My famous schoolmates (I should really get back to studying)

I got a seriously headache from studying accounting and finance, so my mind goes off somewhere else xD
So I came to think about other stuff, like who are actually attending my university!


As you guys now, I'm a freshman as Korea University...
I already know that the queen of figure skating is attending the same university... 
She is majoring in physical education, which is on the complete oposite of my buildings.So no, I don't see her around campus.
I mean, she got better things to do than hang out at campus. But I know that some of my seniors saw her a few years ago.


I already knew she was a student here, my friend is a big fan and won't shut up about it xD
haha, but what I learned not too long ago is that 2PM's Taecyeon is also a student here. He is attending "International studies graduate school"
Meaning we're not the same major, but I do have classes in the same building. 
But then again, he deffinitly got better things to do than to hang around at campus.
But it's still pretty cool to think about right :D


Does anyone watch abnormal summit?
I was so shocked when I saw a classmate of mine being there as an intern xD
we're not really close, but it was so weird to see him on screen!! And I suddenly learned more about him by watching him on screen than actually sharing a class with him xD



And something completly diffrent.
I met this guy at a supervisor lunch, he is a junior, and he looks EXACTLY like EXO's DO.... I am not even really a fan of EXO, but I reconized that face. Even his smirk was the same. I think I spent 40 min of the 60 min lunch just starring at him, it was seriously creepy. He noticed that I stared, but he just smiled at me, maybe he thought that I liked him? I don't even know anymore xD


Okay, enough with my rant, I'll go back to studying now xD


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Taeminjiyonghonggi #1
LOL!!! Awesome!!! I love that you blog about what's going on over there! Those of us who would love to visit Korea live for these updates! Keep them up, Ice!!!!! Love and hugs!!!
You should be proud of yourself that you only stared at him 40 mins of 60 other people would do it all day hahahahah lol
Good luck<3