About To just Quit

I'm about o quit all of my fanfics.

Every last one, including the MBLAQ one I haven' even started yet.


Because I have people criticizing me about posting my stories online for other people to read because they say it's stupid and pointless. And it's making me believe that they thing I myself am stupid. Plus, they constantly tell me that it's pointless to like "Korean " because it's "stupid, they're ugly, they can't sing, and they can't dance" even though no artists in america can without relying on Auto Tune and special effects.

But whatever the hell makes them happy.

And apparently it's a sin to learn Korean to proof to peole that I'm smater than they think and because I absolutely love the language. They think I should only learn i if I have family that only speak Korean. , then why the hell are you learning spanish? BECAUSE IT'S EASY AS AND YOU LIKE IT.

You're just pissed because I HATE the spanish language (no offense to anyone in mexico...) and I find Korean Music, dance, tv, etc. so much better than that you call music.

So I'm really pissed.

And I think i's bes if I drop K-Pop and writing my fanfics.

But I won't do that.

I love K-Pop, it's my life.

I won't give up writing because it's my passion.

And I won't give up learning Korean, because I have my heart set on it, and I've never been so sure about something before like I am write now.

K-Pop forever ♥
I love Korea ♥


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DO NOT STOP WRITING OR LIKING KOREAN STUFF! If you do you just let the stupid haters win. Do you want to give them the satisfaction that they were able to take something you love to do away from you? NO you don't! Keep writing and sharing your love of kpop with people because no matter how many haters you get about it, there will be twice as many who agree with you and love kpop :)
:) I'm glad you won't stop writing them. It's not good to drop something just because other people don't like it. If they don't like it screw them (no offence, or offence, whichever you like best).
I love the language, too. It's beautiful.
And they say that it's stupid. Uhm, hello, but I'm half Korean. Anyone who says that it's stupid, pointless, ect. can bring it up to me and I will kick their asses. I ing hate it when people say that. It's like I should go and say that their culture is stupid, pointless, etc. =_=;;;