Teen Top's Mission: 14A Project Application



Aff Acount: breeziechang

Aff Acc. Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/52717


About Your Character


Name : No SooEun
Nickname : Eunnie, Dawn, Grace
Age: 17
D.O.B [No need for year]: October 17
Blood Type : AB
Born In : Busan
Hometown : Seoul
Ethnicity : Pure Korean
Personality : Soo Eun is very talkative, loud, straight forward, brave and always hyper. With this people think she is Mean and Stuck-up, and she is... but not stuck-up she hates stuck up people the most. She has a very mixed personality, Even though she may seem mean she knows her limits of being mean. Soo EUn helps out a lot where she lives either with elders, children or animals Soo Eun helps and cares a lot about her friends and family, if anybody no matter what size they are Soo EUn will step up and defeat for her friends and family. When ever saying bye in a video or text she will say or put Ppyong~~. When ever she tries to be funny she fails at it and ends up making a fool out of herself. 
The most thing she is boastful about is her awesome sixth sense, but I wouldn't really say that because for her, her sixth sense is able to do calculations in math very quick, and she doesn't seem it but is more of a thinker in the group. Soo Eun comes up with a lot of ideas weather it's a problem or solution her plans always come out right and easy. But one thing she finds weird is that she can make high and low pitches with her voice, she doesn't know where it comes from but she can go to a sweet and cute singer to a evil and powerful rapper.
Likes :
-Hanging out with friends
-Day Dreaming
Dislikes :
-Stuck up people
-Small Spaces
-Rainy weather
-bitter food
-being told what to do
Hobbies :
-imitating voices
Habits :
-Sleep walking
-talking a lot
-Saying Ppyong~
-Speech less/stays stills when scared or nervous.
Trivia :
-Likes Orange
-Fav food is Kimichi
-Likes writing her own stories
-secretly loves Teen Top
-Shopping for books

Her Appearance


Ulzzang or Model :
Ulzzang or Model name : Kim Shin Yeong
Back-up Ulzzang Name : Choi Ha Neul
Style :

Her History and Family


History / Background :Soo Eun was an average girl who just went to school and thought that she could never reach higher, just with a talent that she thought that was not important. As a child she meet people even her parents didn't know, even her parents didn't know of her hidden talent. 
At the age of 9 she had started to sing and rap and found she was really great and amazing at it, so did her friends. And for some reason every time she sung or rap in front of people she and that person who was listening were able to go back into their most wonderful,sweet, and loving memory whether if it was sad, to that person that memory meant everything to them. But only Soo Eun knew of this.
Your Family Members :
No Anng Woo (dad) 48 Her father is a very busy man and tries his best to be with his family. Not wanting them to run out of money he works hard day and night. But Soo Eun sees it that he only does this for him and hates him, but her father always and only cares about her and his family.
No Ju Min (mom) 46 Her mother is very caring and is more of a housewife who stays home to take care of the house and the young children, she loves all her children dearly.
No Jung Min (younger brother) 10 He hates his sister but doesn't really shows that he really does care for her. They have a natural Brotherly and Sister rivalry. He always teases his sister into making her mad, and plays pranks on her the most.
Any Cousin? :  No Minwoo(Boyfriend)


You and Them


Friends :
(OC)Shin Gwok Hyun(19) He is lab partners with Soo Eun and has a big crush on her but doesn't tell her. He watches over her like a Guardian Angel, not like a stalker. 
(OC)Kwon SooMin(17) Soo Eun's Next door neighbor they always walk to school together. they are like best friends but Soo EUn doesn't tell her everything. They only hang out once in a while.
Best Friends: 
(OC) Kim Min Hee(18) Has been Childhood friends with Soo Eun for a long time, and they did everything together. She is very Out-going and powerful. She is very fit and very tall. She always loves helping Soo Eun and goes to Soo Eun for advice in everything.
Crush : 1. Chunji 2. C.A.P
How He Acts : He acts the same in front of Soo Eun. Which is very funny, adorable, straight forward, and talkative.
How You Act Around Him : Soo Eun acts very different in front of him. She acts very shy and quiet in front of him. When she is with her friends she is very talkative and random. But when ever he is around she doesn't talk and keeps her head to the ground not wanting to meet eyes with him
How Did You Meet? : You can make up something. But one small idea is that meeting him while helping someone.
Rivals : Shin Gwok Hyun(OC Soo Eun's lab partner)
For Soo Eun: (OC)Park Lee MIn
Why Rival? : For Him: Gwok Hyun doesn't like him because he hates it how he always is close to Soo Eun and gets jealous fast because of that. Because Gwok Hyun wants her for himself and no one else can have Soo EUn.
For Soo Eun: Park Lee Min is the President of the Teen Top Fan Club at their school, so which meant she found out about Soo Eun and Teen Top and she hates Soo EUn for that. She thinks that she can sing way better than Soo EUn and dance better than her. Also hates her because the guy she likes in Teen Top gives Soo EUn all his attention.



Stage Name: Hunnie
Suggestion / Comment / Question?
Hope I was detailed enough to your liking ^.^
HWAITING on this fic~
Position : 1. Lead Vocalist + Sub Rapper 
2. Main Vocalist + Lead Rapper
The Group Club Name? : 14A-Class
The Colour? : Hot Pink
Do You Like Christmas? : Yes
How About Valentine?: Yes






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