ㅤㅤㅤNEWERAJUNSEO ° 0105ㅤ/ㅤ (horribly finished)

shin ‘sin’ junseo
UNDERSTUDy   Park seongjin 
BIRTHDATE   november 2 (23)
In every territory lies a predator, and Junseo is slowly making his ascent to the top of the food chain. With his mind set on becoming this concrete jungle's king, there isn't really anything that can stop him is there?

With a taste for cigarettes, coke, , and booze, he'll lie, cheat, and his way to the top. Afterall, when you have nothing to lose you have only everything to gain. But when everything is within reach, will it be enough?
Legally, he's Shin Junseo; in every other aspect he's known by one name or another. A million different identities under his sleeve as a result of being a con-artist, it's almost instinct for him to give a name anything but the one he was born with. But perhaps the most constant and (in)famous name of all is 'Sin'. A slight play on his last name and the fact that one night with him feels just as filthy and exciting.

Other times he's known as Shouhei, during his dealings with the Japanese. A secretive and mysterious figure known to be rather playful during exchanges. If a deal is struck he'll ask to play one little game before parting ways, and if you get it right you'll soon reap the benefits as the game itself is a way to gain more information, if won.

And in other situations he might call himself Kyo, Seon, Nik, and a multitude of other things depending on if he's talking to a client, a contact, an ally or an enemy. However, if he finds himself visiting the Red Light District everyone knows him simply as Liu, tall and tempting as he looks for that night's conquest.

Amidst the names he's given himself there too are a few given to him by others. He'll be glad to say he's been called a 'handsome bastard' enough times (nevermind that they're simultaneously insulting and complimenting him). An unofficial title of sorts has him labelled as 'the Informant', although dealing with info isn't quite his main source of income, he's done it enough times and done it well enough all those times that people find him credible enough.

But he's also been called a piece of , a heartbreaker (oops) and a 'ing kid who should stop playing games he won't win' according to some flings, one-night stands and yet another boss of a gang he more or less ruined.

With how high risk it is to be identified and what with his job's needs, it's been a while since he's ever heard anyone call him as simply 'Shin Junseo' and maybe a while longer since he's ever felt like himself.

He's made deals thanks to his eloquency, contacts, and most definitely because of his good looks. New Seoul's greatest sinner has got devilish looks to match. A sharp jawline, toned body, and a height that has him towering over most. He's quite the catch, if he does say so himself.

Having lived on the streets for a greater portion of his childhood, it's safe to say he's carrying a few scars as remembrance of those times. A few on his arms and back, although mostly covered by his tattoos. On the expanse of his back is a
dragon, behind his left ear is a cat-moon, on his inner left forearm is fox, and on his right outer forearm is 'aut vincere aut mori' or 'either to conquer or to die' in Latin. He also has a few piercings he's collected over the years, although he does tend to take them off when he doesn't feel like they suit his cover. Two standard piercings, a helix on the right, and two upper lobes. He does have a lip piercing but seldom wears it, only putting it on every once in a while to prevent it from closing, or if his cover calls. 

With the amount of cash he's earned over the years thanks to his illegal dealing and conning, splurging on decent clothing is no big deal and actually a necessity for someone like Junseo who takes great care when it comes to his appearance.

Be it his favoured leather jacket, or something a little more formal, Junseo has almost everything in his closet. Partly due to disguises and the like, and partly due to his need to be well-dressed at all times possible.

It's amazing at times, to see Junseo in action. Despite being a "street rat" in the early stages of his life, it still can't take away the natural intelligence and talents he was born with. Quick to pick things up, he learnt to speak Japanese as a result of his time hanging around acting as a lacky for the Japanese in Korea, making him well-aware of the nuances of the language thanks to the immersion. English comes at third, an almost native accent wrapping up advanced grammar skills and vocabulary. 

While he didn't have the privilege before, he's been trying to learn the two other languages formally to prevent any mishaps during transactions and deals. Although most times his tutors get stuck setting his tongue straight in other ways...
"Gone, gone, gone. Who knows where they are? Who ing cares anyway? I sure as hell don't, they could be rotting 6ft under and I still wouldn't give a damn." / Haven't been in contact for years and Junseo has no plans of changing that any time soon.
and I remember my mother’s nails piercing flesh,
cold eyes whispering, demanding prayers.
Be devout to hunger, child.
I did not know what she meant
until I was twenty three and hollow,
starved for the taste of your mouth against mine. 
", you're cute aren't you?" / Junseo's seen him around a few times, but despite the clear interest he has for the kid he hasn't made a move yet. Is it out of pity? A shared feeling of helplessness he once felt. Or is it nothing more than Kidae's overanalysis of something that is not what he thinks?
m.a.w, life still has its mysteries
"Why if it isn't the boss man himself." / Next in line to be the head of the yakuza, Junseo thinks it's both a miracle and a curse to have managed to make a contact (and an ally) out of him. The two have an interesting relationship, one that has crossed over to the ual side of things. They're not lovers nor are they friends, not in this kind of life. but they like playing their own little games in between the war they've caught themselves in. 

They get along because they're pretty similar, thrill-seekers with an appetite for blood, sweat and . But while Junseo has the wings of freedom, Ryo is still chained to his title and responsibility. while Junseo is a looser canon, Ryo still has to bite his lip and remember the organization whose name he carries on his shoulders with every little thing he does. Somehow, they work things out.
show me your heart, darling—
is it black and cold like mine?
for wings do not an angel make,
and even demons can be divine. 
pretty as the devil | m.a.w
"Hey sweetheart, got something new for me?" Assistant and in-training-manager (and one day successor) of Madame Red, owner of Wonderland aka a high-end brothel-- agency with a bit of an Alice in Wonderland theme. While for the most part she's been relegated to business and finance related duties as per requirement for her training as Madame Red's replacement one day, Junseo's had his run with her when she wasn't.

But those days of teasing, low moans and bruised wrists are a thing of the past. Ever since the official announcement of her new position, whisking her off to a dark corner or an empty room was no longer something Alice allowed. In recent days, their interactions tend to be strictly business, although Alice does have a soft spot for Junseo and he the same. While he doesn't expect anything from her, what with her making things clear, that doesn't stop him from teasing and playing around.
and these, our mouths made for hunger.
tell me we’re not still hollow.
that our kisses don’t devour.
tell me we’re forgiven.
tell me | p.d
"text" / text

A multi-faceted cover of lies. Junseo's a wily fox, hard to catch and even harder to read. He's got his bases all covered and sometimes it seems almost impossible to break him down.

Pleasure is an indulgence, one he takes and takes with no worry, one that comes so very easily. He could have it served on a platter if he asked. With his shamelessness, he'd have no problem asking for it either.

If there's anyone who makes most use of the expression, 'the world is your oyster', it'd be Junseo. Is it luck or perhaps a great knack for timing and taking advantage of current events, regardless Junseo knows how to work it around to his advantage so effortlessly and casually you'd question his effort.

A bit of a jokester, he makes New Seoul his playground with its underground business his playing fields. But beneath every joke and every quip is a well-placed threat. He's a joker, but he's no fool. But no matter what he does, no matter whose business he steps into. If it was never his business in the first place, he'll never make a move. Because he knows where to set the line so that his life isn't on that line.

Above all he's independent, perhaps overly so. He works for himself, he's a free soul, a sense of self-preservation bred into him after years of fending for himself. He relies on no one because he has no one, and there is no one to trust in this day and age.

He makes it seem easy, he makes it seem fun. Like life under the neon lights and dark alleys is the new 'American Dream' but really, he's just like everyone else fighting to survive. He's only trying to make it seem like he's living the life.

(how did you survive?) they ask.

how much did they have you bleed;
how long did they make you suffer;
how low did they force you down;
how dark did they tint your dreams?

—until you had their blood glistening on your teeth;
—until your suffering paled in comparison to their own;
—until it was their throats pinned under your boot;
—until you learned to enjoy the sounds of screams.

(i didn’t.) you reply.

to defeat monsters: become the greater monster | m.a.w

In this world we live in money is tough to come by and living is even tougher. With little to hold to their name, and even less upon his birth, Junseo's only ever known hardship.

Orphaned at the early age of 3, Junseo's only ever known the textbook definition of family and home. The orphanage serving as a prison more than anything else. Little care or warmth was ever present.

From childhood to his adolescence, Junseo's behavior earned him a reputation that did very little to help his already small chance of adoption. He didn't really care, it just meant there would be no one else to disappoint or leave him.

With a tendency to sneak out, he got in trouble quite often. But the frequency and increasing lack of care meant far less scoldings and far less searches for the boy. Eventually his adventuring would lead him to Japanese territory, and maybe it was a fluke or maybe it was destiny but the way he managed to get out unscathed made it seem like he was made for this kind of life. Even moreso when the leader told him to come back, make himself useful.

At fifteen years old he was running small errands for the yakuza in Korea. By the time he was eighteen he seemed like a flame that had no thoughts of dying out. He was at his prime, the epitome of youth. He was fearless, he was reckless.

From pick-pocketing to breaking and entering. From small scaled con jobs to detailed and complex deals that took months of planning. He started from the bottom, nothing in his hands, and now it seemed like everything was at the tip of his fingertips.

Along his runs he makes a few allies, Ryo, the son and next in line to the Japanese mafia and a few other leaders from the older groups. But he's also made enemies from his jobs and meddling, the newer groups think he's a threat, a nuisance that should be eradicated. The feeling is mutual.

Junseo's story starts just at the peak of his 'career'. Where he's at the near top and maybe he realises he has the choice to keep trying to reach higher, or settle for something more permanent.


FIRST TO THIRD YEAR :  he still belongs to a family
MID OF THIRD YEAR : abandoned because money is also something a child needs to live and grow

THIRD TO EIGHTEENTH YEAR : abandoned still
SIXTH TO EIGHTEENTH YEAR :  a runaway who always has to come back, an adventurer with no destination
· FIFTEENTH YEAR : he stumbles on japanese territory and simultaneously forms one of his longest connections
 FIFTEENTH TO EIGHTEENTH YEAR : he's running errands, picking pockets (and hearts by the time he's seventeen). he's slowly building up his... repertoire
 EIGHTEENTH YEAR : freedom, plus the cat-moon tattoo as a symbol of his alliance. he's not theirs anymore, but he's got his first taste of having someone to rely on

i can also sequence the rest of his background if necessary, i just thought that his childhood was a little fuzzy.



It's pouring rain and Junseo's soaked to the bone, hair sticking to his skin as he stands out in the middle of the storm. His hands are steady, despite the shivers wracking his body as the wind blows against him. A smirk. He has his eyes trained on the man in front of him, never once wavering. 

There are no gun shots, no stab wounds, no poison, nothing. But the two settle their fight, not with weapons, but with mental warfare. The weak of mind and heart have no room in this place.

Junseo has his eyes on the retreating figure, the smirk widening into a cocky grin. He's the ing king, that's what he is and if the previously ousted ruler tries to regain his throne. Clearly he doesn't see just how tenacious Junseo can be.

Junseo fights for control over New Seoul's underground, the black market. He's successful, but it also means trading in the constancy of relationships when everyone could be ready to slit his throat for the throne.

He was one miracle away from becoming a saint. He was Icarus, reaching for something so seemingly great only to meet his end beacus

Junseo finds love. Or something like that.

Junseo finds love in the form of illusions.
COMMENTS   when you're lazy af to code so you just look for a layout instead lmao. also based off of an rp character of mine i love dearly, and lowkey an excuse to write things for once. okay but the darker themes in this story is something i'm going to love and enjoy especially since it's something recent stories don't quite have.

also i apologise sincerely for the cluster of info i've thrown at you :') i seem to be doing that quite a lot with my apps lately. ;

btw!!!!!!!!!!! important note, the 'situational' section contains different 'sides' those sides are kind of like... suggestions? for possible outcomes for Junseo. they're written with a particular scene or something but the actual... storyline? is listed after. you don't need to follow any of them, i just thought to add some suggestions after i came up with a few scenarios.

(12/17) badly written stuff because time pressure and i really can't find the mood i was writing this in which is infuriating forgive me. also i'll be uploading connections plus later? regardless of whether he gets chosen because i want to write small things haha

PLAYLIST   hold me down – halsey / young god – halsey / strange love – halsey / the hills – the weeknd / coming down – halsey / ghost – halsey (i so don't like halsey or anything...)


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i just realised i forgot to mention
– has abandonment (and trust) issues as a result of being left by his parents
– panual and panromantic, has never experienced a proper relationship in part due to his issues and in part due to him never putting the effort
– more tba ? in reply to this
ANNYEONG~! I've an urge to suddenly collab hehe but my app's been posted already. If you want, you could check it and if you deem her suitable to collab with you, then I'd be the most happy. Thank you~!
i'm so here for junseo x ryo oooo boi
i'd def love to collab with you one day! your stuff is honestly amazing i'd be stoked if you're ever keen! i'd ask now but i'm so busy (wew supposed to be on hiatus...) and it seems you've got urself filled with ideas on this app! cant wait to come back and see this beauty tbh
heY SO i have an urge to collaborate as well uh--
my character's a girl who has a princess complex (not entirely- she's the daughter of a rich family and goes to new seoul because it's the only place where she can be anyone but herself u feel)
i mean, junseo is perhaps the polar opposite of her,,, aaaa i think it would be cool to see something lol
:))) his birthday is my birthday so happy birthday boi