Fallen hard and deep





That's okay, right? At least you get back together.

The most difficult part is that being a long distance relationship. I meant LDR differently. It really meant long distance.

Communication is hard even with the internet and so many SNS. But that's fine. At least I can still talk to him.

Doubts. The number one foe when you're in a LDR. But that's how you can prove yourselves, your love.

I'm trying. Trying hard to patiently wait. In the name of love.


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You got this!~ LDR is always difficult, and takes a STRONG built relationship. Fighting!~
syaamil #2
Yeah..like @alianaloveanwar curious.. .I also want to know...is it the man below there was your bf hah??????
alianaloveanwar #3
I had LDR too!! Haha..and you're right..we always had a fight and argue although for just small matter..but always be good back..break up?? In many time i break up but get back togther back since we know we love each other so much...doubts?? Yes..you're right..its number one in LDR..but as long as he care of you..you can trust him..haha. Once he change his attitude without reason..then you can doubt.. Haha..hope you end up happily with him:)

Btw is it the man below there who leave a comments was your bf?? Just asking. Haha
adammark #4
Hi dear!! Fall in love with me huh..?? Hahaha
LDR are a pain in the tbvh but good luck tho hope it works out for you, love <3