Brides of the Demon Lords


Application Form

User Name: Pandapinky19


AFF Link: Click Here


Your Character 

Name: Kim Aaralyn


Age: 19


Birthday: April 21, 1992


Ethnicity: Korean


Height: 165 cm


Weight: 50 kg


Blood Type: AB


Personality: Just like her blood type, Aaralyn's personality is a rarity. A thick layer of ice surrounds this young woman. A blank, cold expression adorns her face 90% of the time. You never know what this girl is thinking/feeling. She's extremely hard to read and unapproachable. A mysterious and eerie cloud hovers above her, intimidating the ones around her, yet there's something alluring; almost hypnotizing about her. You can't help but stare whenever she walks by or enters a room. You can tell right away that she carries herself with poise, pride, confidence, and grace.

Her level of maturity surpasses her nineteen years. She is extremely well mannered, and treats everyone with respect. She only asks for respect in return. She is quick witted, and intelligent. Arguing with her is pointless. Her tongue is fully equiped with a slew of witty remarks and sarcastic comments, yet she never raises her voice. She addresses every situation, good or bad, calmly. Her soothing, melancholy and monotone voice is something she is known for.

Aaralyn is the perfect example of calm, cool, and collected. Very rarely does she become irritated or angry. You can't even tell when she's happy for crying out loud. She remains expressionless. She thoroughly analyzes everything in her head.

Once you've chiseled through her barrier of ice you will see that she is an outstanding lover, but she shows affection very subtlely. A simple gesture like a hug says a lot when it comes to this girl. It's something that happens on very rare occassion.


Appearance: (5+ Links, can be Ulzzang’s, models or celebrities though I would much prefer model or celebrity.)



Name of your Appearance: Moon Dam Bi


Backup Appearance: 123


Name of Backup Appearance: Lee Dasom


Who are you?

Likes: Black and white photography | Animals | Nature | Art | Caffeine | Books | Music | History | Winter | Perfume | Strawberries | Polaroid Cameras 


Dislikes: Summer | Math | Insects | Rain | Turtleneck sweaters | Dishonesty | Disrespect | Loudness | Brocoli | Large bodies of water


Hobbies: Knitting | Baking | Reading | Taking photographs | Collecting candles


Habits: Starring blanky | Intense eye contact | Quietness | Always showers twice a day. Once in the morning; once before bed. | Sleeps with three pillows, and an eye cover.



Aaralyn's favorite color is yellow. 

She loves animals because they are quiet and pure. Humans/demons kill for the hell of it. Animals kill because they have to hunt or protect themselves. Human/demons are dishonest, but a sweet dog or kitten will stay by your side, and won't betray you.

Her worst fear is drowning.

Trust is an issue for Aaralyn.

She has two twin kittens, Mischief and Trouble. Click Here. Wherever she goes, their not far behind.


Your Fashion

Description of what you like to wear: Aaralyn's style is classy, chic and sophisticated. She likes to wear pieces that are timeless, like the little black dress, but she always pairs it with something hip and modern.


Formal: 12345


Casual: 12345



Hometown: Seoul, South Korea


Birthplace: Yangpyeong, South Korea


Family Background: 

Aaralyn's father is the Dean of Seoul University, and her mother is a former model. Growing up, Aaralyn was very rarely shown affection. She got everything she ever wanted because of her parent's high joint income, but they never presented her with physical and public displays of affection. They believed one should be strong, independent, almost cold, to survive in the world. Her mother was a model and she knew exactly how cuttthroat the real world could be. She raised her daughter to be independent, and trust lightly because you never know who's going to stab you in the back.


Family Members: 

Kim Moonsoo | 46 | Father| He is a strict man who likes things done this way or not at all. 

Kim, formerly Lee, Hyori | An ice queen. 

Your Past

What do you fear: Drowning. Water


Why do you fear it: She was pushed into a pool by one of her classsmates when she was little. Her parents had never taught her how to swim. The other kids taunted and teased for not knowing such a simple thing.


Love Interest 

Your Husband: Kim Myungsoo. Jang Dongwoo. Lee Howon


His personality: Aaralyn's husband is the type that likes to keep to himself. He doesn't like to be bothered by stupid, pointless things. A cocky, arrogant vibe surrounds him. He has a short temper, and quickly gets violent. He acts like he's better than everyone else, and doesn't care about anyone's feelings but his own.


How does he act towards you: He saw you as someone who wouldn't annoy him. The way he treats you is like how he treats everyone else, but he's slowly working towards being a sweeter husband. You're attitudes often clash, but he has grown to love you none the less. He likes the fact that you treat him like a person, not some crazed girl who would do anything for him. He loves the fact that you have your own opinions and will fight with him over them.


How do you act towards him: You love your husband, that's for sure. You're sweet to him for the most part, but you won't hesitate to put him in his place if he's being an .


Anything Else

Password: I would choose human.



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Rai-na #1
I very very like your app...