Asianfanfics = Asian Fanfics


This website is called Asianfanfics. Just Asian-Fanfics. Very vague, isn't it? It's a site intended for K-pop fanfictions.

But there's no rule saying that you can't write other fanfictions...


Anime is Japanese, which is a part of Asia, therefore, an anime faniction would TECHINCALLY classify as an asian fanfic. So someone COULD actually write an anime fanfiction on this site. Or maybe I'm completely wrong, and in reality if you post an anime fanfiction on this site, the Asianfanfic Gods will banish you to hell or smthn like that. Just sayin'...

Although, by no means am I saying that I'm planning on writing an anime fanfiction. I've already written ONE ty, cringey af, pathetic Sekai fanfiction. I'm not planning on writing another anytime soon...


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hopelesswriter #1
i don't think it was 'intended' for's just that many kpop fans who came to write n publish their stuffs here....hence the flooding of kpop...everyone is free to write whatever they want to....i wouldn't even complaint if it's not even that asian...many people seem to lose confidence to post whatever they want n just want to cater for so called demands...just based on the flooding of kpop me, it's all up to authors whatever you want to write here...
Well Asian Fanfics was and still is open for anime and whatever asian related fan fiction. it's just overflooded with kpop fanfiction
No, you are definitely not wrong there lol. If it has anything to do with Asia, then you can pretty much write about it on here, and yes, that does include stuff like anime. I believe I’ve already seen some peeps out there do stuff with anime and other things as well, whether they are straight just writing about an anime or meshing it together with kpop related stuff. I don’t think I myself would say that AFF is intended for kpop, but it certainly is a fact that the majority of the site is taken up by kpop related things. But, again, like I said, there are stories and such out there for things not kpop related, like I’ve seen peeps write about idols from other countries/languages/groups like China and Thailand and whatnot.