

I am currently sick with a cold and it’s getting worse. I started getting the symptoms over a week ago but it didn’t set in till Friday evening. From then I spent my weekend in bed going through over 100 tissues, then went to college yesterday feeling like death. What makes it worse is that I pretty much have a full day today and I am just feeling like crap….

It’s frustrating because my attendance is 83% already….meaning I pretty much can’t have another day off for about a month.

I am not in the mood to deal with teachers today…luckily I have had no comments or anything from anyone after a few instances a week ago, it is more coming from the elderly on the bus now- this one guy acted as if I was a disease and squished himself up against a window while there was a few inches between us. They complain about us but are just as bad.

I don’t want to go to college today…really don’t want to go…

 I am sat here just contemplating going in late…so missing my first class which is English because in all honesty I am not in the right mood for English at all today…not after yesterday and Friday…

Oh well who knows…its only 7AM and I have to leave my house. I won’t even get to college till 8:15AM…and there’s been 4 clown sightings in my town since Friday…I am going to cry…


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Exofan12345 #1
Omg have you heard about the clown sigthings as well there have been some in york thank god I live in uni campus
saghirezai #2
Ohhh it's so bad when u aren't in a good mood but u have to go to the college:-(Hope u get well very soon:-)fighting.