Rp partner seeking | kkt line or Kik

I found a very interesting plot which I really want to try.

Also I play out of this plot too.

Anyways this is the plot-

Alex (20) & Crystal's (18) family decided to get them married in near future,neither of them disagreed-even though they always treated each other as best friends.Alex was already living with Titan (20) in Seoul,attending university.Crystal joined them as the third roommate once she got admitted in the same university.Soon Crystal and Titan deveolped an affectionate relationship,while Alex got busy mostly in studies.Things were still steady until one day Titan returned back home way earlier than his usual time and found Crystal laying on the living room couch only in her underwear.


I want to play as Titan-Crystal.For now I want to play Crystal.We sure can modify and bring twist in the plot.


-My faceclaim choice is Jisoo,Jennie,Krystal or Tzuyu

-I don't mind in my partner's faceclaim

-Gmt+8 and I can be online many times a day

-You don't need to be literate.Just an avg English knowledge is well enough for me

-Yeah it's a plot

-I want you to be a bit sincere about the rping.I don't expect you to write paragraph for me.But an two-three line replies would be nice?

-We can try different plot as well

-Line,Kakaotalk,Kik-any will do!



If you're interested just comment down or add me-



Currently my kik is uninstalled.But I can reinstall anytime.


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Hey i am interested if you still are. Hit me up on kik or kkt both of my IDs are FicsLovers.