The Hunger Games

Ok, anyone obsessed with this book like me?? ;D

I'm inspired by this book in writing Trust and Betrayal :3 So much twists and ASDFGHJKL bloody, romance, everything!! o___o Everyone in my class are like reading it (Ken, you started it!! :P)

Thinking what if Katniss would be Jessica and Peeta would be Donghae. ;D




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oneprincess #1
OH YEAH! At least some of you here loves that book as well :D
I'm still in Catching Fire though and yeah in March 23, the movie'll be out HOORAY! Planning to make a fic but probably on the last weeks of Feb since I'm extremely busy with school that's why I can't update my fics TT forgive meee
I'll think of a nice plot similar to this book. Hmmm, what about let's make our own vid about them being Katniss and Peeta ;] Who would be Gale? Want it to be Jaejoong or Taec, well Taec since he's tall-ish. And who's Cato? :D And Prim, more so Haymitch and Effie ;D LSM or Kim Young Min shall be President Snow :O
OMG you should totally do that! ^^ I LOVE THE HUNGER GAMES <3
ChubbyChibi #3
DO THAT!!! OMG!!!!
I'm told it's a good book (: i have a friend who is obsessed with it... lol
there's a movie coming out soon right? <3