*in a weird.... Random... Accent* I speak of randomness!!

Hi!!!!!!!!! *waves* well basically I just wanted to... Talk about all the comebacks that will be happening SHORTLY! So you know how a few months ago there were like... 4 or so girl groups preparing for their comebacks and US debuts and everyone was like 'BAJSVDI!!!!!! There's gonna be lots of cat fights to see who can get to the top~!' and stuff? And now it's like the boys turn~ I mean seriously... 1) Se7en 2) BIGBANG 3- Block B 4- B1A4 5- B2st 6- SHINee hmm... Maybe it just seemed like there was more~ and I think B1A4 and SHINee will be making their comebacks within a few months~ at least that's what I heard~ ^^ but I can't wait for BIGBANG's comeback~! It shall be awesome! I know I should be a good VIP and get the album as soon as it comes out, but idk~ I have no moolah~ and considering I just spent a good amount of money on FTI and CNB's concert~ hmm~ -_- but anyways! Gah! It's like I can't keep up with all that's going on~! :O too much~ I'm trying to get it all organized but it's so hard~! And what else? Idk~ good night (lovely world) [keke, see what I did there~? ^_^ ]


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