
Yeah yeah I know, I'm always busy!
Seriously, when am I not complainging about being too busy or exhausted?

Being a youth in todays society does this to you. Everyone expect you to be able to do everything...
But you only have 1 body, the day only got 24 hours and the week only for 7 days. It's not physically possible to do everything that is expected of you!
As a youth in today's society you have too much too do!
I am always mentally and physically exhausted, always too stressed...

So if you're still a child and reading this, don't grow up! It's not worth it, believe me!

Anyways, the reason I'm ranting is because I have 2 assigments and 5 midterms to study for the next 2 weeks...
Meaning I probably won't update anything during this time.

Until I'm done with this hell called midterms!
Lot's of love everyone


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Sugarrrr #1
Good luck!
Take your time and do not be stressed. Just focus on your exams. We'll wait. Give us good news. ok?
Good luck!
Always remember that life is the most important thing, and focus on your studies<3
BladeDevil #4
Just take your time, no one's gonna blame you if life happened. Just focus on your studies and we'll wait for you to come back....