Exams...? .___. [AKA I don't even know why I'm writing a blog post at 12:01 am and the last day of my finals are tomorrow. ROCK ON. \m/]


XD Don't mind my crazy crazy clap cla clap cla clap mad man intro.

So, anyways.

My exams were....sorta okay.


Um, so first day was English [T___T], Social Studies [I think I did okay. o_o] and Values [My mind didn't work too well for this. Srsly. -.-]

Second day [aka TODAY] was Math [WOOHOO awesomesauce. No headache for me~], TLE [just....one back-to-back page. AWESOME.], Computer [YAY I'm exempted from answering this~], Music [I messed some items up T____T], Art [Dayumn. Didn't get exempted for this. Am slightly annoyed at the fact that I sorta kinda studied for this and we found that our teacher didn't include some choices and everything is now messed up.], and PE [VOLLEYBALL. 'nuff said.]

Tomorrow [or later, depends on how you put it] is Science [hmmmm. didn't study for this, seriously XD], Filipino [Sariling Wika.], and Health [I hope it's not by the book again.]

Oh Goodness. I'm nervous again T_____T

Okay, better sleep now.




BTW. Did anyone notice that I seem like I'm on drugs today? o___o

okay, nevermind.


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