Jiwonxoxo and Supersaiyan

since both of u blocked me I was forced to make a blog to announce u that u both are complete s and liars. But I forgave u two. Hope u two forgive me too. Don't call me a crazy , or over this blog. I really am gonna leave aff from now on so just basically everyone.. Please forgive me


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Sorry, btw
I mean like, I think ur only doing this cause you finally learned from ur own mistake?
But, just bc ppl are calling you ty names doesn't mean you have to leave
I mean, I'm actually going to miss talking to you, lol (#savage)
But I'm not a very easy forgiver n probably never will, but you can stay n we can actually become friends, with everyone who hated you actually
I just think it would be better that way, or even make a new acc. n meet ppl that way n not talk
Idk if that's the real reason ur leaving tho, lol