< supreme's girl crush >
BIRTHNAME: moon inna 문인나 
INNA-UNNIE aside from her actual younger sister and #supreme members that are younger than her, older people like to call her "inna-unnie" too. when she raps, she switches from an adorable younger sister-type to a skilled ssenunni.
 ATTENTION-DOL there's a saying among fans and mtm staff, "if you want people to notice it, have moon inna do it". it stems from the fact that she's very visible in the public eye, which is both a positive and a negative.
BIRTHDAY: 072998
BIRTHPLACE + HOMETOWN: andong, south korea
KR native. being from andong, she speaks in gyeonsang satoori. though ever since living in seoul, she now speaks a mixture of satoori and standard korean.
CHN advanced. instead of focusing more on english in school, inna prefered chinese. she speaks mandarin chinese.
EN conversational. inna couldn't escape english completely. the company gave her english lessons as well as her school. it's not her strong point.
FACECLAIM: wjsn's yeoreum ( rv seulgi )( gfriend sinb ) 
HEIGHT + WEIGHT: 158 cm and 43 kg

tumblr_oc0vyocbiA1usm877o1_400.giftumblr_ogri18LXFM1sk2kqwo3_400.gif tumblr_oc0vyocbiA1usm877o2_400.gif

    the first thing you notice about moon inna is her eyes. small, narrow, chatoyant in quality. she reminds you of a cat, coy and kittenish and coquettish yet also insolent and rebellious. you blush, because she reminds you of your little sister, such a brat yet so endearing. her hair is silky and soft and healthy and dense, the way it blows in the wind makes your heart skip a beat. the next thing you notice is how neat she looks. her skin is clean and vibrant and bouncy with a youthful glow only a teenaged girl could have. hands are well-manicured and soft, you note when she brushes her hand against yours, and there's never a hair out of place on her head. moon inna has a small frame. thin shoulders, slim body, petite build. she doesn't take up much space, with contrasts her vibe and her confidence.

    she walks shoulders back, chin high, chest puffed out. it's stunning. she's stunning.

FASHION STYLE: inna likes wearing baggy, oversized, slightly ugly boyish clothes. plain, long t-shirts with cool sukajan jackets and shorts are her aesthetic, and that's pretty much all she wears.


scintillating, gregarious, spunky, zealous, whimsical
flamboyant, competetive, unladylike
cocky, audacious, insolent, rebellious, impulsive, insecure

SOLILOQUIES FOR MOON INNA cool kids never die. it's the motto that runs through her viens, makes her run on the wind, makes her run towards success. she's different, anyone can see that. different in an attractive way, different in a ruggedly charming way. she's careless with her words and actions because no matter what she does, people will still love her. she throws caution to the wind because no obstacle in the universe can hinder her.


     the reason you fall in love with somone is also the reason you fall out of love with them. you fall in love with inna moon because she's not like other girls. she's bright, almost blindingly so. she's clever and skillful, excitingly so. she's the one who approaches you first, an easy smile on her face, because that's just how she is. she's the type have a lot of friends but few to know her very well. but you want to know her better, there's just something about her. you spend time with her, she skips when she walks and moves with a bounce in her step. inna moon is unafraid to show her exuberance, isn't afraid to make silly faces and laugh and smile and share her endless energy with the world, because she knows that's who she is. she has a strong sense of identity, you see. she tells you that she wants to live life being true to herself, and if that meant upsetting others than so be it. it's admirable, you think, her passion. she stands up for what she believes in. she defends you from those who want to do unjustice upon you. inna's loyal to you. you begin to see more of her. you see how easily she becomes angered, saddened, or excited. you see how she confronts anyone who she feels is in the wrong. you see how courageous and independent-thinking she is, and how she won't let herself be swayed by others. you see how she'll give you the silent treatment until you apologize first, even if she was in the wrong. inna likes to have fun. inna likes you having fun with her. she's funny, she pushes you out of your comfort zone, she pushes you to try new and different experiences. when you look at her, you can see the fanciful spontaneity, the inner child that she embraces. inna doesn't care what others think, and neither should you. you wish you could have the same bravery as she did, the bravery to get a crazy idea and just run with it.


     inna has this preoccupation with being the best, you notice. she's constantly improving and showing her worth and skill just to show it off, just so she can have a reason to brag. what was once confidence that drew you in is now arrogance that rubs you the wrong way during an argument. she's become much more sarcastic with you, she points out the inferiority of others and dismisses those people. sometimes she dismisses you, and that pisses you off. she likes stealing the spotlight from pretty much anyone. she gets in over her head and is unable to back down. she judges others based on looks and skill. you argue with her. she gets defensive, mean, because she knows you're right. she refuses to admit you're right. the both of you begin to spar verbally and she says, "either way, i know you won't leave me because of this. you can't." she doesn't say it in a way where she's asking you not to leave, it's said in a way that emphasizes that you're wrapped around her finger. you can't leave her, she's too great. inna defies those in authority, even when she has no reason to. she belittles others, is openly judgemental of her peers, she speaks her mind regardless of how much her words hurt. you hate how you're the only one who calls her out on those behaviors, you wish the people who fawn over her and praise her for being blunt and speaking her mind realized how hurtful and problematic she could be. you use to find her whimsical rebellion charming, but not when she backtalks people she isn't supposed to, or thinks of herself as on equal footing with successful seniors. inna deliberately participates in activities that annoy those in charge, she refuses to answer questions on her wherabouts just because, she says things deliberately meant to hurt those in charge, pushing boundaries and testing limits. she doesn't think about the things she says and does. inna is exciteable and impatient and irresponsible. she acts first, thinking later. her lack of impulse endangers herself and you because she wants to sneak out of the trainee dorms by climbing down the rain pipe. she nearly breaks her neck, but you catch her. inna moon hurts you, she hurts you real bad.

  looking back at it, you realize that inna's insecure. you wonder how you didn't notice it before. she wanted to remain number one in your heart. she's always wanted to be number one because being anything less would destroy her.

essences of inna — written by

     moon inna was born under a full july moon, and for the first time in her life, moon inna was the best. a year later, her sister came along and inna was reduced to number two. her family fawned over mina because she was pretty and charming, and they pitied inna because she was ugly and boisterous. she was pretty fat, too, so that was another source of teasing by her family.

     in school, a boy told her that her legs were weird. she was called a pig countless times on the playground whenever she'd call out a boy for being mean. and mina, mina never had to go through that. mina got people cooing over her and patting her head and complimenting her. it's crazy how much worth people place on appearances. 

     inna hates herself. her face, her body. but despite it all there was always one person who didn't hate her, lee inho. they were friends, and he supported her throughout all the insecurity. but his support alone wasn't enough. inna found another reason to hate herself, bad acne. constant comments about her weight, her face, how it's a shame she's not pretty like her sister, inna could hardly look in a mirror without feeling a swell of frustration.

     the good thing about being ugly, in inna's own words, is that "at least my personality is top notch because otherwise i wouldn't have any friends". another benefit? is that she had to be damn good at what she did to get any ounce of recognition. she got into rap, because she could be as ugly as she wanted as long as she was good. rap was all she was good at, in her opinion, and she wanted to share her rap with the world. her sister became a popular internet blogger, and once again inna was reduced to the less than talented, ugly, fat sister.

     in an attempt to prove that she was more than what everyone saw her as, she decided to pursue the idol life in 2011. she auditioned at mtm entertainment, and although her visuals weren't up to their standards, her skill and presence surpassed their expectations. 

     moon inna is late to bed, early to rise. the others wonder how she can do it, go to bed at two or three and get up at eight not wanting to murder anyone. she goes to school, and then practices instead of going to hagwons. inna spends her time rapping and writing. and when she gets back to the dorm, she does everything she didn't have time to during the day like studying and cleaning.

     inna practices until she's satisfied. if that means skipping meals and not taking breaks, then so be it. she's on semi-friendly terms with many trainees, a lot of people like being around her, but she suspects that they don't really like her that much.
    ONE is one of the members with the most exposure to the public, and as a result has a large amount of fans and an even larger amount of antis.
    TWO inna has recieved multiple plastic surgery procedures including : double eyelid surgery, v-line jaw reduction, forehead augmentation, and teeth capping. the surgeries were recommended by the company and inna had no qualms with getting the procedures done. in fact, she wanted more done but the company wouldn't let her do any more procedures.
   THREE has a whooping twelve step skincare routine. cleansing oil, cleansing water, facial cleanser, booster, toner, ampoule, serum, essence, sheet mask, emulsion, cream, and sleeping mask. 
    FOUR gets flustered very easily, especially around boys because she's not used to male affection. whenever male fans tell inna she's cute, she turns bright red and curls into herself, stamping her feet. also has a tendency to slap people when she's flustered.
    FIVE her charm is described as "real little sister charm". whereas the media portrays little sisters as cute and shy, inna is a competitive and a troublemaker like real-life sisters are.
    SIX likes poking fun at the members. she'll tease them for being so lame, laugh at them when they look ridiculous. between her and the older members, there is no age difference and she has no problem with making them do the things she doesn't want to do. she'll openly defy the older members by telling them to get something themselves or by insisting that she should be the one to shower first and by blocking them on camera and scaring them just for funsies and reclining teir seats all the way back in the van and..... actually how can they put up with her lmao.
    SEVEN inna fears not being enough, being despied, and ladybugs.
    EIGHT really loves things like wordplay and seeing people's talents, so fans can always win her heart by telling her puns or showing off cool things they can do.
    NINE her younger sister is a bit of a sore spot for inna, as mina is the pedestal that inna looks up too, but mina adores her older sister beyond words.
    TEN inna's pride is her skin because it was one of the things she improved on her own. she loves skincare so much, especially the science behind it.
    ELEVEN has some very interesting hobbies for someone like her. she enjoys knitting, buying ugly sweaters and tacky clothes, and baking.
    TWELVE loves, loves, loves bewhy so much. bewhy is her husband, her savior, her goals. moon inna would literally convert to christianity if it meant she could date bewhy. she also loves ssam d and gray.
    THIRTEEN her specialty is baking. cakes, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, she loves making them.
   FOURTEEN is a night owl and is somehow always doing things in the hours no one should be awake. seriously, inna does her homework, cleans, practices, goes online shopping, everything from like 11 pm to 3 am.
    FIFTEEN tends to get frustrated with herself easily, especially at some of the things she says to other people. inna gets especially frustrated when she's not living up to her own expectations. when she gets frustrated, she starts hyperventilating, and a good way to calm her down is to place a hand on the back of her neck.
     SIXTEEN inna grabs people a lot. whenever she's laughing or shocked or sad, she'll suddenly seize the forearm of the person closest to her. or she'll slap their bicep.
    SEVENTEEN moon inna is a master of sneaking out of the dorm at night. it doesn't help that she's awake when like no one else is, but her movements are surprisingly quiet.
  EIGHTEEN her favorite unpretty stages were : her originally scary stage, the 2-on-2 diss she did with nada, and her stage with superbee.
    NINETEEN because she's pretty much a light beacon that gathers everyone's attention, inna gets offers to do cfs and to endorse clothing brands.
     TWENTY is the member with the largest amount of antis. in fact, a google search of moon inna or #supreme's inna will have threads and articles bashing her as the first few links.
     AESTHETICS OF MOON INNA lost car keys, gum wrappers at the bottom of purses, driving with all the windows down, breathing on cold hands to warm them up, cheap rings turning your skin green.
     QUOTES quotes from moon inna :
       "unnie, you speak too much."
       "i hate you."
       "i'll give you a hard boiled egg if you go out with
       "sorry you can't be me."
tumblr_ofx423NdXL1umup7ro2_400.gif"I WISH I COULD BE LIKE YOU."
     always number one, younger sister / moon mina / 091099 / internet personality / moon mina, the pedestal inna looked up to despite being older. inna can't help but feel bitter, it's obvious mina is the favorite child. favorite sister, favorite person. she's distanced herself from her sister after becoming a trainee, but mina loves her older sister and can't wait to see inna debut. she was cheering for inna all throughout unpretty rapstar.

     partner-in-crime / nada / 052491 / idol, wassup / the two met on unpretty rapstar 3, where inna called out nada's less than expectation introduction. they were branded as rivals, but nada was so cool and she recognized that inna had serious skills. after the mission for kush's track, and after they did the 'scary' special stage, they became closer and started working together even more. nada watches over inna well, giving her all sorts of idol advice like how to avoid dating scandals, what to do if the company is mistreating her.

tumblr_ofx423NdXL1umup7ro2_400.gif"I WANT TO HATE HER, BUT I CAN'T. SOEUN-UNNIE IS JUST THAT GREAT."
     best friend stealer, rival, and begrudging friend  / ha soeun / 020295 / trainee, possible idol ( #supreme ) / when inho told inna about a "nice noona he's friends with that might be in supreme with her", moon inna felt attacked and offended. she wanted to despise soeun, to label her "best friend stealer" and make inho stick to her side. but then, soeun was decent. more than decent, actually. ha soeun made her laugh. ha soeun shares an enthusiams for skincare like inna does. ha soeun shared enough in common with moon inna for inna to actually like her.

     and then the "best friend stealer"s became less out of malice and more out of truth. ha soeun is someone better than moon inna, someone better for inho than moon inna. ha soeun is the person inho confines in, even when he can't confine in her. he probably confines in soeun about her. soeun is beautiful, and everything inna is not. inna flops between wanting to be better than her and wanting to be her.


     group, the sisters she never asked for / #supreme /
at first, inna sees some of the girls in the group and wonders why they're there. she shrugs them off, only focusing on herself. but as time goes on, inna begins to see how wonderful they are, and grows fond of them.

POSITION: main rapper
PERSONA: GIRL CRUSH inna's skill as a rapper, the tough image she portrays when rapping as well as her sassiness has earned her the label of 'girl crush'.
TALENT TWINS: JEON SOYEON ( pd101 / uprs3 )
     her years in training were some of the best years of her life. a place where her talents were evident and even if she wasn't the prettiest, she was one of the best rappers in the company. suddenly, she was floored to become better, to become prettier. inna invested the allowance money she'd get from her parents into skincare products, gathering up a sort of dragon's hoarde of skincare. her acne cleared up within two months. she adhered to a strict diet and exercise routine and lost about 30 kg over the course of her 5 years as a trainee. 

     the company mentioned plastic surgery in passing, and inna literally came up with a list of procedures she wanted done, and boy howdy, she got a few of them done. moon inna was finally happy with her face and body and she felt as if she was good enough.

PRODUCE 101 moon inna did not make past the top 20 on the show, but she was there and was praised for her rapping. she was rank a when the girls were evaluated. on the show, netizens bashed inna for her looks and her competetiveness and insolence. they brandished her as an arrogantly rude and perfectionistic power hungry mongrel. and then, when she tried to suppress those negative traits, she was brandished as a fake arrogantly rude and perfectionistic power hungry mongrel.
     UNPRETTY RAPSTAR SEASON 3 after produce 101, or by mtm pulling some strings over at mnet, inna was confirmed for the lineup of unpretty rapstar season 3. she made placed in fourth, losing to giant pink, nada, and ash-b. her time on uprs is both a good memory and a sore spot for her. she feels as though the competition was rigged, or that the audience was too biased towards giant pink because giant pink messed up her lyrics multiple times, while she and nada haven't. inna was ranked as the best rapper among the girls, and yet she's behind ash-b who hasn't shown much throughout the competition ( she feels ). it's sometimes frustrating for her to think about because she didn't mess up once on that show, and she not only didn't make the top three, but she doesn't have any solo song. but she did love working with nada and superbee.
     SCARY SPECIAL STAGE after episode 4, where kush chose both inna and nada for the winners of the challenge, they got to perform the song as a special stage on m-countdown. episode 490 aired on august 23th, 2016. xx.
     STICKY SITUATION ON THE SET OF UNPRETTY RAPSTAR SEASON 3 ! episode 5 of unpretty got a bit steamy with the song san.e produced, with the concept being 'sticky'. a flustered and underaged inna asked the producer,
"pd-nim, do you know what 'sticky' is?"
"um.... haven't you had a boyfriend before?"
"boyfriend? yes. well, no. but, we never went out."

not only did inna admit to having dated someone before, someone the company didn't even know about, the show also allowed an underaged girl to be highly ualized and sing about highly ualized things, which upset the public. and then san.e allowed said underaged girl to end up in the final deliberation of winner of aforementioned highly ualized track, which also upset the public quite a bit.

netizen response !
[ +200, -75 ] i don't get what the big deal is. girls are supposed to be y......
[ +300, -140 ] ugh i agree it was totally weird. and san.e oppa gives me weird vibes like all the time but at least they edited out most of her performance

lee inho is spotted in the crowd of the unpretty rapstar 3 semi-finals. when asked what he's doing there, he responds that he's there to cheer for his friend inna.
netizen response !
[ +67, -10 ] no way....... inho is friends with moon inna? i guess they're both from andong but still, what a surprise

     "MOON INNA ONLY GOT AS FAR AS SHE DID BECAUSE OF POPULARITY" ! whenever moon inna would succeed in uprs3, netizens would claim that it was only because of her popularity from produce 101 ( or something else ), and not her own talent. she can't deny that her fans support her ( sometimes excessively like in ep 3's 1v1 battle where she recieved 600 votes, an extreme outlier from everyone else's hundred-or-so ), but her fans support her because she's talented.
netizen response !
[ +100, -10 ] honestly i really wish people would recognize that moon inna has talent..... she's the only one who showed consistent skill in each mission, something not even miryo did. even when giant pink messed up, moon inna never did.
[ +80, -50 ] unpretty 3 will never be as good as the original. all the girls regardless, but at least its not as bad as unpretty 2 ㅋㅋㅋ

     MOON INNA CONFIRMED FOR FINAL LINEUP OF #SUPREME ! when inna is confirmed for the lineup of supreme, reactions were mixed. many people congratulated her, many people were upset at her not going solo, and many people were upset because they saw her as a fox. inna's profile reveal stirred the most buzz and the internet seemed split down the middle.
netizen response !
[ +90, -64 ] after her behavior on unpretty and sh*t... lmao she doesn't deserve to be a group. seriously, what a b*tch
[ +185, -50 ] being in a group will seriously not be a proper application of her talents........ mtm needs to let her go solo
[ +60, -10 ] i'm so happy for my inna tt

     #SUPREME'S INNA A BULLY? ! netizens notice that when apollo's inho is around, she disregards and disrespects the other members, especially soeun or other member
netizen response !
[ +250, -100 ] the real question is if inin or ineun is better ㅋㅋㅋ
[ +176, -87 ] inna is such a fox though....
[ +200, - 150 ] our soeun doesn't deserve to be treated like this!!! besides, inho oppa said himself his ideal type is someone older than him and that's not inna.

     #SUPREME'S INNA TALKS ABOUT PLASTIC SURGERY AND SELF-ESTEEM ! on a radio show while the other members were opening up about their plastic surgery, inna did too. she mentions how she wishes to get more because she feels much happier now than she did before she got her surgeries.
netizen response !
[ +200, -75 ] all that plastic surgery and her visuals are still a joke
[ +150, -20 ] i think it's brave for her to speak up about her self-esteem issues and how empowered she felt after getting plastic....... is it really that bad if the person getting it feels better????

     APOLLO'S INHO AND #SUPREME'S INNA SEEN SHOWING OFF THEIR CLOSE FRIENDSHIP ! it's no secret that inho and inna are close friends, and after supreme debuts, they become more open in their closeness. they've been seen giving each other short hugs, wrapping arms around the other's shoulders, inna can be seen linking arms with him and dragging him places, they can be seen playfully hitting each other. through their actions are typical of their friendship, netizens are split between shipping it and being up in arms.
netizen response !
[ +300, -100 ] why the is everyon so upset??? they've been friends since they were like...... 4, of course they're gonna be close. christ.
[ +238, -110 ] no wonder why the inna hates ineun, hate to break it to her though, but inho is clearly more interested in his diva noona~
[ +100, -92 ] okay can we please keep supreme 300 km away from apollo at all times because they're stealing our oppas!!

THERE'S RUMORS ABOUT #SUPREME CONTAINING THE MOST TALENTED TRAINEES UNDER MTM. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT BEING ONE OF THEM? "we're supposed to be the most talented trainees, and i agree that i'm one of them, but some of the girls i can't help but wonder why they were chosen."
"i wanted... to prove that i can do something, y'know? that i was more than just the fat, ugly sister of moon mina."
"i went down to seoul and auditioned in 2011. and then in 2012 inho couldn't bear to be so far away from me that he auditioned too."
"everyone is really excited to debut but... honestly it feels like i've debuted way before this. what with unpretty and stuff, and my special stage with nada unnie. i know i'm ready for it though, and i know what i'm doing, so shouldn't i be the leader?"
"no, why would i? i feel happiest when i can do what i'm good at. my trainee years were the best of my life, it really helped me grow confident in myself and my skills."
"if i wasn't an idol? well... most immediately i'd be a regular student, i suppose. i'd probably still be ugly... but in the long run i'd want to be a dermatologist because i love skincare!"
"definitely inho, no doubt about it."
"champion's silver, definitely. he's no bewhy, but i seriously love his mixtape and all his raps."
"instead of liking guys who are particularly handsome or conventionally attractive, i like cool guys who are on the plainer-looking side, but make up for it in talent and magnetism. i'd rather go for one certain charm than a perfect face. i feel like my type of guy is more practical and they're in my league. i have huge crushes on bewhy and hyukoh."
tumblr_ofx423NdXL1umup7ro2_400.gif  "DAMN, WE'RE CHEESIER THAN A SCHOOL ROMANCE ANIME."
OCCUPATION: apollo's v + ld
BIRTHDAY: 021598

open minded, enthusiastic, excitable, creative, adaptable​, curious

HOMILIES OF LEE INHO you're the prometheus of your own inner world, my boy. you know people have different philosophies that guide their lives, and you adapt to that. why, there's probably not a soul on earth you can't fit in with. your eyes, softer than rainfall at twilight, gaze at her and something lights up inside them. it's just the two of you now, should you make a move? you wonder what her hands feel like, what the skin of her cheek feels like. you're all too curious about her. you are a blessing to tiresome routines, you are a blessing to her. you see, my sweet lad, your enthusiams helps her get through the day. when your creativity collides with her wit, it leaves the world rapt.

     first they were neighbors. next door neighbors to be exact. the moving truck pulled up in front of the moon residence, and inna and her sister crowded at the window to see what kind of people would move in. she saw inho, and his eyes struck a chord within her. the lee family comes over for dinner, per mother's invitation. inho is her age, only a few months older. "why don't you three go play?" 

     inho lathers attention on inna's sister, who's young and dumb. and someone having the audacity to not pay attention to the great moon inna pisses her off. she pushes him, and when he shouts "your sister is nicer than you are!", she goes off to sulk and he goes off to tell his mother. mother tells him that inna is jealous, and that he ought to apologize. even though he's done nothing wrong, it's a man's job to apologize first because it'll mean a lot to the woman. inho presents inna with a small daisy he picked from the grass and apologizes.

     then they were peers. same classroom, similar names, seats next to each other. any girl who thinks inho is cute automatically dislikes inna, and inna doesn't like them back. she and inho like the same things, dancing, make believe, anime, she makes him watch sailor moon and he doesn't complain. they attend the same dance class together, though inna gets mad and quits because inho is better than her.

     they grow up, they become more defined, they become who they are today. they're a power pair, her whimsy and his exciteability, his creativity and her wit, his open-mind and her outgoingness, they complement each other. as the girls grew meaner, inho was always there to tell inna that she's beautiful, especially after she asked.
in : inho. you're a man, right?
ih : i'm kinda afraid to respond to that.
in : you're a man who is attracted to women, right?
ih : i'd say we're hardly close to being a man and a woman.
in : just answer me, dammit!
ih : fine! yes, yes, yes! someone's cranky today.
in : am i pretty?
ih : what? inna, are you seriously taking what yoomi said about you seriously?
in : ...
ih : look, inna, i don't care what you look like. i'm not gonna stop being your friend because some girl called you a stupid, country-looking rag—inna, i do think you're beautiful. you're so bright and fun and bubbly.
in : but am i pretty?
ih : your smile is pretty, and so are your hands, and the way your eyes look when you're looking at something that excites you. i think you're pretty, moon inna.
in : and y?
ih : let's not push it.

     and whenever someone inho felt like giving up dance, inna was always there to knock some sense into him.
ih : damn it... why the hell am i like this?
in : lee inho, shut up.
ih : the crew lost the competition because i completely blanked! this isn't the first time it's happened either, i should just stop dancing all togther!
in : shut. up.
ih : you're a friend, you know?
in : if you quit dancing i won't be your friend at all, lee inho. wanna know why i stopped when we were like seven? because you were so good that it pissed me off. the thought of constantly being compared to your skill pissed me off. i was just so in awe at how naturally your body could move like that. you're such an amazing dancer, not even good or great, and whenever i see you dance, i feel inspired.
ih : ... you're a great friend, you know?
in : i know.

     then they were something more. he really did think she was beautiful, and she really did think he was inspiring. inna told him she wanted to be a rapper, told him about her first "gig". she gave him the address to a kinda skeevy location, and inho, thinking it was an actual performance, showed up in a button-up and some nice pants and with flowers. and then it ended up being a vulgar rap battle with a brutal line about "the loser in the checkered shirt" ( inho ) from the opponent. that aside, inho realized that inna looked prettiest when rapping. the swagger in her movements, the commanding tone of her voice, the impish glimmer in her eyes as she told an older woman that she'll "drop the formalities now, sooji-ah". and he realized he wanted to kiss her. 

     so he did. after her performance, where she held her own against much older rappers, he pulled her to the side and breathed 
"i'm sorry" before kissing her. and it was a sensation that made blush rush all across her face, it made her squeak in suprise before she began to kiss him back. he embraced her, burying his face in the crook of her neck as she stammered meek responses.
ih : inna, i'm sorry. i really like you and—
in : i'm going to seoul and auditioning for an entertainment label!

    they were only thirteen, and inna got into mtm entertainment. he didn't get to see her hardly ever, nor could he talk to her. but, distance does make the heart grow fonder, and when they did reunite, when inho auditioned for mtm in 2012, they picked up where they last left off.

     inna and inho fell in love quietly, subtly. it started from the day they met and continued on throughout their friendship. they've even said "love you" already, quick, seemingly insignificant assurances that they care. everything between them feels so natural that they don't have to carefully plan out the things they say or even think about their feelings. their love is instead expressed through "you are so goddamn perfect" and "you don't need to change yourself" and "even if you think the things you make are bad, i'll always love them".

     are they actually friends or do they ing hate each other? it's honestly a mystery to most people looking in on their dynamic. every time they speak, nay every time they even breathe in each other's direction the air is filled with "i hate you"s and "you're disgusting"s and "never speak to me again"s. they're always flaming each other and teasing one another, calling each other ugly and losers. it's how they build each other up. their conversations are 60% bickering 35% bad jokes and 5% actual sentimental things. they fight over the dumbest things too like who's gonna eat the last fry or the pronunciation of cannon.

     when inna and inho come together, it's a dangerously fun match. she's zealous and impulsive while he's exciteabe and curious, so they're always causing some sort of trouble together. they'll sneak out at night and do lame tourist things and pretend they have no clue about anything in seoul. when they both have days off, they'll catch a train down to andong and visit each other's families. whenever inna bakes, inho is her assitant chef in charge of decorating.

     inna and inho text pretty much all the time when they're not together and they're both the type to like octuple text if they don't get a reply right away. despite their fighting, they still talk about profound and serious things. existential things like their purposes in life and what they would do if the world was ending in that very moment. they know things without really having to say anything. she knows if he grabs her arm that there's a girl trying to talk to him and he's scared. he knows if she starts breathing really heavily that she's about to freak the hell out and to put his hand on the back of her neck to soothe her. she's the only one who he'll talk about being homesick with and he's the only one she talks about his feelings of never being able to reach her own expectations with.

     they rely on each other immensely. no excuses, distance, or events could keep these two from helping each other out in times of need. they remind each other that everywhere they want to go and everything they want to do is possible and achieveable. whenever inna needs advice, she goes to inho because she relies on him the most. they don't judge each other and have seen the grossest parts of each other. inho sends her pictures of his poops. he's seen inna shaving her leg in a bathroom sink. hell, he was sitting in the bathtub and watching bill nye on his phone while she was doing it. the last thing inho wants inna to do is change. he's happy for her being more confident in who she is but he also doesn't want her to feel the need to change herself to be better because he likes her for who she is. that spunky, boisterous, kinda ugly girl he calls his friend. 

maybe they end up dating, maybe they remain friends, but they will care for each other no matter what.

     ONE their favorite thing about each other is their talent.
   TWO they're more of the out and about type, so they're always finding cool places to go "as friends". although, sometimes they get an itching to go out at night, inna especially, so they'll sneak out and get street food occasionally.
     THREE their show is jojo's bizzare adventure.
    FOUR inna knits him a lot of things. he has sweaters, hats, scarves, socks, and blankets from her.
    FOUR inho was there for all of inna's unpretty rapstar stages.
    FIVE inna wrote inho's first fanmail, and inho will be the first to write inna's when #supreme debuts
     SIX she goes onto online and fights with people who bash inho
     AESTHETICS OF LEE INHO gray skies, laser pointers, grass stained knees, jackets tied around your waist, downtown city sidewalk singalongs at the top of your lungs late at night, house parties, scuffed shoes, fraying hems.
USERNAME + ALIAS: lambhorns + ivy
ACTIVITY RATE: i check every day lmao
LAST WORDS: is the group's name just supreme or is it like #supreme ( pronounced as shap-supreme???/ u kno like how #gun's name is shap-gun )
SUGGESTIONS: twice's tt, laboum's shooting love, wjsn's catch me
HOLIDAYS WITH #SUPREME #supreme spending holidays together, like christmas and chuseok bc they're busy training but they still make time for celebrations with each other. like, some of the girls set up a christmas tree in the practice room using an air freshener tree and putting tiny presents for one another under it. and when everyone else walks in their so happy that some of them start crying while others are just speechless and they just spend the day surrounded by warmth and love and appreciation for one another as they exchange gifts ( bonus points if someone makes them wear ugly christmas sweaters ). and for chuseok like man, man. they gather in the practice room bc its big enough for all of them lmao and then they have a feast with cheap convenience store food and break their diets but who cares bc its the holidays!!!!!
FIREWORKS watching fireworks together and having cute, fluffy moments together.
 PROMISE #supreme getting promise rings for their hundreth day anniversary.
PASSWORD: "chaewon... she's talented but... i dunno. one day she's alright and then the next, we're at each other's throats."


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hello ivy !!
thank you so much for applying ♡

first of all, i'd like to apologize for this very very late review
school has been keeping me so busy that i log in here just to check my messages ;;;;;
hope you can forgive me

okay let's move onto the review
omg, is that yeoreum i see ???? great choice of faceclaim, yeoreum is so cute ♡
i really liked inna and how she's has her flaws and quirks
but it's quite sad that she disliked herself before the plastic surgeries, and it is even sadder that it actually happens all the time in our world
i just really want to hug inna and tell her that everything's gonna be fine and she's more than enough

i love inna's and inho's relationship, how they protect and defend each other and how they're always there for one another
how they're so comfortable around each other to the point where he's beside her while she shaves lol
inna would not be the same if she didn't have inho by her side
inho is so good for her
i don't want them to separate ever ;;;

one thing i'm confused about is her training length. in inna's background and in inna's and inho's history, you mention that inna auditioned in 2011, however, in the training length section, it's 3 years ?
i'd like to know which one it is, 3 or 5 years ?

tbh the "#" is just for aesthetic reasons ;;;;
i had a great time reading this, thank you !!

inna is accepted and will be soon added to the trainees page ♡
like..... this app makes me want to apply for supreme