An International Kpopper's Struggles

Ever since I've entered the kpop vortex of doom, some serious chiz has been happening to me. Like, not that serious, but serious to my dark and twisted mind. I have only one question to ask......

Why kpop, WHY. You have raised my expectations soooo high. I am losing my sleep and my sanity. 

The worst thing that has happened to my former self was getting my phone taken away. ( I know that doesn't sound so bad, but I'm in the spur of the moment right now. The worst thing that has happened to my newer, kpop self was my bias going to LA instead of Alaska, like seriously what does LA have that I don't and another thing- sorry getting off topic. What I'm trying to say is kpop has changed me SO much. 

The reason why my mom took my phone away was beacause I used up all of my data. How did I use up all my data you ask, well one day my cousin told me look up something called kpop. I remember thinking, dang their dancing skills are dope, so I watched another video after the next after the next. Then I ended up staying up past 2 am watching various kpop music videos. And that my friends, was the story of how I was pulled into the trap. 

Anyways, I go through many struggles as an international kpop fan. There's the obvious problem of them never being in the same state as you. But another problem is, my 'ideal type' has drastically changed. Now my ideal type has been changed to be a popular, good-looking, smart, and generally perfect guy. And I know there's no one out there who's perfect so yeah, I'm screwed. 

And I literally think that I'll eventually die from my serious disease called, ultimate-kpop-feels-itus. I caught it from my Army cousins. Yeah, to be honest, I don't know if should hate them for ruining my life or hug them for introducing me to my one true love, Park Chanyeol. 

Tell me does anyone else out there go through this chiz I do?


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how old are you?
OH! ...and the KPop struggle is verrrry REAL so hang in there Alaska!

Cheers! ^_^ PJ
Does your home have wifi? if your phone is connected to that it doesn't use your data to watch vids :)