Yoo Yeonghwan

Seventeen (17)

March 05, 2017

Bucheon, Gyeonggi, S.K.
Bucheon, Gyeonggi, S.K.
CIS Male
189cm & 65kg
L. Brown & D. Brown
Choi Junhong

DK (17) / Sungjae (BTOB)

"Ah... you hopeless fool."
Yeonghwan is one of the biggest optimists you will likely ever meet in your entire life. Unfortunately some people don't take his positive outlook in life the same way and have taken to calling him a hopeless fool for believing in everything so strongly. He takes it in stride, although beneath the sunshine smile is a slightly hurt Yeonghwan.
"Look it's the class puppy."
With a kind and friendly nature wrapped into one energetic package, Yeonghwan's behaviour reminds his classmates of that of a puppy's. Plus the fact that he'll pull of a kicked puppy look if being scolded, it just became a natural thing to refer to him as one.
Just some basic nicknames, the last one is just a mix of his last name and the last syllable of his first name. Can be used by anyone and Yeonghwan doesn't mind being called any of these things, actually liking it.
한국어 : NATIVE
A Busan native, there are many occasions where his satoori slips into his speech causing the many Seoulite's around him to go '???'. While he tries his best to make sure he's always speaking in standard dialect, those moments where he slips tends to make some of his classmates judge him. Thomas is one such example, sometimes seeing Yeonghwan as some sort of country bumpkin (for a variety of reasons.) 
No matter how many supplementary lessons he takes Yeonghwan is unbelievably bad at English. Students such as Thomas, who find it easy, tend to be a little exasperated when they see his poor performance. His already very little text-book knowledge is heavily laden with a thick accent and at most he can say a few random words and basic sentences. Definitely not someone you want to leave stranded in an English-speaking only area.
altruistic enthusiastic dedicated pacifist idealistic emotional sensitive naive absent-minded

       yeonghwan genuinely wishes for all the good things in the world. never has he wished for misfortune to befall on anyone, not even those who tend to be mean to him. he's a compassionate soul, always trying to be kind and helpful to others even if they probably don't deserve it. he's just a tol puppy who wants world peace honestly.

      with that said, he's a pretty sensitive person and very sympathetic and empathic too. it's nice, but at times it can prove to be a bit of a hindrance what with him being very emotional. he's an expressive person, not quite supressing his emotions (except certain ones such as feelings of like and sadness, typically brought on by betrayal or disappointment or the like.)

      his (overly) idealistic view of the world does make him seem a little oblivious to real events and problems, sometimes making him seem a little ignorant too. his difficulty grasping lessons also tends to make people think of him as an idiot, especially since he tends to get easily distracted.

       he's kind-hearted, and while he may get distracted at times, he's very devoted and enthusiastic about things he likes or feels strongly for. when given a task, he'll give his all when doing it. he makes up for his lack of book-smarts in his energy and passion. this also translates to how he acts and treats people. he's very warm and affectionate, it's difficult for him not to express his love and concern for everyone because it's in his nature to do so. despite his relatively gentle disposition, he's not a big enough of a pushover to sit back and watch his loved ones be attacked. threaten them enough, and he'll stand up and defend them. he didn't take taekwondo for eleven years for nothing after all.

        with that said, whenever he's on the receiving end of any rude comments he tends to just smile and try not to be offended. but he's a bit of a softie and regardless of what he says, he's secretly hurt and offended. it's even worse if the comment comes from someone he holds in high regard or likes. so if a friend of his accidentally insults him, he's sure to be hurt even more than usual.

        all in all, he's just a tall kid who wants to give everyone love and to protect those he loves. he might not be the sharpest pencil in the box but he tries making up for it with how hardworking he is. his intentions are rather innocent which might be exploited by some. literally just, try to be patient with him and he'll shower you with affection.
March 05, 2017 (0)
Born to Yoo Yeongsik & Kang Myunghwa.
June 2023 (6)
His parents enroll him in Taekwondo lessons to keep him pre-occupied and so that he doesn't waste his time at home.
July 2027 (10)
He starts helping out at their small stall in the wet market. Just some small errands.
January 2029 (12)
He has hit a bit of a growth spurt, towering over his parents. Thanks to his Taekwondo training he's also grown a bit of muscle. He helps out with slightly more difficult tasks at their stall, although nothing too complicated for a child. He also earns a bit of pocket money by delivering mail in their neighborhood which he's been saving up.
February 2030 (13)
His parents tell him of their plans to have him study in Seoul, and despite the fact that he'd be feeling homesick Yeonghwan knew why sending him off would be better for them in the future. He starts living with his aunt in Seoul and begins his schooling the following semester. 
March 2030 (13)
He starts his first semester at Daehwa High School. 
Present (17)
He's still studying at Daehwa, he works part-time and he's also helping out the prom committee and is technically part of said committee.
mom & dad / he's a very family-oriented person, and he's one of those people who have close and tight relationships with their parents. needless to say, being apart from them because of school does make him sad and miss them greatly. he calls them frequently and is very protective of his parents. with them being in busan and him being in seoul, it's just a matter of who worries over the other more.

aunt / while studying in seoul, he took up residence with his aunt on his mother's side. she's a small yet fiery woman with an amazing cooking sense. yeonghwan is glad that the person he ended up living with was her as the two get along rather well. she's a fun person and acts as a mother figure of sorts to yeonghwan.
with his friendly personality, yeonghwan has made quite a lot of friends in the span of time he's been at daehwa. with that said, there are only one or two who would immediately pop into his mind once the zombie crisis begins.

kim beomsoo / his best friend. he's a funny guy, in yeonghwan's mind at least. he's a little over 176cm and acts like a hot shot, trying to be some sort of bad boy that just makes yeonghwan laugh. beomsoo says he's the worst wingman ever, yeonghwan says he wasn't even aware of his having that role. the two play around a lot and have been friends ever since yeonghwan first transferred to daehwa. he's one of the few people who don't necessarily call yeonghwan an idiot to his face.

lee hyunmi / they're not best friends persay but they're rather close, having known each other ever since hyunmi transferred to daehwa back in 2014. she's a rather quiet person, in contrast to yeonghwan's puppy-like exuberance. she tends to help yeonghwan out a lot, acting as a sort of tutor since she's the only one left who has enough patience for him. she has a bit of a crush on yeonghwan which goes unnoticed due to his own crush on someone else ;-).
despite all the help he provided, yeonghwan doesn't actually have a prom date. to answer why, one needs to know how he even came to be part of the prom committee. it all started with one thomas yoon, the transfer student who luckily came to be part of yeonghwan's class. the poor kid had a bit of a crush on the guy that more or less rooted deep, needless to say yeonghwan was very taken by thomas. so taken that when he was announcing the prom committee, yeonghwan took it upon himself to offer his help (for manual labor really).

fast forward a little and there you have yeonghwan helping out with prom preparations simply because of how enamoured he was by the new kid. unfortunately he's too shy to actually confess or anything add the fact that he's not sure if thomas even tolerates him (what with how constantly stressed the boy is) let alone likes him. his one-sided pining left him without a prom date, although he'd be lying if he said he wasn't hoping to spend the night with thomas. (but despite his idealism, he was realistic enough to accept that that was highly unlikely)
character notes
◻ only joined the prom committee because of his crush, thomas (the things love makes you do) otherwise, he doesn't really care all that much about prom.
◻ beomsoo thinks his crush on thomas is really... weird? not so much in a homophobic way just that, 'of all the people you could have a crush on, did it have to be with the one who probably thinks you're dumb as hell?'
◻ yeonghwan is part of the school's taekwondo team, he also has been training for about 11 years.
◻ he's a bit of a hopeless romantic, trust him to daydream about (innocent) things in between classes.

◻ despite the fact that he can pull a "tough" act when need be, he's terrified of ghosts. he has no problems with insects, fearlessly killing them with a slipper or relocating them elsewhere if need be. but if you make him sit and watch a horror movie, he is 100% likely to cry and scream in the middle of it.
◻ has a stuffed dog keychain on his bag that he got as a gift from hyunmi

◻ doesn't quite have a particular favourite music genre although he does notice that he listens to k-indie bands more often than any other band. his favourites are standing egg, 10cm, urban zakapa, j-rabbit, coffee boy, and rooftop moonlight.
◻ his dreams and plans for the future always have his parents in mind, he wants to make sure they can retire and rest comfortably. (although he does wish he could just start working already because he doesn't like his parents overworking themselves to support him.)
◻ he tends to butcher thomas' name sometimes, that doesn't stop him from still attempting to say it (unless thomas himself tells him to call him something else)
◻ he's a catholic and he regularly goes to church on sundays with his aunt, don't be surprised to see him praying before meals and praying to thank god and just, praying when he can.
◻ works part-time as a convenience store clerk on the weekends on on wednesdays (when he gets off from school early) to earn his allowance, part of his salary does go to savings though
◻ more tba in the future?
◻ things yeonghwan says (got angsty real quick)
– "i think a flower smiled at me today."
– "do you think thomas would like it if i did this?"
– "wait... we had homework?!"
– "ma, i told you i'm doing fine. whAT DO YOU MEAN AUNTIE TOLD YOU I FAILED A TEST?!"
– "will give free hugs for world peace." "yeonghwan i don't think that's how it works."
– "when we step on grass do they die or are they just crying and screaming under the weight of our feet????" "wtf hwan."
– "i helped an old lady cross the street and she gave me a dollar and yogurt milk. bless you mrs. kwon."
– "i love everyone."
– "h-huh? i didn't mean it that way... i'm sorry..."
– "i'm sorry... i disappointed everyone again..."
– "i'll try not to get in your way again..."


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hello!!! just thought i should let you know
the story takes place in the year 2034, so yeonghwan should be born in 2017 (rather than 1999) for him to be 17 in the fic :~~~)
i'm so amazed at the pace you work at? not to mention everything you produce is absolute quality?
actual goals i'm fascinated ok bye i love this