Annual Book


kkk I was sooooooo happy! why? Because I've done photoshoot for annual book in my school and it was A.W.E.S.O.M.E

It seems yesterday I was a junior and now I am a senior at my school, and this year is my last year in high school >_____<

And do you know what? I was choosen as the queen for my class, I mean my class using royal theme for the annual book and I was chosen to be the queen LOL

But I'm a little bit upset because one of "my friend" that b*tch pissed me off. (well, I feel bad when I called her a b*tch.)

And for your information, she's dressed like a who frequent the nightclub, I mean people who "work" in a nightclub. and I think are not suitable for school pupils -______-

Maybe I was a little excessive and maybe I have no right to interfere her affairs in dress but she really gets on my nerves and it made me lose my respect to her =______=

Although she makes me a bad mood but I feel very happy and tired~~ :'>

I hope the result will be good and according to what I expect :3

Thanks for everything, you're rock guys!!!! I LOVE YOU~~~~ <3<3<3<3<3


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