11/11/16: Reason for Deletion of All Works + Why I took a Break from Fanfiction writing

Because I have too many thoughts to simply write a cohesive piece of writing I am going to address each topic I've posted in the title in separate paragraphs or mini articles.

1.) Why I deleted EVERYTHING

Personally there is not much to grieve on this account, although I am extremely apologetic for those who have supported "You In Spring" only to be given the disappointment of not having it updated for roughly six months and ultimately having it deleted. I have decided to delete everything simply because I feel like I have progressed as a writer. A lot of people will contradict me on this giving me sentimental reasons such as: "Keeping old works is a part of the gratifying process of looking back to see how far you've come." Although, this is something that I apply to other mediums of art, such as: Drawing, Dancing (videos) and Keeping my Original Literary works, I don't apply this to fanfiction. Simply for the reason that I believe that because Fanfiction is especially limited there is no point in keeping badly written ones. I for one am disappointed when I try to look up fics on a particular band or otp and will be given a "top (insert band) (insert genre) fics" masterlist only to be presented with larger amounts of badly written fanfiction with the occasional, amazing, fic. I personally do not want other people to suffer this same fate so I have decided to delete the ones (which is everything) that I deem to be disappointing or just completely superficial.

2.) Why I took a break from Fanfiction Writing

The reasons for this should be blatantly obvious. I have school and have been busy, and still am busy with the ongoing exams. My other reason is that I took a literary year break and allowed myself to consume more texts than write them, which I think is a vital step in the process of progress. 

3.) Am I coming Back

This is definitely not the last time you guys will hear from me and I am currently working on something to post later on. I will be posting some fics here and there (tumblr, Ao3, deviantart etc.) and most definitely will be writing again for Asianfanfics. 

Anyways that is all I have to say. Ciao Beauts <3


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