't that she was unhappy (or maybe she was, it was all a stagnant feeling, really) but she was always searching for more. always seeking for something to get the blood pumping. at the age of four, was when she first had a glimpse into the strange characteristic her blood possessed. it was so innocent, and barely the beginning of discovering the true potential of her abilities. four-year-old sang was climbing a tree, outside the office of her father's job. all is well, and fine, until she falls. it's nothing dramatic, maybe a little over a meter at most. but it presents her with a wound — a graze over her left knee and another graze along the side of her forearm. in panic, she rushes over to her father, in which his eyes widen, disbelief coloured his palette. he drags her into another room, slips on blue latex gloves, a snap at the wrist to ensure tightness. he peels a bandaid back, sits her down, and sprays a disinfectant. the tremble of his fingers leads to his downfall, as he touches her exposed blood. the glove, it melts instantly, like acid. 

"papa... what was that?" sang's curious, she piques, and she throws question after question at the sight that had unveiled before her. 

"it's nothing, sangie, stay put for a second." 

and he continues to bandage her up with utmost care, to ensure a leakage wouldn't be at hand. once he sends her off on her own once more, he looks at the hole in the glove, and his skin, right under. a slight reddish purple welt had formed. he's unsure of the actual potential of her abilities, but if this was it's extent at just four years old, he had some explaining to do. 

whilst growing up, to avoid any sort of bloodshed that might end in absolute catastrophe, sang's father had told her that she had a blood-clotting disorder, haemophilia. this, essentially would mean that if blood was shed, bleeding would be hard to cease (blood would not clot), and could lead to worsened circumstances. other instances of the disorder may lead to easy bruising, and increased internal bleeding. as a result of this, sang was constantly on the watch by her teachers in elementary school and middle school. any bloodshed would equal an immediate call to her father and an instantaneous off the premise, and to the closest medical facility. sang sat out for a lot of sports. she didn't have many friends, and often became the subject of bullying. she became reclusive, despite her lively nature. she tends to recall her middle school years to be the worst years of her life. 

after a particularly rough night arguing with her father, sang had come to school in the morning, absolutely ready to leave as soon as she stepped through the doors. often times, sang would come in a little later when the classes had gym in the morning, since she had to sit out most of the time anyway. however, her father was busy, and her carer was out of town, so school it was. 

comments were made instantly. and it really wouldn't have been a problem, sang had become accustomed to it. however, that day... was just not a great day. 

"what is sang doing here? she can't even do anything. what a strange person. i bet her daddy is just afraid of her losing, and crying. what a fragile person."  

and those comments, they really did it. she turns around to face the source of the sound, fists clenched tight.

"what did you say?" sang retorts, she's sure of what she heard, but she was confirming the malicious words directed toward her. 

"your fragile. what? it's true." the girl responds, at her teeth as she flips her hair to return to her conversation with her friend, not bothering with sang's presence.  

"i am not fragile!" 

she tightens the grip of her fist, she can feel the nails digging deeper into her skin as the rage fills her to her brim, running over. she watches the girl in front of her drop to her knees, a shrill scream escaping from her lips as her hands reach up to grasp at the strands of her hair, her eyes pressed tight. "what is that?! my head, it feels like it's about to explode?! what the are you doing to me, sang?!

sang's eyes widen, as she witnesses the scene unfolding before her, a small crowd forming around the pair. her fist loosens, and droplets of blood drip from her fingertips, forming small decorations on the linoleum floor. her nails had dug in so far to her own hands, all she saw were crescent moon scars on her palms as she stared... back and forth between the girl, and her own, bloody hands. as she was staring at her palms, it seems like the pain had subsided from the girl before her, as she was wiping away tears from her eyes, a heaved breathing as she tried to regain normalcy.

"what... is going on...?" sang whispers to herself, as she sees the blood on her blouse, melting the fabric. she quickly looks down to the floor, in which she sees no damage, and sighs... slightly relieved. 

it takes a second, however, sang comes to her senses and runs, leaving the scene of the crime to grab some bandages in an enclosed room and to call her father. she isn't aware of what happened, or how her blood melted her shirt, she was just in utter mental chaos as she thought about her haemophilia. 

soon after that incident, after talking to the principal, transferring schools and settling down from the chaos, sang's father finally thought it was time to let her know. he thought, maybe if she knew about it all, she would be able to control it more. be weary of it. and so he told her everything, from how she killed her own mother, and how she toyed with that girls blood in her head, and how her blood might have poisonous properties. all of it. 

at twenty years old, about a decade after learning of her abilities, sang now works for the russian military; mainly within healing and blood health consultations. from many of the soldiers, had she become known as the red witch. at this point, sang's father had passed away from pancreatic cancer, and the military was desperately asking for sang to step-up, and take his position. she's been contemplating the offer, however, it is not particularly something that was previously in her horizons. nor is it something she thinks she'd find herself enjoying.

sang had heard about hell's heroes. she thought it was some fantasy, mystical mumbo-jumbo, and whilst interested, she was never interested enough to pitch in about her own powers. however, upon being utterly unprecendentedly teleported to deumdo, some things changed. 

"okay, what the what happened to my office? i know it was a hole but this actually looks like hell." sang's facing some sort of field that looks like a cemetery to top all horror movies, before she turns around to see a blond-haired boy. 

"change of plans. welcome to hell. some people call it demundo. i'm haneul." 

"oh man, i wasn't supposed to be here for another sixty years! what the hell, haneul!" sang quickly spits back, it's a nice combination of sarcasm and a defense mechanism of humor as she tries to take in the surroundings. 

"follow me." 

he wordlessly walks away, toward a building that doesn't really look like a place someone should be entering. but the further he goes, and the more he doesn't turn back to check, sang's interest heightens. so she quickly stumbles her way over behind him.

she finds herself in a building with far more people that she had expected, a small crowd formed around something in the far corner that haneul had quickly joined. sang makes her way over, unsure of what to expect. what was this fresh hell? what was she doing there? as soon as she joins the weird circle, she sees a man cramped on a tarp, his leg convulsed up toward his torso as he bites into a rag to muffle his groans of pain. 

"what type of cult is this?" sang pitches, her untimely humor peaking. 

"you're hilarious. heal him. you're the red witch, right?" someone from the left speaks, and her line of sight immediately flits over to try and get a feel of the situation that was unfolding before her. 

"i.. am... the red... witch... i suppose..." she agrees, finding it a bit strange to refer to herself by the notorious title. 

"great, welcome to hell's heroes. heal him." 

"what's wrong with him?"

"no ing clue, heal him."

"say 'heal him' one more time and i'll heal your ing neck into the ground."  


sang had never intended to stay in demundo, or around that weird cult of people, however, after joking and saying that 'after five healings, the sixth one is free' — sang found herself around the group more and more often. soon enough, among contemplation of taking over her father's position in the russian military and joining hell's heroes... the latter sounded much more exciting. especially since they really didn't know just how much she was capable of. 



MANIPULATION ✧ the ability to manipulate blood — to move it from one place to another, and to move specific substances within the blood out. this can take place both in the body, and out. blood manipulation within the body can mean that sang can control the body of the victim on her own, or, she can centre the blood all to one place (usually the brain) to create violent pain. she uses this, and her studies within toxins and poisons, to heal. she will remove the toxic components within the blood (it can be an external toxin that is life-threatening or even something as simple as removing excess histamine to calm down allergic reactions) and this can be done through the mouth, or if there is an open wound, she will remove the blood from the wound. the ability of blood manipulation isn't completely life-threatening, but is more of something that might be able to let your comrades flee, or to buy time. it's also a great interrogation tactic. this, also, is very stamina consuming — sang can only hold it for a maximum of six minutes. however, the blood manipulation tactic in which to center all the blood to the brain may very well be life-threatening, and can kill within minutes. sang refrains from doing this. her main use of this power is to heal. 

POISON ✧ the poison portion of her power is much weaker, as she has aged, the levels have lessened. when she was younger (i.e. a fetus), her blood was much more potent, with the ability to melt through clothing items or cause irreversible paralysis. however, at her current age, the blood does not do any outward harm unless it touches exposed blood/flesh. that way, it can cause paralysis for a given amount of time (the more blood poison, the longer the paralysis). when sang wants to use this ability, she'll keep a vile of her own blood on her body, and a small knife. this requires close-contact encounters and incredible agility. she'll lace the blood, slice, and leave. she's currently been training with swords, thinking of lacing her swords with poison. 


TRAVELLER ✧ with sang's unsystematic and independent nature, she's got some wanderlust. it's not limited to just travelling to countries (in which she has been to many) but also alternative timelines. she quite adores going back into the past, and putting herself into that weird space of technology. 

MUSIC ✧ adores music. might contribute to her inattentive nature, because there probably won't be a time where you'll catch sang with her noise-cancelling earphones shoved into her ears. she loves a plethora of genres, varying from rock, pop to electronic. her favourite, however, is classic rock, which for her time, is about from the 1990's to 2015. 

MORAL COMPASS ✧ sang's moral compass is a little... askew. chaotic neutral, she doesn't care about anyone else but herself and the people she loves (in which, is very minimal, as both her parents are dead and she has a hard time establishing connections). she'll do things for her personal gain, even if it's a bit morally questionable. sang will also hold grudges forever. even for the smallest things. that being said, never ask her to kill an animal. she loves all sorts of animals. 

FACIALS ✧ sang's facial expressions are amazing. she's an expressive person. even if she's not saying anything, her face might as well just tell it all. especially when she's caught off guard. an open book, really. 

UALITY ✧ completely and utterly panual. sang has never looked at gender when finding someone attractive, her attraction forms regardless of the gender. sang is also rather promiscuous, she isn't completely against one night stands or physical lovers. it's all fun and games anyway, as long as feelings don't get involved. 

CHILDLIKE ✧ despite being somewhat mature, sang loves all the little childish things in life. bounce houses? candy stores? build-a-bear? disneyland? sang loves them. she loves all the little accessories for phones and keys and all too. kakaotalk's ryan is her absolute favourite character. catch her with a ryan phone case, and ryan earrings, and ryan stickers on her medical tools. 

if it suits you, play match maker. no gender preference, sang is panual. sang's not particularly the type of person to want a relationship, nor is she good at forming them anyway? she's always been a bit of a lone wolf. and she's always moving, so if her partner does not want to move around with her, that might bode as an issue. additionally, it might be nice to see sang just play around with someone — play with feelings rather than getting serious. or, who knows, maybe she thinks she's playing and gets in deep. would be interesting to see how she would handle that. 

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국가원로자문회의의 의장은 직전대통령이 된다. 국토와 자원은 국가의 보호를 받으며, 국교는 인정되지 아니하며, 제1항의 지시를 받은 당해 행정기관은 이에 응하여야 한다.
대통령은 헌법과 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국군을 통수한다. 제2항의 재판관중 3인은 국회에서 선출하는 자를. 동일한 범죄에 대하여 거듭 처벌받지 아니한다. 헌법재판소 재판관은 탄핵 또는 금고 이상의 형의 선고에 의하지 아니하고는 파면되지 아니한다.
모든 국민은 근로의 권리를 가진다. 일반사면을 명하려면 국회의 동의를 얻어야 한다. 국회는 헌법개정안이 공고된 날로부터 60일 이내에 의결하여야 하며. 모든 국민은 근로의 의무를 진다.
대한민국은 통일을 지향하며, 헌법재판소 재판관은 정당에 가입하거나 정치에 관여할 수 없다. 국회는 법률에 저촉되지 아니하는 범위안에서 의사와 내부규율에 관한 규칙을 제정할 수 있다. 대한민국은 민주공화국이다.
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국가원로자문회의의 의장은 직전대통령이 된다. 국토와 자원은 국가의 보호를 받으며, 국교는 인정되지 아니하며, 제1항의 지시를 받은 당해 행정기관은 이에 응하여야 한다.
대통령은 헌법과 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국군을 통수한다. 제2항의 재판관중 3인은 국회에서 선출하는 자를. 동일한 범죄에 대하여 거듭 처벌받지 아니한다. 헌법재판소 재판관은 탄핵 또는 금고 이상의 형의 선고에 의하지 아니하고는 파면되지 아니한다.
모든 국민은 근로의 권리를 가진다. 일반사면을 명하려면 국회의 동의를 얻어야 한다. 국회는 헌법개정안이 공고된 날로부터 60일 이내에 의결하여야 하며. 모든 국민은 근로의 의무를 진다.
대한민국은 통일을 지향하며, 헌법재판소 재판관은 정당에 가입하거나 정치에 관여할 수 없다. 국회는 법률에 저촉되지 아니하는 범위안에서 의사와 내부규율에 관한 규칙을 제정할 수 있다. 대한민국은 민주공화국이다.

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국가원로자문회의의 의장은 직전대통령이 된다. 국토와 자원은 국가의 보호를 받으며, 국교는 인정되지 아니하며, 제1항의 지시를 받은 당해 행정기관은 이에 응하여야 한다.
대통령은 헌법과 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국군을 통수한다. 제2항의 재판관중 3인은 국회에서 선출하는 자를. 동일한 범죄에 대하여 거듭 처벌받지 아니한다. 헌법재판소 재판관은 탄핵 또는 금고 이상의 형의 선고에 의하지 아니하고는 파면되지 아니한다.
모든 국민은 근로의 권리를 가진다. 일반사면을 명하려면 국회의 동의를 얻어야 한다. 국회는 헌법개정안이 공고된 날로부터 60일 이내에 의결하여야 하며. 모든 국민은 근로의 의무를 진다.
대한민국은 통일을 지향하며, 헌법재판소 재판관은 정당에 가입하거나 정치에 관여할 수 없다. 국회는 법률에 저촉되지 아니하는 범위안에서 의사와 내부규율에 관한 규칙을 제정할 수 있다. 대한민국은 민주공화국이다.
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국가원로자문회의의 의장은 직전대통령이 된다. 국토와 자원은 국가의 보호를 받으며, 국교는 인정되지 아니하며, 제1항의 지시를 받은 당해 행정기관은 이에 응하여야 한다.
대통령은 헌법과 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국군을 통수한다. 제2항의 재판관중 3인은 국회에서 선출하는 자를. 동일한 범죄에 대하여 거듭 처벌받지 아니한다. 헌법재판소 재판관은 탄핵 또는 금고 이상의 형의 선고에 의하지 아니하고는 파면되지 아니한다.
모든 국민은 근로의 권리를 가진다. 일반사면을 명하려면 국회의 동의를 얻어야 한다. 국회는 헌법개정안이 공고된 날로부터 60일 이내에 의결하여야 하며. 모든 국민은 근로의 의무를 진다.
대한민국은 통일을 지향하며, 헌법재판소 재판관은 정당에 가입하거나 정치에 관여할 수 없다. 국회는 법률에 저촉되지 아니하는 범위안에서 의사와 내부규율에 관한 규칙을 제정할 수 있다. 대한민국은 민주공화국이다.

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국가원로자문회의의 의장은 직전대통령이 된다. 국토와 자원은 국가의 보호를 받으며, 국교는 인정되지 아니하며, 제1항의 지시를 받은 당해 행정기관은 이에 응하여야 한다.
대통령은 헌법과 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국군을 통수한다. 제2항의 재판관중 3인은 국회에서 선출하는 자를. 동일한 범죄에 대하여 거듭 처벌받지 아니한다. 헌법재판소 재판관은 탄핵 또는 금고 이상의 형의 선고에 의하지 아니하고는 파면되지 아니한다.
모든 국민은 근로의 권리를 가진다. 일반사면을 명하려면 국회의 동의를 얻어야 한다. 국회는 헌법개정안이 공고된 날로부터 60일 이내에 의결하여야 하며. 모든 국민은 근로의 의무를 진다.
대한민국은 통일을 지향하며, 헌법재판소 재판관은 정당에 가입하거나 정치에 관여할 수 없다. 국회는 법률에 저촉되지 아니하는 범위안에서 의사와 내부규율에 관한 규칙을 제정할 수 있다. 대한민국은 민주공화국이다. third
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국가원로자문회의의 의장은 직전대통령이 된다. 국토와 자원은 국가의 보호를 받으며, 국교는 인정되지 아니하며, 제1항의 지시를 받은 당해 행정기관은 이에 응하여야 한다.
대통령은 헌법과 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국군을 통수한다. 제2항의 재판관중 3인은 국회에서 선출하는 자를. 동일한 범죄에 대하여 거듭 처벌받지 아니한다. 헌법재판소 재판관은 탄핵 또는 금고 이상의 형의 선고에 의하지 아니하고는 파면되지 아니한다.
모든 국민은 근로의 권리를 가진다. 일반사면을 명하려면 국회의 동의를 얻어야 한다. 국회는 헌법개정안이 공고된 날로부터 60일 이내에 의결하여야 하며. 모든 국민은 근로의 의무를 진다.
대한민국은 통일을 지향하며, 헌법재판소 재판관은 정당에 가입하거나 정치에 관여할 수 없다. 국회는 법률에 저촉되지 아니하는 범위안에서 의사와 내부규율에 관한 규칙을 제정할 수 있다. 대한민국은 민주공화국이다.

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국가원로자문회의의 의장은 직전대통령이 된다. 국토와 자원은 국가의 보호를 받으며, 국교는 인정되지 아니하며, 제1항의 지시를 받은 당해 행정기관은 이에 응하여야 한다.
대통령은 헌법과 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국군을 통수한다. 제2항의 재판관중 3인은 국회에서 선출하는 자를. 동일한 범죄에 대하여 거듭 처벌받지 아니한다. 헌법재판소 재판관은 탄핵 또는 금고 이상의 형의 선고에 의하지 아니하고는 파면되지 아니한다.
모든 국민은 근로의 권리를 가진다. 일반사면을 명하려면 국회의 동의를 얻어야 한다. 국회는 헌법개정안이 공고된 날로부터 60일 이내에 의결하여야 하며. 모든 국민은 근로의 의무를 진다.
대한민국은 통일을 지향하며, 헌법재판소 재판관은 정당에 가입하거나 정치에 관여할 수 없다. 국회는 법률에 저촉되지 아니하는 범위안에서 의사와 내부규율에 관한 규칙을 제정할 수 있다. 대한민국은 민주공화국이다. fourth
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국가원로자문회의의 의장은 직전대통령이 된다. 국토와 자원은 국가의 보호를 받으며, 국교는 인정되지 아니하며, 제1항의 지시를 받은 당해 행정기관은 이에 응하여야 한다.
대통령은 헌법과 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국군을 통수한다. 제2항의 재판관중 3인은 국회에서 선출하는 자를. 동일한 범죄에 대하여 거듭 처벌받지 아니한다. 헌법재판소 재판관은 탄핵 또는 금고 이상의 형의 선고에 의하지 아니하고는 파면되지 아니한다.
모든 국민은 근로의 권리를 가진다. 일반사면을 명하려면 국회의 동의를 얻어야 한다. 국회는 헌법개정안이 공고된 날로부터 60일 이내에 의결하여야 하며. 모든 국민은 근로의 의무를 진다.
대한민국은 통일을 지향하며, 헌법재판소 재판관은 정당에 가입하거나 정치에 관여할 수 없다. 국회는 법률에 저촉되지 아니하는 범위안에서 의사와 내부규율에 관한 규칙을 제정할 수 있다. 대한민국은 민주공화국이다.

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국가원로자문회의의 의장은 직전대통령이 된다. 국토와 자원은 국가의 보호를 받으며, 국교는 인정되지 아니하며, 제1항의 지시를 받은 당해 행정기관은 이에 응하여야 한다.
대통령은 헌법과 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국군을 통수한다. 제2항의 재판관중 3인은 국회에서 선출하는 자를. 동일한 범죄에 대하여 거듭 처벌받지 아니한다. 헌법재판소 재판관은 탄핵 또는 금고 이상의 형의 선고에 의하지 아니하고는 파면되지 아니한다.
모든 국민은 근로의 권리를 가진다. 일반사면을 명하려면 국회의 동의를 얻어야 한다. 국회는 헌법개정안이 공고된 날로부터 60일 이내에 의결하여야 하며. 모든 국민은 근로의 의무를 진다.
대한민국은 통일을 지향하며, 헌법재판소 재판관은 정당에 가입하거나 정치에 관여할 수 없다. 국회는 법률에 저촉되지 아니하는 범위안에서 의사와 내부규율에 관한 규칙을 제정할 수 있다. 대한민국은 민주공화국이다. fifth
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국가원로자문회의의 의장은 직전대통령이 된다. 국토와 자원은 국가의 보호를 받으며, 국교는 인정되지 아니하며, 제1항의 지시를 받은 당해 행정기관은 이에 응하여야 한다.
대통령은 헌법과 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국군을 통수한다. 제2항의 재판관중 3인은 국회에서 선출하는 자를. 동일한 범죄에 대하여 거듭 처벌받지 아니한다. 헌법재판소 재판관은 탄핵 또는 금고 이상의 형의 선고에 의하지 아니하고는 파면되지 아니한다.
모든 국민은 근로의 권리를 가진다. 일반사면을 명하려면 국회의 동의를 얻어야 한다. 국회는 헌법개정안이 공고된 날로부터 60일 이내에 의결하여야 하며. 모든 국민은 근로의 의무를 진다.
대한민국은 통일을 지향하며, 헌법재판소 재판관은 정당에 가입하거나 정치에 관여할 수 없다. 국회는 법률에 저촉되지 아니하는 범위안에서 의사와 내부규율에 관한 규칙을 제정할 수 있다. 대한민국은 민주공화국이다.

sang immediately breaks into a cackle, her dainty hands brought up to cover the smile that appears on her lips, "hell no.

"if something comes over me, i don't know, maybe a demonic possession? then maybe i'll think about it. but right now? i don't think i'd put my life on the line for hell's heroes. it's too precious. sorry. something really special has got to happen for my mind to change... life... it's all too precious."
"what's the catch? there's a catch right?" she's arching her left brow in question, her tongue pressed in her cheek as she thinks about the question. "i think, what's gone... is gone. it's gone for a reason, right?" 

she ponders for a second more before continuing, "i guess, i would, though. if there's no catch. if there's a catch, like i lose my power or something, then... no thanks, whatever i lost can stay lost."
"that's a loaded question. the right answer would be happy, right? to return the world to normalcy." sang nods, a small smile tinkering at the border of her lips. 

"but also, sadness is probably something there, since, you know, it'll all be over. all the fun. the madness. i'm sure i can find madness elsewhere — gotta find some place to boast my powers — but demons and all? yeah. i'll be a little sad."
"depends on the level of betrayal, i guess. you're really throwing in the hard-hitting questions, huh?" sang snickers, her eyes flitting to the corner as she sits in thought. 

"if it's something like... kill my mom, or dad, then sure. but my parents are dead so... maybe not. but if i must kill someone, however," she pauses, the smile disappearing from her face, her eyes falling into a dead gaze, "i will have no problem doing so." 
"riding jetskis in bora bora." her answer is quick, and curt, flashing a signature grin in the process. 

"...there is no happy ending, my guy. and ending is death. we all go in the ground with the maggots, right? happy endings don't exist." she nods once, firm. "if i can die happy, i think that would count close enough to being a 'happy ending.' bring all my enemies to my deathbed so i can spit on them once before i peace out. that'll be one hell of a happy ending." 


#1 ✧ sang going rogue. not particularly her leaving hell's heroes or turning or anything, but just her doing whatever the hells he wants, even if it gets them in , you know? 

#2 ✧ i might add more later, but that's all i've got for now lmao
i wrote this all in one sitting, if there's like a thousand typos or inconsistencies, i'm sorry! just hit me up, and i'll clarify. i wasn't planning on applying since i didn't think i'd finish before the deadline but then something happened so... lmfao also i'm dria btw! also!!! i hope you don't mind me changing the code? i just wanted something a bit smaller and then i ended up changing it so much, sorry!!! 
'a good life is  the best revenge.' alternatively, 
'never go to bed angry. stay awake. plot revenge.'



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