my old school is getting ridiculous...


So I woke up this morning to a very angry mother...I asked what was wrong and basically she told me that my old school - where I had so much trouble- where my brother goes currently. They took my brother out of his English class and put him in a room with 3 police officers where they proceeded to interview my brother as if he were a criminal, my brother is a minor - underaged, meaning what the school and police officers did was against the law as if a person is under the age of 16 they have to have a parental figure with them to be interviewed. They accused my brother of doing drugs, selling drugs, having trouble with the police etc, all without a ounce of evidence, and when my brother denied doing any of this the police officers rolled their eyes....ROLLED THEIR can you expect people to trust police officers if they accuse a 15 year of doing things with no evidence and then roll their eyes when the person denies it because they know they've done nothing wrong....

My brother is innocent. He hasn't touched drugs, and has no money to in the first place, he doesn't smoke due to asthma and he has never been involved with the old school have bullied my brother since he started...always calling home for the most pathetic of things...for example my brother walked into a classroom wearing a coat - it was winter time and baring in mind he has asthma he has to keep warm, he just walked into the room with his coat on which he was going to take off when he sat down...the school called home because he entered a room with a coat on..... which most students do....also he was marked a 0 on a test in science and when he knew that was wrong because Science is actually one of his best subjects the teacher was abdemant that my brother had took my brother to take his paper to a different teacher to get it remarked and my brother actually got full marks... the teachers hate him for no reason...yes he can be annoying at times but to constantly belittle him to make him feel dumb when he isnt and to bully him because that is what they just wrong... 

The school is known for picking at least 3 students in a year to bully. There was a boy with anger issues in my year and the teachers loved to push him to the limit till he lost control of his anger and caused a scene.. yet he was the one to get suspended not the teachers for causing the boy to get angry. My brother is now the unlucky one. 

My mum is going in today to go crazy at the head master and deputy head because after the police officer inccident yesterday they have put my brother up for a 6 week course where they take my brother to jail and lock him up....they had no evidence that he was doing anything wrong and they're treating him like a criminal..... it is really disgusting. 



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bobjo1913 #1
Omg omg omg. That is horrible. I hope ur brother can b proved innocent. That is seriously messed up. Ur brother has so much evidence not supporting the claims, like asthma smoker? Theyve gotta b kidding. This should b taken to court! Im so angry about those headed police. Ugh! Bullying is so stupid and useless! Theyr so immature. Dont they kno theres more damage than physical??? Mental scars r deadly, and i wish kids will grow up faster and realize that.