I'm such a Jin stan! It won't go away!!

Ugggh!! I know I am an Jin stan because...because...he is SOOOOO damn pretty!! Both pretty and handsome! I just love his plump lower lip! It almost makes his lips look like a 3D heart right on his face! So kissable and and pokeable! Pure beautiful!


I love how just he eats his food. Its adorable how he just shoves it into his mouth and then fed the other members! I really enjoy seeing those cheeks be large to where they puff out! It amazes me how he can just shove it into his mouth! XD


There is too much to say about Kim "Jin" Seokjin from BTS! XDD You just have no clue! I cannot stop smiling when I see him. He is just so URRRRGH!! Especially in those glasses! Hahaha, he looks so cute in glasses! XD I get sad every time someone Roleplays as Seokjin because I want to be Seokjin! XD Hahaha!


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