♣ Critique Partners Club ♣

Copied and pasted from the original blog. This should be spread more widely here on AFF. Come and join! I'm very positive that this kind of stuff will give each one of us benefits and improve us to be a better writer :D


Critique Partners Club

brought to you by Solbee

It is basically a club where you as a writer (or someone who just enjoys reading stories but aren't a writer yourself), can seek for advice, help and encouragement by fellow writers.

If you are stuck with your story this might be a good page for you to join. Also a way to get to know other writers and get a sense of community (which I think is lacking here on AFF), so this possibility of interacting with other writers/ readers makes me very happy. 


If you follow the link- you will get all the information you need.

But just some keypoints so you can get a better picture:

WHAT do I sign up for?

you can be a: critique partner, beta reader, test reader
(you can be whatever you wanna be-
the site will you give further details and descriptions for each term)


as an author you can make a request

which means you can fill out a form- stating what you are looking for
(CP, beta reader, test reader)


Either way, if wanting to help or needing help.
This is a place where you will find someone who is willing to offer what you want/need (you know what i mean)


There is not much to lose but so much to gain from joining.

We are all winners here. 


(yes, some might find my styling of this post rather horrible. you can also get help for those kind of things at the club)


Over and out.




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