Stereotyping - A School Story - Ju Yeji

_b-joo. Taka. 3/7. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
Ju Yeji
"being a transfer sstudent is hard and all, but who cares; I'll rise to the top!"
FULL NAME — Ju, Yeji
• Kate + her English name given to her by her parents
• Lizzy + American friends gave her this nickname thinking it was closer to her real name, parents wen along with it too
GENDER — female, despite how muscular and competitve she acts, she's actually a girl
DOB + AGE — 03 • 31 (16)
BIRTHPLACE — Seo District, Daegu, S. Korea
HOMETOWN — Miamii, Florida, USA
ETHNICITY — Korean/Chinese
• English + "I actually grew up in America, so native language... School and all there."
• Korean + "At home my parents would talk to me in Korean."
FACE CLAIM — Chou Tzuyu (Twice)
BACKUP — Choi Yuna (GFriend)
• Yeji is actually somewhat muscular, especially for her age group, despite her skinny frame. Also she has some pretty big chest given her body size, a 34B. Her light brown hair can sometimes look a dark brown, depending on the lighting, and same goes for her eyes.
OTHER — Has both ears pierced, but her left ear has a double peircing and her right ear is pierced at the top.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 165cm (5'5")
52kg (114.64 lbs)
• The fashion sense Yeji has in somewhat a male-ish style, or so called by her sister. Her older sister had asked her to model all of the girl outfits that she had made, making Yeji dislike wearing girly outfits. Her fashion sense has been compared, multiple times by her sister, to that of all the B.A.P members; she doesn't mean to dress like them actually.. it just happened...
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

(+) creative | courageous | funny | nice | active

(o) childish | sassy | 4D

(–) messy | slightly shy | careless | vague | lazy


Creative and dangerous. Yeji is a very creative person, but it can be dangerous at times. When Yeji used to draw and write a lot, she'd often disappear to try to get inspration. Her room would also be very messy and when a friend of her's came over she almost stepped on a blade she had forgotten to put away when she cleaned her room. She's the messy clean type of person, organized things can actually lead to her losing lots of things and misplacing them even more.

Courageous and careless. Yeji is very courageous and like to take risks, but that can also be pretty careless and clumsyat times. There was once were she went ahead and took the dare to do parkour from her friends, she did a pretty good job, until she got cocky and tripped on something, landing flat on her face. Sometimes she's just careless and is stuck in thought; during school, when she leaves a classroom, sometimes she walks into the door or the doorframe or wall...

Slightly shy, but still nice and funny! Being slightly shy can be bad, but there actually is a positive thing about it, she can be more reflective and observant than others at times, this actually came in handy for basketball (making observations about the oppisite team, too find weaknesses, and her teammates, what they all need to work on). She has a lot of friend but only a few that she's actually really close too. The ones that she is close too always say she is funny, kind, cheer her on in everything, and ask for free tickets to her concerts.

Being young is being childish. Remember Yeji is younger than she looks! She's only a teenager so she still acts like a child at times. At times she can be very immature and inappropiate. Since she is not a native Korean speaker, sometimes when someone is talking to her in Korean she can mishear or think they said it in another language (mixes up language sometimes) and can think it the wrong way. Sometimes she can be sassy and at times she doesn't mean to, only every once in a while though.

Active yet lazy? Yeji is active and likes to play sports, but there are times where she has been to active and just goes into "lazy mode," where she pretty much does nothing. Her lazy mode usually activates when she is told to go do something she doesn't want to do. She loves to play sports and run around though.

Just keep going straight. The vagueness of Yeji often makes people feel lost, but this is only part of her 4D personality. When Yeji is most vague, is telling how to get to her house ("just keep going straight until you see the stop sign, and then when you get to the stop sign keep going straight, down the little dip and up the hill and my house is right on the top of the hill, inside the fencing") and telling someone where something is ("oh yeah, I saw that just over there").

What do you mean? Yeji can be slightly shy, but once you really do get to be friends with her, it can be hard to understand her and this is all because of her 4D personality really. Sometimes she just blanks out for no reason, like when she's in the middle of watching a movie she likes. Her speech is also confusing sometimes since she mixes up words, no matter what. Her friends also consider her being able to recognize that someone trying to speak to her, no matter which name they use, is part of her 4D personality.

• Yeji was born in a hospital in Seo-gu, Daegu, South Korea to her parents and older sister and brother. Her family had been out of the USA due to work and brought their children with them, but when her mom was too pregnant to return back to the USA, they had to stay there until Yeji was born and was able to return to the USA with them all.
• She had lived the normal everyday life of any child, well maybe of those happy one you always see in TV. She got along well with her siblings and everyone when she was in school. Up until the 1st grade her parents would only talk to her in English, but finally decided that it was the time for her to learn their native language Korean.
• Yeji grew up playing sports such as soccer and basketball while balanicing school in with all of it. It wasn't until the end of her second year in high school (in America, 10th grade) that her parents had decided to move back to South Korea, 2 years after her older brother had graduated, leaving her being the only child to move their with them. Yeji ended up becoming a second year in high school again (11th grade) and a transfer student. Immediatly signed up for basketball and track at the school.
• There wasn't really anything in particular about her past in all honesty, she was your average Korean growing up in Miami who focused on studies to be able to do sports, and plus studies came to her easily. One thing that probably could really stick out in her life is probably the fact that despite all her hard works in studies and in athletics, the main thing she wants to be in the future is actually a singer (her back-up plan so far is being an army doctor).
• There were also the ever so little few fights she would get in at school though. Sometimes she had fought with classmates for slacking and goofing off in class; such as one of her upperclassmen in a math class with her (since she takes advance math), he was goofing around and it pissed her off. Just little minor fights, nothing to big to really get her suspended, because she takes sport compitetions very seriously and doesn't like to work really hard in practices and not be able to compete.

• oppa - Ju Chaewon (20) - chef - cautious, caring, devious - 7 out of 10
• unnie - Ju Minji (22) - fashion college student - creative, funny, stubborn - 5 out of 10
• appa - Ju Dabin (41) - orthodontist - humorous, smart - 6 out of 10
• umma - (Zhou) Ju Lihua (45) - garden manager - green-thumb, willful - 6 out of 10
• best friend - Cortes "Alex" (16) - student - funny, lazy - 8 out of 10
• best friend's sister - Cortes Minsoo (13) - student - creative, stupid - 8 out of 10
• person - Han Sang In (17) - student - xxx - one day hopefully a 7
• "I basically love food more than anything." fav food are ramen, sushi, dim sum, and siopao
• likes mango, strawberry, & lychee flavored smoothies; enjoys with coconut jelly or rainbow jelly
• likes a variety of manga & anime, but some she doesn't
• bandanas, "They're cool looking!"
DO THEY LIKE THEIR CLICK? — Well she loves playing basketball and doing track, but she could also be considered a Brains, because she focuses really hard in school to be able to do sports.
IF THEY COULD CHANGE IT, WHAT WOULD THEY BE IN? — Kind of answered it up above on accident.
LOVE INTEREST — Kim, Taehyung
BACKUP — Jeon Jungkook
• 4D
• Smart
• Honestly they really find each other annoying, but in the way that they find it attractive in the end. Taehyung would get annoyed with how Yeji seems to only focus on studies because of sports and Yeji sometimes gets annoyed with how Taehyung seems to be pretty set on beating his rival. After being paired together for a project they began to realize they liked each other, and when Taehyung slips and falls on top of her...
RELATIONSHIP — "I don't know what you would really call it.." That awkward phase between friendship and crushing. She'll stand up for him whenever he needs it though, because she knows how it feels to not be what someone wishes you were. Wouldn't mind getting slapped on the face for him because he doesn't deserve to be slapped, he works way to hard to be hit or criticized.
STATUS — "What do you mean by 'status?" Cause I'm single, and I think he is too, but ahhhh..."
• maybe just Taehyung being the one who shows Yeji around the school when she first transfers, but makes a really bad impression..?
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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