5th Anniversary Karma Challenge

In celebration of my 5th anniversary here on AFF, I am going to run a drabble challenge for the month of October!

Here's how it works! Each week, I will post a lyric and a word limit for the challengers to write a drabble about. They will have one week to write their drabble. At the end of the week of writing, a winner will be chosen, the karma prize paid out, and a new lyric posted for another drabble challenge! 

The catch?

The winners will not be chosen by me, they will be chosen by the READERS. Read each drabble and vote for a favorite by commenting!


Sound interesting? Go >> HERE<< to read the rules, or copy and paste the following link if clicking doesn't work!



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Queenka94 #1
Cool! Maybe I should give it a try.....or nahh,.gosh, I'm soo lazy..
Awesome idea
ooh this sounds awesome! i'll def check it out~
Ok, this sounds cool :D Might as well enter *^*
I'm so excited about this thooooo ~
Cool! This sounds really good! Thank you for letting me know about it♡.