Need advice about a friend

usually i don't vent out what i feel anywhere or to anyone but this problem of mine has been bugging me for too long, so i guess i'll just let it all out in one go and hope you guys could give me a ray of sunshine, an advice, with this problem of mine. 


I have a friend. This friend of mine when i first met A (let's give friend a name) i thought that A was an okay person. We share common interests to the point that we feel like we're fraternal twins. We were going okay, until i noticed that A takes most of my time. I'm a person that can socialize but definitely needs an alone time but being a "good" friend, i always attend to A.  I then began to also notice that A pushes things on me. "check this out," "do this" "you should watch them" "have you watched it?" "Read this" "don't like that" -i try but there are things that you really can't force on people. Also, whenever i say or do something A doesn't like, A tends to give me this super obvious silent treatment. A would totally ignore my very existence. I never had a friend like that until now. So, i have a hard time coping and understanding A. I always apologize first, I always adjust to A's liking, I always feel bad whenever I sense A being mad at me to the point that every move i do i have to check and think about it for A's own sake. 

It was recently when i found myself exhausted with it. Whenever A gets mad, i became numb and ignore A completely. I also gave our friendship distance. I like A as my friend but A's flaw is totally killing it for me. I don't know what to do at this point. 

Ugh. I feel like a bad friend. 



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Seeing that you think about this shows how much you treasure this friendship so much.
Perhaps u can just hang out with other people and open up for more. Also, Experience told me to not tell everything to everyone, unless she is ur mom (at least for me) xp
U deserve someone who could give the same as u gave. Hugs.
yeojayeoja #2
I used to have the same problem too,with my bestfriend. Well,the thing i do was to completely ignore her and befriend with other friends and somehow,she realized her mistake and apologise.but in this case,maybe you can approach her slowly and talk about this matter.or else,find someone she's good with and ask for their help. Be strong and fighting,unnie!^^
Maybe you could approach her about it? Tell her what you feel and then give her a chance to tell hers after. If she doesn't want to listen to what you say first and instead gets angry and ignore you, I think it's time to look for a friend that will understand you. You seem like a nice person, but with what's happening you are just both destroying yourselves with what you guys are doing. Talking to her about your frustration and respect for her is what I think as the best way. Good luck!~ <3
I think maybe you should talk to your friend ? First of all I think its not right to force something on someone. She can suggest it to you but to do or watch it or not thats definately up to you. Its your choice and freedom. She cant be controlling you. Friendship dosent work that way. Friendship is a two way thingy. So she should learn to respect your choice and interest as well. I hope things get better for both of you. Talk and try work things out.