Ahn Hyomin — Seaing Applyfic

164 CM
54 KG
Pillars Pumpkin
▷ Gremlin — Supposedly a tease about how her hair looks in the morning. Actually much meaner and she doesn't like it.
Squish/Squishy — Supposedly an endearment. This one she doesn't mind as much honestly, it reminds her of Dory.

BIRTHPLACE : Gwacheon, South Korea

HOMETOWN : Gwacheon, South Korea


Korean — Fluent - it's her native language
English — Basic - She knows enough to give directions to lost tourists in Gwacheon but her accent is pretty heavy and she couldn't hold a real conversation if she tried.



APPEARANCE : Chubby by Korean standards and just generally not very pretty, Hyomin really has nothing going for her in the looks department. However she doesn't seem to mind that much, taking jabs at her looks in stride and even sometimes making self-depricating jokes herself. Honestly Hyomin thinks she's very pretty, and if people can't see that it's their loss. It only matters that the person she falls in love with like her looks anyway, everyone else can take a hike. Her style is reflective of this attitude - comfort over style every day of the week. Her closet is basically 100% jeans and snarky t-shirts. If she has to dress nicely she prefers looser dresses that don't draw too much to her figure. She may not necessarily mind rude comments, but she's not going to invite them.
PERSONALITY TRAITS : Introverted, Thick-Skinned, Pushover, Arrogant, Judgemental, Self-Satisfied, Hypocritical

Hyomin's defining quality is easily her introvertedness. While this does not, as most assume, mean tha she can't effectively participate in socil interaction, she just really would rather not thank you very much. Hyomin's favorite way to spend time with people is to not spend time with them, instead prefering the outskirts where she can still somewhat be a part of a situation without becoming socially exhausted by it. She holds up best in one-on-one conversations, or in small groups where others do most of the talking. She doesn't really like having all the attention on her if she can avoid it so she shrinks away from the spotlight, only too happy to have someone else take focus. This does make her something of a pushover as she never voices her thoughts on anything and lets others make all the decisions in the name of keeping the attention somewhere else.
As perhaps a side-effect of her self-sidelining, Hyomin is seemingly humble about her abilities. She knows she's a good singer, but she'd never feel gyped by the Angelfish getting the main role. She's a solid dancer but knows without jealousy that the Lionfish is objectively better than she is. She doesn't mind being considered as 'less talented' than others because she's happy enough with the skills she's worked for, and as long as she's happy with herself what does it matter if others try to shame her for it? This outlook on herself and her skills is thought by most to be an excedingly good and mature thought process, and perhaps to a degree it is, but Hyomin has long gone past that degree into the arrogant. She knows that she's "humble" and it's made her self-satisfied in a way that only truly egotistical people can be. Her arrogance is quiet, revealing itself in subtle ways rather than in long speeches or loud declarations of her own greatness. Hyomin is someone who will look at another person struggling with a dance and smirk to herself because she got it right away, so clearly she's better than that other person. For all the people who use her looks to make themselves feel better, she does the exact same with everything else.
Hyomin is quite proud that she doesn't judge looks. She herself is no stunner, so who is she to decide someone else isn't good enough because they don't look like a Victoria's Secret model? However everything else is fair game for judging, and Hyomin takes full advantage of it. Someone's voice is annoying? They're probably a dumb frat or sorority kid. Someone can't hold a note as long as she does? They obviously aren't practicing enough and are lazy. Hyomin makes these judgments regularly but never admits it outloud or to herself. She continuously holds people to standards that she doesn't hold herself too, thinking that she's already achieved what she considers 'perfect maturity' - not judging others until you truly get to know them (which she doesn't, but try to tell her that). What she forgets to add it 'accepting everyone's flaws as human and not considering them as worth less than others because of them.'
tl;dr - Hyomin is a quiet person who doesn't much like the spotlight and doesn't mind others outshining her or generally being more popular. However she unconciously considers herself better than others due to her 'mature, unjudgemental' outlook on life and the people living it (even though she's totally judge-y).

Growing up in Gwacheon was an interesting experience for Hyomin. The family wasn't directly in the city of Seoul, but was close enough and has enough attractions to attract plenty of visitors, to the point where Hyomin's sister likes to joke that "there are more tourists than residents here!" And in fact it may well have been true. Hyomin saw plenty of foreigners growing up and enjoyed trying to eavesdrop on them on the bus or metro when she was going to and from her school in the city. Being surrounded by diversity as a child helped Hyomin learn how to not judge people by how they look. It didn't so much help with judging them for everything else though.
Being the daughter of politicians Hyomin had a lot of pressure put on her from a young age to constantly look her best and be social. This didn't work out so well for her parents though, as Hyomin was never very pretty and she'd always vanish from social events once introductions were over. however her sister Hyojin thrived in the political world so their parents let Hyomin off the hook. Neither sister was ever particularly jeaous or envious of the other though. They're very different people and as such rarely spoke to each other away from the dinner table. Hyomin never thought her childhood was particularly lonely though, epecially after discovering Kpop and finding a group of like-minded friends through forums dedicated to her favorite groups. Hyomin basically was raised by the Internet due to her parents being away often, and it was one of her online friends, unaware of her visuals, who suggested she try out for a Kpop company after Hyomin posted a cover of her singing Sistar's "Alone" to the forums.
Hyomin liked the idea but was uncertain at first. Surprisingly it was Hyojin who encouraged her to go for it, saying "it's better to try and fail than spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been." Hyomin decided that since her visuals weren't up to snuff she'd have to be quite impressive skill-wise and asked her parents for vocal and dance lessons so she could be as prepared as possible. Her parents were more than hapy to sign her up for classes, thinking she was finally going to make some "real friends." And while she did make a few real-world aquaintances Hyomin was there to learn, not socialize. And learn she did, and rather quickly to boot. After two years of private voice lessons and modern dance classes Hyomin felt ready to audition. Starship was her number one choice, but she also auditioned for JYP and MBK Entertainment (as Wonder Girls and T-Ara are her second and third favorite groups after Sistar). She didn't even think about SM or YG - one was far too obsessed with looks, and the other is well known for their ty treatment of trainees and she wasn't going to deal with that. Of the three only MBK accepted her, so she took what she got and started training right away.

▷ Chatting on online forums. Much less tiring than trying to chat IRL
▷ Girl Groups. Despite her internalized ism, her general dislike of superficiality, and basically everything the industry has fashioned girl groups to be, she absolutely loves them. Sistar is her favorite group and you bet she can do every one of their dances.
▷ The color orange. It's just a weird color and she absolutely adores it. If her shirts aren't snarky they're orange.
▷ Halloween. You're never too old to dress up and scare the crap out of anyone who dares cross your path! Plus orange is the official Halloween color, meaning it's the best holiday.
▷ Pixar movies. Disney princesses are dumb, but she'll sing Pixar's praises until she runs out of breath and passes out.

▷ Single-fandom fans. She thinks it's extremely stupid to only stan one group and believes all single-fandom fans are just like the crazy EXO-Ls or ARMYs who show up everywhere online.
▷ When people disagree with her.
▷ Aegyo. She can do it, but she's not going to like it, and it's going to be very, very obvious she'd rather be doing anything else.
▷ Disney princess movies. Damsels in distress are dumb.
▷ People trying to make her socialize or otherwise talk when she doesn't want to. If she has something to say she will say something.

▷ Surfing the internet and feeding the trolls
▷ Practicing the Sistar dances

▷ Constantly checking that her phone is still in her bag

▷ She is far quicker to judge women than men, due to them being far more threatening to her than guys are. It's her way of confirming her internalized sense of self-worth.
▷ Hyomin is quite polite when she speaks, but it almost sounds like she's being condescending half of the time. It's really not intentional (but she probably is tbh).
▷ She doesn't have an Instagram since she isn't sure what she'd post, but it is something she's thought about since debuting. She'd use the same username she always does for her Seaing-related SNS accounts
▷ Her username on the forums she's a member of is BoraStar5. Guess who her ultimate bias is.
​▷ If asked to freestyle a dance she'll just end up doing a Sistar dance. Freestyle really isn't a thing she does.
▷ She also likes to use Sistar dances as warm ups
​▷ If asked on shows she'll say she likes both Aurora and Royal Court, but that since Aurora was the group that attracted her to Lemon she has a special place for them in her heart. Which is 100% true, though she actually has liked Royal Court's newer releases better, not that she'd ever admit that.
​▷ Her Aurora bias is Noel, and her Royal Court bias is Sky. Her bias list wrecker is Inhyeong, but she'd die before admitting it (lies, she'd 100% say it on shows for fans, and then insist offstage it was just for fans and not in any way true)
​▷ She actually puts more effort into her dancing than her singing. The only real reason is because she enjoys it more.
▷ Despite whining about single-fandom fans online constantly (not on her Heidi accounts, but to her friends) she herself only pays attention to big-name groups
YEARS OF TRAINING : 1 Year (MBK), 1 Year (Lemon)

TRAINEE EXPERIENCE : Being the "quiet and ugly one" of the trainees actually meant most people wanted to be friends with Hyomin - after all, she wasn't seen as a threat. She didn't mind talking to people, but she'd usually try to avoid conversations if possible, prefering to use her free time between practicing and lessons to try and study for her highschool entrance exams. Training was extremely dificult, moreso than Hyomin had thought it would be, and there were several times she considered quitting in her first year. She didn't hate training, but she hated the company, and when she was dropped from the DIA lineup in January of 2015 enough was enough and she dropped out. When Aurora debuted later that same year though, Hyomin remembered why she'd wanted to be an idol in the first place. She became a huge fan of Aurora's, and after failing yet another test in school she decided the world was telling her something and she quit school and went to audition for Lemon. Training in a small company was quite different from training at MBK - there was less budget to hire professional dance and vocal teachers so there was a lot more self-directed practice time. Luckily for Hyomin she still had a routine from MBK that she followed so things worked out for her pretty well. She was a little miffed she wasn't put into Royal Court, but after seeing some of the people who did make it she felt less upset about the whole situation. Who wants to deal with Ilsun anyway?

SCHOOL LIFE : Hyomin really did try to balance training and school, but her grades had never been great and with the intensity of training they only got worse. Even after she left MBK her grades never really improved, so before joining Lemon she decided it made more sense to just quit than keep stressing herself out over something she obviously wasn't getting better at. She doesn't really regret it, though she'll say she does since that sounds better.

CURRENT LIFESTYLE : Hyomin currently lives at home and commutes to training everyday (when she doesn't opt to just sleep in the dance room after practice is over). She barely sees her family around training but it doesn't bother her that much. What is frustrating is that she can't get online everyday anymore to chat with her forum friends.
▷ Sister — Ahn Hyojin (18) | Student | Charismatic, Social, Commanding, Extroverted | Though they're far from being best friends, Hyomin has had an appreciation for her sister ever since Hyojin was the one to support her dreams of being an idol. They still don't talk much but Hyojin is supportive from a distance.

▷ Friendly...ish? — Baek Yisoo (24) | Member of Royal Court | Perceptive, Forgiving, Loyal, Obtuse, Passive, Nosey | Hyomin was having a bad day when she met Yisoo. Being himself, the older trainee promptly tried to help Hyomin feel better. He was a little overbearing, but she was a bit flattered he'd even bothered to notice her, so when sheh recognized him later during a dance practice she went over to say hello. She soon learned of his tendency to blab about just about anything and she saw an opportunity to learn about people without having to actually interact with that many. And so Yisoo became her eyes and ears in the company - though he has no idea about it. She alway tries to corner him and ask about how things are going with other trainees and Royal Court in order to guage the situation (and to judge people because of course). She does like Yisoo though, as more than just an informant but also as a sort of friend.

▷ Best Friends — CoCo94 (Around 15 probably?) | Student?? | She seems nice, but is sort of your usual internet teenager | CoCo94 is one of Hyomin's fellow forum occupants and the two started messaging each other when Hyomin was about 12. They get along well and Hyomin likes to send her long rants about her groupmates and training in general when she gets a chance to. However Hyomin doesn't really know anything about CoCo since she's always the one ranting and complaining, not that Hyomin really realizes it.

▷ Catfish —   | Hyomin is fine listening to the Catfish's orders and leadering but she has to roll her eyes at the female leader's man-hating. She think it's pretty immature but never says anything about it (she never says anything about anything though).

▷ Swordfish —   | Hyomin actually thinks the Swordish is the better leader between the two but she'd never say anything. Of course his pride is dumb so despite liking him more she's more likely to not listen to him when he gets to "cocky" as her own petty teen way of telling him he's being dumb.

▷ Pufferfish —   | Is Pufferfish probably the closest thing Hyomin has to a best friend in the group? Absolutely. Does she think he's a total wimp who needs to grow a spine? You betcha. Hyomin really is not a great friend to Pufferfish, but as the two quiet, easy-to-push-around members they sort of naturally gravitate to each other and end up hanging out. Though Hyomin has no idea about his darker side, mostly because she doesn't really pay enough attention to things that aren't directly pertinent to herself.

▷ Angelfish —   | Another member who elicits a lot of eye rolls from Hyomin, Angelfish is someone Hyomin considers to be rather full of it. Angelfish has everything - looks, popularity, a nice enough voice, but she's still going to be petty about Hyomin being a good singer. It's just so childish and Hyomin finds the whole thing ridiculous and below her. This doesn't mean she doesn't intentionally bring it up sometimes though - for all her insistence that she has no insecurites it doesn't mean she'll say no to a free ego boost via Angelfish's jealousl

▷ Clownfish —   | Most people think that Hyomin doesn't like the Clownfish because of his teasing, but she actually doesn't mind it most of the time as long as she's in a good mood. She'll even tease back on occasion though it usually backfires since her humor is terrible. She does find his flirting with everyone annoying though - not because she has a crush on him you shut up. (But she totally has a crush on him it's pathetic really)

▷ Lionfish —   | SO MANY EYE ROLLS. Hyomin swears she isn't ist (Dani: Yeah right), her female groupmates are just way less mature than the guys in her opinion. Lionfish's personality does warrant it though, to be fair. Regardless, Hyomin tends to try and avoid this particular teammate if possible just because it's a lot harder to stay quiet and neutral around her.

▷ Goldfish —   | Definitely Hyomin's favorite member. He's unoffensive, mostly mature, gets things done but isn't a showoff about it. She considers him the male version of herself and is most likely to instigate social interaction with him over anyone else, since she sees him as an equal where the others (except Clownfish) are below her.

▷ Jellyfish —   | ??? Depends on their personality. She'll probably find something to be judgey over though.
▷ Twitter - @Seaing_Heidi_00
▷ Weibo - @Seaing_Heidi_00
PERSONALITY : describe here

MEETING : how you two met

LOVE STORY : how your love story develops

RELATIONSHIP STATUS : your love interest's and your relationship status when your character debuts

ENDING : how you want your love story to end
COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS : I sort of pictured her talent twin to be someone like Berry Good's Seoyul (She's the center dancer with orange hair in the second link) (also you don't have to even look at these really I'm just on a Berry Good high. I wrote the whole app listening to Don't Believe OTL)

▷ I mean I've been reading Royal Court and I completely trust you, you can do wonderful and terrible things with this child
▷ But can I request a scene where she goes full fangirl over Sistar if the groups ever promote at the same time? xD

PASSWORD : Though she claims to like both managers equally Hyomin absolutely prefers Sejin. Aside from his introverted tendencies, which she can relate to, she actually doesn't like Yoomi. The younger manager is too aggressive for Hyomin's taste and the teen thinks rather lowly of the manager's "lacking self-control."


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One second I look and there's hardly anything and the next you're already halfway done geez how do you function?? You didn't even sangria to fuel you xD Oh man Hyomin sounds like a riot, I love how hypocritical she is, yaaass. That is so 100% teenage like omg look at me I don't judge anyone which obviously makes me better than everyone else. I love it. Also that internalized ism yeesss. She's so wonderfully flawed I look forward to seeing her completed!