I don't know what to feel

I'm graduating this year and I'm planning to get a second degree. I plan to study arts, music to be specific. I think I should develop my skills with instruments. It's just actually a hobby, a stress reliever, but I guess I want to try it simce I'm too focused on Mathematics and Sciences. A little on Arts won't hurt, right?

So I want to go to Juilliard. But I'm doubting myself. It is really just a hobby and I had no formal training on playing instruments so i might not get accepted. My second choice is to study in Japan. I personally like their training on music though I don't know much about it. I tried learning Japanese during my free time, but I gave up since it's too complicated.

My next option is in Korea. It's a little easy to learn it, but the grammar is too confusing. I told myself, Hangul is the easiest for me to learn so it'll be my second choice after Juilliard. So I looked for ways.

There was a native Korean actor in a play I joined in last semester(?). We weren't close so I hesitated at first. (I'm not close with anyone in the play other than the director, actually.) But I still tried to contact him. I did message him early April this year. He wasn't responding. I mean, he can decline, of course. I even said I'm willing to pay. I gave up then. I just told myself that I'll enrol in foreign language courses next semester.

But last Friday, he replied. I don't know what made him agree now. Is he in need of money this time?

Okay. I know I'm overreacting and overthinking things, but I can't help it. I wanted to say no to him at first, but music is life :((


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saghirezai #1
I think it's better to find more information from a trustworthy source.U have to think carefully and decide because it is your future.Good Luck:-)
ilovesmyhubby #2
Don't easily trust people dear..what if he bring your money run?? If you really want it..make an agreement first with him..so that you can trust him.
syaamil #3
Whatever you want to do..think about the future that you will be faced first..if you think its worth it.. So why not you try and if not..maybe you can just take it as a hobby:)
I'm support you here:)