L.ink - Character Application

Basic Information
AFF Username*: addictedtoyourlove
Name*: Baek Eunri
Nickname: Artemis, Baekri, Circe.
Ethnicity*: Korean-Japanese
Birthday*: 31 / 12 / 91
Age*: 20
Place of birth*: Tokyo, Japan
Languages*: Korean - Fluent, Japanese - Fluent, English - Conversational

Height*: 169cm
Weight*: 48kg
Ulzzang Name*: Kim Da Hyun
Ulzzang Links*: 

2nd Ulzzang Name*: Min Hyo Sun
2nd Ulzzang Links*: 
Open for hairstyle/colour changes?*: I would prefer her to have long black hair as it suits her personality more in my opinion >_< but I guess the hair colour changing wouldn't matter much.
Style*: Eunri doesn't like wearing revealing clothes or short things. Most of the time she wears jeans, a top, a jacket or coat and a pair of converses. She finds high heels hard to walk in as she always stumbles when she wears them. Dresses are a big no-no unless it's a formal occasion. Her favourite colour to wear is black and white as she thinks they are the most neutral colors. Her clothing style could be typically seen as punk-like or gothic when it's a formal occasion.
Links Casual Outfit(s)*: http://www.polyvore.com/punk_dagger/set?id=39170821
Links Dorm Outfit(s)*: http://www.polyvore.com/gym/set?id=41624823
Links Formal Outfit(s)*: http://www.polyvore.com/gothic_lt/set?id=40224214
Anything else: Nope.

Likes*: Gaming, roller blading, sweet food, not having to speak alot, manga / anime, cosplay, singing, dancing, music.
Dislikes*: Sunny weather, warm places, small spaces, large crowds, noisy or loud people, spicy food, having to focus alot, people that irritate her, being looked down upon by others, losing.
Hobbies*: Singing, gaming, roller blading, dancing, cosplaying, watching anime, reading manga.
Habits*: Tapping her finger when bored, clenching her jaw if she's losing, shaking her leg when agitated or excited, murmuring to herself when she's angry or furious, clenching her hands if something annoys her when rollerskating, biting her lip in thought. 
Talents: Singing three octave range, playing the cello.
Random facts*: She admires Kanon Wakeshima. Her favourite song is Leader'S - Please. Her favourite colour is blue. Her ideal type is a sweet, caring and romantic guy who preferably has a deep voice. She can't speak fast - this is the reason why she didn't want to be a rapper. 
Personality*: Eunri comes off as quite a cold and antisocial type of person. Well, she is infact antisocial and at times is cold to others. She doesn't have much interest in socialising with others. She is very competitive at everything - especially gaming and roller blading. The reason that she doesn't speak much isn't because shes shy but more because she views having to speak as troublesome. Her claustrophobia means that she can't stand to be in large crowds or small spaces as she gets irritable. She's not afraid to be blunt with her words at all even if someone is upset by it. She looses interest quickly in people and things, hence why she only has a few friends. Secretly, she wants a nice, sweet, loving and caring boy to warm up her heart and make her less cold to others. On the outside, she seems like a man-hater, this is where she got one or two of her nicknames from.
On Stage Character*: When performing, she may not appear to be very charismatic, y, cute, fierce or anything like that but tries to put emotion into her voice and can easily impress the audience with her three octave range vocals. In the group, she's probably the least charismatic one actually. If its needed or required, she will try to act in a certain way or do certain actions - eg; acting cute, acting y or winking. But she kinda fails at acting cute and doing aegyo.

Family / Background
Mother*: Baek LiRee, 48. She's a teacher but doesn't see Eunri very often because she spends most of her time at work. She doesn't get along well at all with her only daughter.
Father*: Baek Sungmin, 48. He's a game designer who always was around Eunri when she was young. And because of this they get along very well and his hobbies and interests have slightly rubbed off on her. They are extremly close which to most people seems strange.
Siblings*: Baek Kisun, 24. He's a university student and is studying law. As a child he would tease Eunri alot which caused them to argue alot. Nevertheless, he does deeply care for her.
Life before becoming a trainee*: Eunri was born in Tokyo, Japan as a premature baby when her family were on vacaction there. Shortly after she was born - around a month or two after; they went back to South Korea. As a child Eunri didn't spend much time with her mother and instead spent most of her time with her father. Her father would play console games whilst looking after her which was bound to happen because he was a game designer. However, when he got promoted when she was around eight, he had to work harder for longer shifts so she didn't see him much. Her brother, Kisun was extremly studious and got very high grades which to say the least, she didn't exactly acheive. She began roller skating when she was around ten years old. Her mother was annoyed when Eunri got low grades because she was a teacher so expected her children to get high grades. In high school she didn't really have any friends and usually sat there in silence, occasionally listening to what the teacher was saying to the class. When she was around 14 years old, she auditioned for SM. She was accepted only on the second time that she auditioned which was the next week after her first audition. The reason she was scouted by SM was for her vocal talent and determination to reach her goal.

Idol Life
Stage Name: Eunri or Mercury.
Position*: Main Vocal or Lead Vocal
Extra: Has appeared a few times on Oh My School and in a few music videos from SM.

Trainee life*: Like everyone else who has been an SM trainee has said; it was very difficult for her. She didn't get much sleep due to the hard training programme that all trainee were put under. Not to mention that she was only really good at vocal singing. She felt very stressed as she was still in school so had to managed her academic studies and her training. This was made worse by the fact that her mother was a teacher so wanted her to pursue an academic occupation like her brother Kisun had as a Lawyer. Also, she didn't have many friends so struggled when they had to do groupwork or partner work - usually either being antisocial and not speaking or left partnerless. As a trainee she had hardly any time to play on her console games like her nintendo ds, go roller skating read manga or watch anime because of the sheer amount of school work and training that would eventually build up over time. She almost gave up towards the end but just about managed to convince herself to stay as a trainee. She would always try her hardest though. If she was dropped she would have been furious as she had worked her of to get where she was.
Trainee for how many years*: Just under 6 years.

Social Links
Best Friends*: Sohee from Wonder Girls - They both have troubles trying to display emotion to others or the public and tend to have similar personalities. Eunri calls her a cat because of her cat-like facial appearance.
Subin from Dal Shabet - They were in the same high school together before she became a trainee and sat near each other.
Tiffany from SNSD - They were both trainees at the same time and she helped Eunri learn English as at the time that she joined SM she could only speak a few words of English. She tries to make Eunri be kinder to others.

Friends*: Dara from 2NE1 - They get along very well but Dara's cuteness or aegyo sometimes annoys Eunri.
Krystal - They're both fairly mean and unfriendly which makes a close to perfect match not to mention they have similar voices. Their friendship makes Jessica jealous ofcourse.
Seungri from Big Bang - She views him as a kind and sweet person who is a good singer and an amazing dancer. They don't see each other often.
Minwoo from ZE:A - He talks to her alot as they were friends from school and he thinks of her very highly. She views him as talented in singing and dancing and is a big fan of his band, ZE:A.
Soyeon from T-ara - They were both trainees under SM at the same time so trained together. She was one of the few people that Eunri bothered to befriend. At first she thought that Eunri might steal her position in SNSD though due to their similar talents.

Rivals: IU and Jessica from SNSD.
Rivals because ...?: IU has a similiar vocal range of three octaves as Eunri does and they're both average at dancing but their personalities are completley opposites. Jessica has a very similar personality to Eunri so their personalities clash alot of the time - not to mention that she is close to her sister which makes Jessica jealous. 
Lover: Lu Han from EXO, Himchan from BAP, Kyuhyun from Super Junior
How did you meet?: Kyuhyun - They were both trainees and when their free time came around they both happened to decide to choose to do some gaming. They played against each other and at the end it was a draw. Himchan - She was just walking down the pavement when she bumped into him. Nochalantly, she sat there; waiting for him to offer his hand and when he didn't she pulled herself up and glared at him. When she saw him at a variety show that she attended she was not happy. At all. Lu Han - One day, she was training in an SM dance studio when she had a bad fall and injured her leg. She found it hard to move her leg but luckily Lu Han came and helped her to get up and sent her back to her dorm.
How's the relationship?: Kyuhyun - They are mortal enemies for now and are always competing against each other. They are both extremly competitive gamers and hate losing to the other. Himchan - He seems to like her slightly but she completley dislikes him because of his rude manners from when they first met. Most of the time she ignores him unless he speaks to her first. She loves his deep voice and he would be her ideal type if he was more sweet and romantic. It appears that he may like her a bit - maybe he has a crush on her. Lu Han - She has a tiny crush on him because of what he did when they first met. He is the person who fits her ideal type the closest so far out of all the boys that she's met. They are good friends now and speak oftenly and lately have been very very close.
Go public or not?: Go public because if they don't like it then it's their problems, not Eunri's and his or the companies or it shouldn't be anyway. And relations shouldn't affect peoples views on them as idols. She doesn't care at all what others think of her.

How important is the group to you?*: She is very happy to be in the group and tries her best to be successful for them. However, she doesn't care about anti's that they receive so has to be reminded to be polite. She's wanted to be a singer all her life and isn't going to let anyone take that away from her so yes, the group is extremly important to her.
How do you feel in the sub-entertainment?*: She is exactly very pleased as she feels that in a way she has been demoted but is really fine as long as she can meet other idols, debut and sing her heart out.
Others: Nope ~ But if something's wrong with it please do PM me about it ^_^


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