The 10% Rule

Hi peeps.

As a few of you may know, I am from Norway. Earlier this year, our Minister/MP of Education passed a law that says that if a high school student is absent from a class for more than 10% of the classes that semester, they will not be graded in that subject. What all of this means is essentially that if I am gone from school for just a couple of classes, I may not be graded in school, and I will not be allowed to graduate. 

As you can imagine, this has made my stress levels increase by like 150%. Due to this being my last year, and that I don't want to be in high school forever, I have gotten way more stressed with school. This, sadly, is why I don't have as much time and inspiration as I did before to write, and updates are coming in way slower. You have all been very chill, but just know, I am not quitting, and I'll post whenever I can.

Much love, LunaVoid


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