American Election

These are simple yes or no questions. I'm not asking for each person's answer, I'm asking these to enlighten people on what the issues of the latest USA election were. I'm not going to taint these with my own views on the issues, these are for each person to ask themselves and consider to make up your own mind. It's up to you to decide your own choices, that is what makes us free. I certainly won't judge for your choices, I think we all have a right to what we believe, but I just feel that instead of focusing on what other people say, everyone ought to know what they believe and why.


Issue number One:

Do you think that late term abortions should be allowed? Not talking abortion when medically needed, but abortion because the mother decides not to keep the baby and gets an abortion after the formation of human body, organs, and heartbeat in the fetus.


Issue number Two:

Do you think that individuals being hired by companies should be chosen based on gender and skin color instead of qualification or experience at the job?


Issue number Three:

Do you support same- marriage?


Issue number Four:

Do you think that God should be in all of the political and public choices, kept in the 'center' of everything?


Issue number Five:

Do you think that the environment should be cared for, and the environmental needs placed higher than human needs? Or do you think that they should be considered equally? Or do you feel that the environment needs no care, humans come first?


Issue number Six:

Should it be easier to register to become a voter in the USA? 


Issue number Seven:

Do you feel that the way to stop criminals from committing crimes is to punish more gently those who commit them, or do you feel that more firm punishments have more chance of keeping people from committing crimes?


Issue number Eight:

Do you feel that the government has the right to decide who can or cannot have guns, even if the individual passes a background check?


Issue number Nine:

Do you feel that Obamacare has been a boon for the country and should have even more expansion? Or do you feel that it has been a detriment and should be removed?


Issue number Ten:

Do you believe that the government should pay for all schooling, done at public schools, and try to make public school's better? Or do you believe that each state should provide each student the money to attend the private or charter school of their choice?


Issue number Eleven:

Do you believe that global warming is the fault of humans and that we should take steps to correct it? Or do you believe that global warming is not humanity's fault and we should continue forward as we are?


Issue number Twelve:

Do you believe that partaking in marajuana can lead to doing more drugs, so as to get a bigger/better high/effect?


Issue number Thirteen:

Do you believe that the government (which is currently over 9 trillion dollars in debt) should provide more money to help businesses climb out of the financial hole they're in? Or do you believe that helping to boost the market through more exclusive trade deals (which could effect the rest of the world's economy) would be more effective?


Issue number Fourteen:

Do you feel that if your neighbor makes more money than you, they should pay a higher tax percent? Or do you feel that everyone should pay the same percent of their income as taxes, regardless of what they're making?


Issue number Fifteen:

Do you believe that illegal aliens should be given the opportunity to become official citizens, despite having "jumped the line" that people waiting to enter legally have been waiting in?


Issue number Sixteen:

Do you believe that America needs to grow it's military to a larger force?


Issue number Seventeen:

Do you believe that America should remove their presence from other countries and focus on its own problems instead of the rest of the world's?



That's all. =)  Again, I'm not going to be saying what I believe or stand for, these are for simple enlightenment and understanding and deciding one's own stance. What I do believe in is everyone being informed and making a decision based on their own beliefs and feelings, not on what the media, their parents, their friends, or anyone else has to say.


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Okay this seems interesting to me so I'll answer shortly... But first of all I want to say I know like nothing about American politics since I'm not from America XD
I also think it's quite funny 'liberal' is considered progressive in America, while liberal here isn't really like that. But that' s all because of the ways things have grown in history, and even though I study history, I find that topic a little boring so I won't go on about it XD

1) Here in Belgium abortion is allowed until 12 weeks after conception. I think it's a good system.
3)Yes. It's been allowed here for a while, so feels pretty normal to me.
4) Absolutely not. There are so many religions. Why favor one?
5) equally.
6) I've no idea about how difficult this is right now... In Belgium everyone has to vote.
7)Such things depend on the person and crime in question, so I'm not able to judge that personally. This is for people who know about such matters and are qualified to judge.
8)Well guns are not 'legal' here, so it feels very weird for me to think about this. I'm personally glad they aren't allowed here.
9)Again, I can't judge this as a non-american. In my country healthcare and similar things are very important and it's unthinkable of that we wouldn't have them...
10) All schooling forms should be treated equally. I think it's something like that here as well but I'm not very sure. We don't really notice the differences between public and private schools, though they exist in theory.
11)It's partly through natural processes and partly because of the influence of humans, so yes, we should take steps to correct it or at least to try to slow it down as good as possible.
Here goes my liberal opinions xD

1. Yes.
2. No.
3. Neutral, I don't support nor am I against it.
4. No. Even if I was religious I would say no, after all the Bible teaches not to force Christ onto anyone. Political, too, is for the people.
5. Absolutely yes.
6. I'd say it's a pretty easy process, it's just very time-consuming.
7. It honestly depends on the crime and if the criminal had any history record. Every case should be treated differently.
8. Absolutely not.
9. I'm honestly neutral on this one. I've heard both good and bad things about Obamacare and it also carries both pros and cons.
10. Yes to both. I feel students will know whether they want to attend a public or private school instead. The country should make it an option to support both ideas.
11. If anyone is to be blame for global warming then it should be everything and everyone in the world. Humans contribute to global warming just as natural disasters. But humans has the control to slow down global warming, to reduce it from getting worse.
12. No? If you're going to do then you're going to do it eventually. With legal it'll be easier to get one's hands on it, so the price of would definitely go down. Especially if people starts growing and smoking their own. And then that adds to our drought problem and so on....
13. I believe if businesses and firms are cut for it, they won't need any financial aid from the government. Good business could easily solve their financial problem, even in the long run.

[to be continued]
You've brought up a lot of good points here and as much as I'd love to answer each one in full, I always think it's better to discuss politics and other possibly sensitive topics face-to-face. So I'll just comment briefly on the ones that really resonate with me.

1) To have made the decision to carry a child for so long and then kill it seems a little cruel in my mind. However, it is entirely up to the mother, and while it pains me to say this, it should be allowed. A mother's choice is a mother's choice. If she doesn't keep the baby after holding on for so long, then it might be better that she didn't have the child (keyword: MIGHT).
4) Religion and politics are two highly sensitive topics. For the sake of the sanity of the average citizen, I think they should be kept separate - the chaos that would result if anyone had an opposing idea could be disastrous when people are offended on two separate grounds.
9) Obamacare probably does need to be polished up to work most effectively, but I don't think it should be removed. As America was before, people who didn't have health insurance went to charity hospitals, and those only had a set amount of money to work with. At least with the Obamacare system the poor people who truly needed help could get it without having to destroy their banks. Removing Obamacare is essentially equal to taking away needed medical help.

As for the whole 'Trump's president we're dead' thing: He's just one person, and it takes much more than that to run a country. There have been a lot of things that he's said that he can't put into practice because it's too costly or difficult, and even more of those things would never make it past the rest of the government. Everyone needs to calm down and realize that it's not the end of the world. I'm not saying he's great and I'm not saying his moral policies are right, but he IS the President now so now everyone has to deal with it. If you want a change, vote in the next election for that change.
hotterthanasummer #4
Omfg... I typed out a big answer to all these and it disappeared
I think people are jumping to conclusions simply because Donald Trump has a reputation that's not so great. Just because he may not be the best human being and role model for kids doesn't mean he'll destroy our country. And, I trust that the people he has to work with and go through will be able to keep him in check when it comes to things that could negatively effect the country. He's not a ruler, he's a leader, which means he has people behind him, helping him lead. And that means we can have a little more faith for the situation as a whole, even if it's an odd situation to start off with.
Sorry, for commenting like this. It's honestly just kind of been getting to me how everyone is saying America is screwed because of this and we're doomed and our futures our ruined, when it's so much more than just one person leading the entire country.