「Survive till--!!」The Confused | Zhu Wen Qiang

zhu wen qiang
for Survive Till--!!
username. BangingDae
nickname. Purple
activity rate. everyday to every other day

name. Zhu Wen Qiang
nickname. Qiang
birthdate. 12 December 1992
birthplace. Busan, South Korea
hometown. Busan, South korea
ethnicity. Chinese
fashion style
face claim. Park Hyung seok (gallery)
backup faceclaim. Kim Myoung jae (gallery)

appearance. His hair is dyed blue but his tattoos are not like face claims. He has three. One on his right arm in Chinese that reads; Don't trap me in your useless judgements. One on his left wrist in Korean that reads; Please mind your own business. The final one is a cluster of stars on his hip that he got while living with his parents.
fashion sense. T-shirts and jeans. hoodies. things easy to put on and easy to take off. he'll wear jeans even if it's hot outside. if he wears a dress shirt it's usually open with a tank top under it. he really likes wear snapbacks or baseball caps but always backwards even if the sun is in his eyes.
life's story
personality. He is quick to anger and sadness while forcing himself to hide all other emotions. Qiang believes that it is helping the group if they don't have to deal with his problems every so often. Despite believing this, Qiang actively asks that the others not bottle things up. Going as far as to offer a shoulder to cry on if they need it.

Being the scavenger Qiang has seen zombies face to face making him a tad jumpy. He fears that the leader will one day get fed up with his overly caring ways and have the group leave him. He knows he needs to care a little less to survive but he just can't help it. Why should he eat if someone who truly needs it can have it? Although in his eyes everyone else needs it more than he does.

background. Qiang never quite understood why his parents moved to South Korea just before he was born. Apparently it didn't matter. According to his mother his father left shortly after the move, something about not being able to keep it in his pants. Obviously they never married due to the whole his dad sleeping with everyone thing. Growing up with just his mother Qiang didn't exactly come out normal. He dated both a man and woman but stopped there. Doing just that seemed to muddle his brain on his interest. Once the zombie apocalypse started it was a tad too late to try to figure out just what he wanted.

likes. chocolate, soda, cucumbers
dislikes. being called cute/adorable, rudeness
hobbies. drawing, singing (awfully), dancing (awfully)
habits. chewing on clothes/nails
trivia. likes to use bats cause guns are noisy

friends. (All deceased/zombies)
family. (All deceased/zombies)
lover's smile
love interest. Jung Daehyun
backup love interest. Oh sehun

personality. determined flirt.
background. idol forced to become warrior

relationship. Qiang shares extra portions of his own food with the known over eater. Daehyun does his best to look out for Qiang within the group and outside. The idol is the first to form feelings for the other. Qiang being Qiang doesn't quite understand it but rolls with it as Daehyun starts to treat him as such. It doesn't help that neither know what their doing in this regard. Daehyun is determined however.
little notes
suggestions. fill in info here
scene requests. fill in info here
password. warm bodies
application layout coded by cerulean themes


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0721muxikiboo #1
I'm sorry I didn't quite get this but is this the info of the characters you will use for your new fic?