The Dark Side (also, update lol)


I'm still not really back *cri* but you will be seeing me around even more <3 I hope...

Although, next month IS nano so by default my posting hiatus will continue (I'm so sorry), there's just too much happening in my life right now and I'm hoping nano can give me the structure I need to actually be productive in terms of fic writing ^^;


Ooooohhhhhhh but!

I wanted to tell you guys about a contest!

I mentioned it before, but I want to showcase it again ~

It's dark themed, prompt based, accepting , yuri het, mostly idolxidol but there's some leeway for you or oc fics ;3

Basically, it's preeetty damn cool ;P Although I might end up withdrawing *sobs*

Come to the Dark Side!


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OMG! Thank you! I really appreciate your support ♡♡♡♡.