4 Years on AFF!

Hello everybody! As you can tell, it is offically my anniversary here on this lovely website! It's amazing I stayed so long lol 

On a side note, today is also Halloween and the EXOCBX unit debuted with that fantasic single "Hey Mama!" Oh gosh it is such a bop like please go listen to it <3 

I don't truly have much else to say beside annouce that lol ^^" well I am around 900/2500 words with my next chapter to let some of my readers know ^^ 

I simply keep trying to write this one scene but I can't figure out how exactly it should go :/ I'll eventually get it right 



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Happy 4th Anniversary!! Good luck with your stories. ^^
skoreafan #2
Happy 4th year anniversary!! Hope you'll stay longer!!
Happy anniversary :)
Wow, four years!! :) I absolutely love Hey Mama <3 I've listened to it a ton of times :)
jmbaculao #5
Happy Anniversary!!!! Wohoo! Cheers to that!
Happy anniversary ^_^